I finally got around to doing my jetting. In a couple weeks Im having my slips ons made so it should be good to go. I have a 97 BTW, I was curious for those of you that have tore into the Mikunis, are the stock needles clipped? mine were and best I could tell from mic`ing them their the same as the ones in the jet kit I got. The clips were stock in the middle of 5 avaliable slots. I also set the float levels. 2 were 1/8" to high and 1 on the money. I installed 112 mains also and synced the carbs,new air filter. What a difference!! thing idles smooth and quiet. Thing pulls like a freight train just how I like it. Ill try to post some pics of my exhaust when done. might be able to con my friend into mass producing some Tiger stuff.