This morning my battery was dead. Got it all charged up but now when i hit the starter button I get a loud electronic buzz from down to the righ beneath the battery box and the tach spikes, but no effort comes from the starter. Anybody know what's going on? Do I have a bad relay? where the fuck is it?
relay, check connections under battery box. thats were they(it is,, relay) are on my 2004 tiger. you probably got corosion from all that snow you ride in! disconnect leads and clean with sandpaper or file, then reinstall. you know, end of lead(wire) has crimped on end with round hole in it for bolt on relay to go through. take off seat, then battery box and look under there for relay.
Quote from: "tenpaq"relay, check connections under battery box. thats were they(it is,, relay) are on my 2004 tiger. you probably got corosion from all that snow you ride in! disconnect leads and clean with sandpaper or file, then reinstall. you know, end of lead(wire) has crimped on end with round hole in it for bolt on relay to go through. take off seat, then battery box and look under there for relay.
Thanx for the tip. I suspect it is something like that. Be next week before I can check it out properly, will let you know what I find. Anybody with a Steamer know exactly where the relay is? I will probably just strip the plastic and search the noise out...
My experience of bikes and cars is that when the power from the battery is making the solenoid rattle it is one of two problems.
1/ there's not enough power to turn the starter motor.
2/ the starter motor is jammed.
Hope you get it found and fixed soon.
Quote from: "RedMenace"This morning my battery was dead. Got it all charged up but now when i hit the starter button I get a loud electronic buzz from down to the righ beneath the battery box and the tach spikes, but no effort comes from the starter. Anybody know what's going on? Do I have a bad relay? where the fuck is it?
RM. I had a problem at one time with a loose positive cable at the relay, sometimes wouldn't turn over first push. Mine on the 97 is just in front of the negative side on the battery - follow the positive lead from the battery. Make sure connections are tight on the relay and at the starter. You could jump the gap on the positive side of the relay and the lead going to the starter with a big pair of pliers, or a young helper :-). Be careful, you have one of those ol' puppies that are prone to sprag probs. Could the buzz be coming from the starter? I'd jump it with a car battery just to be sure. You may have a dead cell in that battery (that's buzzing!!! can you say timebomb). Before anymore attempts, you might want to pull that cover off the pickup assy. and turn the crank w/24mm socket to see if you can spin her.
I'll trade you jobs Red!
Quote from: "Cache"I'll trade you jobs Red!
holy cow these bikes are 3 cylinders, mine feels like 6!! yeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaa !! Oh, and if ya`ll get bored with your power, go down 2 teeth on front sprocket. don`t blame me if ya LOOP OUT!!! Real good for around town!! you only loose about 8mph at 5000 rpm.
I went to a 17 last year from 18. Thinking that would make for more fun in the goat trails. It is a ripper around town, provided you like to shift a lot. Coming from a motocross background shifting is fun for me. Nothing to drop 2-3 gears at 6000 and cut her loose. Just makes for a shitty cruise on the pavement. I generally ride on the freeway at 140 - 160 KMS, tack is well over 6000-7000. I've lost that nice cruise at 75 MPH I had with the 18. Makes for about 6% difference. Going down 2 teeth would throw that chain into the gearbox at the speeds I go-no thanks. The 18 will be going back on this winter, soon as I drain that oil.
Aw jeeze, ya know. I think I took that picture at the wrong angle guys. Here's the proper view. Thanks for pointing that out tenpaq. :^o :D/
It doesn't appear to be the starter relay. I put a new, freshly charged battery in, thinking it might fix the problem; if it didn't, I needed a new battery anyway and I could track down the buzzing noise and replace that component. No Joy. Put the new battery in, clock came on. Turned key to ON and clock went out and bike is electrically dead. Turn key to OFF and clock comes back on. No blown fuse no noise to chase.
