I have a line on a 1996 Tiger with a blown motor. It's $900 and has not been layed down. I don't know if the transmission needs work as well. For those of you steamer riders, how much do you think it would cost for an engine and transmission rebuild? I can do the work myself, so that will help keep the cost down. Do you guys think it's a good idea to get it? I started off loving the Girly, but have recently been bitten by the steamer bug. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!
How many miles?
Just based on calandar time:
All the rubber needs to go to include,
Carb to head, carb to air filter.
Air filter probably done= $60
Brake and clutch hoses= about $230
Cooling system hoses = about $200
Has the fluid been flushed in the brake system? Add more labor.
I'd try and get it for $500, but I'm a cheap bastidge. :wink:
The engine work alone requires a sick amount of love for the Steamer, but it's the externals that will nickel and dime you to death.
How's the suspension? You are probably looking at $1500 to get it right although Sasquatch might make things a bit cheaper for you.
New coils will cost a bunch, too. What is your threshold for pain?
It's a great machine, but it needs the soft parts if it's that old and it has not been done.
It's got 70K on it. I haven't had a chance to see it yet, I just found it online near my parents house and will check it out when I go home for vacation. I'm just doing a preemptive evaluation on the potential cost to see if it's worth getting, or if I should spend more on a running bike. I read Sasquatch's write up on the rear shock and was going to send him a PM when I got either the Girly or Steamer. It'll end up being a project bike that will more than likely take a bit to get running. Honestly, I didn't think too much of the Steamer until I read the Project Tiger Trail 900 thread... now I can't stop thinkin about it.