
Talk => Speaking Of Bikes... => Topic started by: JRO on June 27, 2006, 06:17:29 AM

Title: Tigers in Seattle
Post by: JRO on June 27, 2006, 06:17:29 AM
Yep, it's true.  I've never seen another Tiger on the road, and was of the opinion they didn't really exist, until my Seattle trip, this last week.  I saw two on I-5, heading North, one silver and one green, and two more in downtown Seattle - one an absolutely beautiful, earlier model black Tiger, that looked like it just came from the showroom floor; the other looked like it was just rescued from a salvage, and may have belonged to one of the many bums around town.

Oops. You're supposed to say 'homeless', or 'domicility challenged', or some such rot (I learned this in Seattle). Being a poor Okie boy, however, I just call them 'bums'. Anyway, it didn't look or sound too healthy, but it was still running.

Of course, I didn't have a motorcycle, up there.  Oh, no.  My oldest talked me into flying up, so we could drive back #2's truck and some of his things.  I had wanted to ride, but was convinced flying up would give us more time with #2, before he took off for foriegn lands.  Maybe we'll ride up, when he returns.

In any event, I now know for certain that other people actually ride Tigers.  But - apparently - only in Seattle. That must take a lot of guts too, becuase I'm convinced that only the worst drivers in the U.S.ofA. live there.
Post by: Brother Number One on June 27, 2006, 09:24:14 AM
Tis a sign of age that I still associate Seattle with great music :(
Title: Tigers in OK
Post by: dancope on June 28, 2006, 03:32:26 PM
Where in OK are you?  I live Pink, OK and agree, they are rare, however I see them on occasion.  BTW Pink is east of Norman.
Title: Re: Tigers in OK
Post by: JRO on June 28, 2006, 06:15:45 PM
Quote from: "dancope"Where in OK are you?  I live Pink, OK and agree, they are rare, however I see them on occasion.  BTW Pink is east of Norman.


Pink is better than 100 miles from Enid.  You sure you're not in Parker? That's over East of Non.
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