Borrowed relay from Joel, swapped it in. turn key to ON, have dash lights, etc, clock stays on. Hit go button, relay clicks once, all goes dead. Turn key to OFF clock comes back, turn to ON, clock goes out. Remove starter relay one wire at a time from battery side, situation unchanged. Hopefully I haven't fried Joels relay; I must have a short further down the line. Is there a starter solenoid? How hard is it to get to?
on the left side there are two large gauge wires going to a connector and then to the bottom left front side of the alternator, white and brown. I discovered the white wire is melted at the connector. i'm a fucking genius! :D
unplugged it, tried the key-no change! This goddamned thing! :x
I guess I must be getting closer, but still not there yet :cry:
Why don't you first verify that your engine will turn over without restriction and then verify the starter is operational by jumping 12V directly to it. Remember RM, the days are getting longer now, the pressures on ;-)
Anything lead up to this? Slow turning over... Smoke??? :shock:
Quote from: "Cache"Why don't you first verify that your engine will turn over without restriction and then verify the starter is operational by jumping 12V directly to it. Remember RM, the days are getting longer now, the pressures on ;-)
Anything lead up to this? Slow turning over... Smoke??? :shock:
What lead up to it? flat battery, need to get to work, 1 amp charger for 45 minutes then attempted to start with charger still hooked up. Got away with it in the past, might have been a coincidence. Flat battery might have been the original symptom, dunno.
The engine will turn over in gear with the rear wheel. Reluctant to hot jump thestarter until I take a look for more evidence of shorting or over heating in the wiring loom or ignition. It has been too cold and I have been too busy to get very far with this. Bummer is with all this snow I should be out having a blast with the bike. Truck is stuck in the drive under almost 4' of snow, bike is dead in the garage and I am riding in to work with my wife. that the wife waiting by the car? :? :shock:
Good job I'm a long way away. :oops: :oops:
Quote from: "Blacktiger"Good job I'm a long way away. :oops: :oops:
Damn straight! Just where is " St.Leonards by the Sea"?
You may not be as safe from Amy's wrath as you think(I'll hold him whilst you pummel him, dearest. When you get tired, you can hold him whilst I beat him a bit :D )
That's my wifey in the sidecar
Quote from: "RedMenace"Damn straight! Just where is " St.Leonards by the Sea"?
Ascension Island.
So anyway. As the photo is not much it?
Quote from: "Blacktiger"So anyway. As the photo is not much it?
no, this is my darlin'wife(she does have a cold nose;-):
So you fix that POS yet or what?
Quote from: "BigDave"So you fix that POS yet or what?
nope. barely looked at it at all for a week or more. Should have today as the temps finally crawled above freezing....
Quote from: "RedMenace"Quote from: "Blacktiger"So anyway. As the photo is not much it?
no, this is my darlin'wife(she does have a cold nose;-):
Ahh! An Emminem fan.
Quote from: "Blacktiger"Ahh! An Emminem fan.
Distance and isolation provide an imperfect defence in this modern age of travel, my friend.... :P
Quote from: "RedMenace"Quote from: "BigDave"So you fix that POS yet or what?
nope. barely looked at it at all for a week or more. Should have today as the temps finally crawled above freezing....
Too bad for you. I am off riding as of NOW.
I made some progress towards fixing the Tiger today. Unbolted the subframe and moved it forward so I can get at the ignition switch, wires and connectors below the dash. I also unplugged the high beam headlight relay. Presto everything works!. Plugged the relay in again, everything still works. Twisted the white wire at the burned connector (aft, near the alternator)back together-everything STILL works!
This suggests to me it is not a component failure but a short, most likely the white wire from the alternator pinched somewhere near the headstock. Too dark and cold in the garage to be enthusiastic about digging in much today(snowing AGAIN goddammit), but I am very hopeful...
been picking apart my wiring harnes, in hopes of finding a wire or two to repair. Fuck me! They are almost all broken down in one place or another, mostly under layers of factory wrapping. Looks like I will have to replace the entire wiring harness :(
Wonder how much a new wiring harness is? Wonder if they are even available for a 95?
here i`m workin on my 3rd wife! i know, i know, i should know better! it`s the 1 with hand on my shoulder. all i need is a sidecar and some real heavy duty crashbars.......
called the dealer and priced a new harness $525! Can't do that right now sow unless someone knows where I can gert one for much less than that, I am taking it off the bike and seeing if I can patch it up sufficiently to have confidence in it.
Open to(helpful)suggestions
i`m sorry for "hijackin" red, i thought someone said" who gat the most wives". ok, ok , i`m back to lurkin......
Quote from: "tenpaq"i`m sorry for "hijackin" red, i thought someone said" who gat the most wives". ok, ok , i`m back to lurkin......
