Hi guys. Im a newbie here but have visited for quite a while. Primarily I ride an ST but I also have an immaculate '96 Steamer. I recently had to get a new rear rim and spokes fitted due to corrosion and I'm now thinking about getting the front done. I'm seriously toying with the idea of fitting a 17" front but this throws up problems with the mudguard (easily overcome) and the mechanical speedo. Has anyone any experience of this mod with a steamer and if so did they a) get the original speedo recalibrated (and if so where) or b) fit the speedo from another bike (and if so which one).
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
Cccccccccccccccccan't really help. I did ride a Trophy12 for a year with the speedo disconnected and a cycling speedo in its place. Worked well to 120, then got confused :D
I've been wanting to convert to 17" rims for some time and also have the same concerns as you, front mudguard is a problem as the 19" one doesn't look right and I'm not sure what else will fit. Also the speedo issue, if you do change please post details as I'm very interested in what works.
I've gone the 17" front route and recommend it highly. As to the speedo error, I compensate mentally but even with the stock 19" I had to do that. Originally it was off by 10 percent. Now it's off about 13 percent. Have you considered the speedo drive from a Trophy?