My 93 gets very warm when operated at low speeds ie in busy traffic etc, even when it's a fairly low air temperature. I changed the coolant last year and all seemed ok.
What should I check or modify to overcome this without affecting anything else ie cold starting?
Thanks all
unless you have a partial blockage or a pump going south, i think its ok. my '95 seems to run a little warm at I-405 speed,(around the renton s-curves at rush hour's it between stop and 25mph), but once i get past all that crap and she's up to speed it cools right down. how hot does yours get?(the bike that is :) )
Are you sure the radiator fan is working?
I have the opposite problem, mine won't warm up. The temp gauge barely comes above the first mark in city traffic. Do these things have a thermostat? Now that its getting colder out, the temperature gauge never seems to come up at all.
Quote from: "cascadetiger"I have the opposite problem, mine won't warm up. The temp gauge barely comes above the first mark in city traffic. Do these things have a thermostat? Now that its getting colder out, the temperature gauge never seems to come up at all.
This is a good description of how my '96 runs. The only time the fan comes on is when I'm running real hard at lower speeds. Most days I can ride easy and not have the fan come on at all; even in temps above 80 degrees air temp.
I have noticed that myself and wondering whethter the thermostat has gone south.
I'll be changing coolant probably next week and all the hoses. I'll order a thermostat as well and report back.
+1 on the thermostat. I have replaced mine twice due to overcooling. Seems to be a weak part on the steamers. Yours may be not opening enough.
Anyway like others said, the fans should be kicking in. Mine do when its sitting idling in the summer time.
You might also try a product called Water Wetter. Its an additive to the coolant. Several people on Advrider have reported thier bikes run a few degrees cooler in summer with this stuff.
Thanks for all the input, I will check the fan is working OK, does it run all the time or cut in at a certain temperature? I will also look at the thermostat. The gauge goes up to about two thirds of the way when at low speeds and the engine occasionally cuts out when at this temp and idling
The fan has its own thermostatically-controlled switch that cuts it on at a certain temperature, and off when the coolant has dropped below that temperature.