Tbose are all your wives? YIKES! Must be some sorta renegade Morman enclave down there in Florida. Sorta puts my wiring problems into perspective-you have my sympathy bro ;-)
Well I got the ugly bitch yarded out of the bike.Ready to work on it(wish I had my ouiji board). Have I forgotten anything?
Quote from: "RedMenace"Well I got the ugly bitch yarded out of the bike.Ready to work on it(wish I had my ouiji board). Have I forgotten anything?
Is it a bottle
Islay of Jura single malt there? ...if it is, you have not forget anything.
Is it a bottle Islay of Jura single malt there? ...
indeed it is... I will take my comfort where I can find it
Quote from: "RedMenace"Well I got the ugly bitch yarded out of the bike.Ready to work on it(wish I had my ouiji board). Have I forgotten anything?
ah,yeah i see something that u forgot. THE LAUNDRY!! better get that done before you work on the bike Red! that basket is gunna blow!!
p.s. i`m takin the bike fishin tomorrow, it`s gunna be chilly at 68 far. in the morning, wooo, can`t wait till summer...
Still at it, have repaired a few wires, trying to inspect as best as my limited attention span will allow.
Found a terminal plug I haven't been able to identify; right to left bottom =black/yellow, blue, red/white;top right to left= grey/white, grey, rey white, white; black jumper from grey/white to grey/white
Anybody know what this is for?
also several bundles of long wires joined at the ends
1) black, black/white, black/white
2)four red/blue
3)three red/black
Anybody know why these are hanging around?
I think I may trim these way back unless there seems to be agood reason for them to be so long. Less wire mean less to go wrong, como no?
sorry red, i don`t know anything about the wires.
all i know is none of my wives would EVER let me bring all that shit into the house! wow , i feel better now knowin that "Cool" wives do exist!( i know it`s like 0 deg. where u live) what compassion she has!! to let u in with that "Snake".
SWEET! :lol: i`m gunna start workin out and then do me a "Cool" wife search on one of these internet love sites! there is hope, yahooooooo! i`m alive again....thanks, oh and u too red.
Quote from: "tenpaq"sorry red, i don`t know anything about the wires.
all i know is none of my wives would EVER let me bring all that shit into the house! wow , i feel better now knowin that "Cool" wives do exist!( i know it`s like 0 deg. where u live) what compassion she has!! to let u in with that "Snake".
SWEET! :lol: i`m gunna start workin out and then do me a "Cool" wife search on one of these internet love sites! there is hope, yahooooooo! i`m alive again....thanks, oh and u too red.
Amy is a way cool wife! Best I've ever had :-)
and when we go on the road, she sets up camp while I have a beer :!:
Amy is a way cool wife! Best I've ever had :-)
allright now, i`m really feelin good ,knowin the "Menace" has been through e few too! allrite lets do the math, i`ve had a couple divorces and i just bought the tiger after my last divorce, so next wife HAS to be a "cool" one! i`m seein a pattern here.....ok, i gatta get back to, see ya`s.
oh, hows this sound , 40 yr. old extreme adventure lookin for a cool wife. hey it`s a start!!
i really haven`t been on a real Adventure trip yet ,but once i "Hook up" we`ll see how cool she really is , we`ll be all lost and shit with a flat tire, no bead breaker , busted subframe, no GPS! she sticks that out and i`ll marry her for sure!!!!! :D
got it back together today. A little reluctant to start with 3 month old petrol in the tank, but ran fine once it fired. Took a ten mile loop, stopped at the station for fresh gasoline. All seems well!
greaaat! you got it goin Red, thats good news! next saturday i`m ridin my bike to the "Daytona 200", gunna watch my buddies race and hang out with "street bike" gang! i finnaly fit in with the street crowd after ridin "dirt" my whole life. but still, when people look at my bike, they say what is that?! o-well, somethings never change...
see ya
Quote from: "RedMenace"got it back together today. A little reluctant to start with 3 month old petrol in the tank, but ran fine once it fired. Took a ten mile loop, stopped at the station for fresh gasoline. All seems well!
Rock on Red! Glad to hear you fixed her. I've been staying off the computer, so I missed most of this. Good job inspector. Now come and put mine together for me will ya!