
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: aeronca on February 29, 2008, 08:56:44 AM

Title: nology coils
Post by: aeronca on February 29, 2008, 08:56:44 AM
well my god damn coils are failing again, so i want to put nology coils on, but am not sure wich ones to use - which ones  do you guy's use?
Post by: Stretch on February 29, 2008, 09:10:39 AM
Near the end of page one... the conversation between Mustang and JetDocX...

http://tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,3925 (http://tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,3925)
Post by: aeronca on February 29, 2008, 09:34:52 AM
thanks stretch, your the best. after all the freakin work and money i sunk into this thing i thought i had it all fixed. it was running great for about 1500 miles, but on the way into work the other night it started to crap out again(same as before), and then yesterday morning on the ride home(45mls out) i lost a cylinder,and i think another one went intermittent(not sure - was too mad). so im gonna replace the other two that i didnt the first time.im thinking hard about getting rid of this thing, it's just such a cool looking bike though. :x
Post by: Mustang on February 29, 2008, 01:51:12 PM
Is it a 98 . The coils are gonna make you happy  happy happy !

if the coils that are on your bike are GIL get rid of them
The triumphs that came with German PVL coils are the same as Nology coils
my 98 had GIL's  OK when new , 10 years old not so good .

They are under 200 bucks for all three and are exact plug and play replacements .

good luck .
Don't get discouraged , steamers RULE .
Post by: aeronca on February 29, 2008, 03:52:37 PM
do you have to modify you plug wires?(mines a 95', but should be the same part no.)
Post by: Mustang on February 29, 2008, 05:25:06 PM
with stock triumph wires it is truly plug and play
nology also sells Hot Wires for the trumps , get out your wallet though they are around 100 bucks .

you will need three of these
Nology ProFire Ignition Coil for Triumph Motorcycles 152-001-060T$64.99Style: Single Outlet 152-001-060T

heres a link
Post by: JetdocX on February 29, 2008, 05:41:20 PM
Those Nology coils put a smile on my face. :wink:

Tastes great, less filling, makes you look ten years younger, grows hair, and makes your sticker peck up. :D
Post by: Stretch on February 29, 2008, 06:08:48 PM
"Cures fits, warts, freckles, coughs, colds, and runny nose.
Guaranteed not to rip, run, or snag.
Makes conception a wonder and childbirth a pleasure..."

Post by: Mustang on February 29, 2008, 06:38:27 PM
Quote from: "JetdocX"Those Nology coils put a smile on my face. :wink:

Tastes great, less filling, makes you look ten years younger, grows hair, and makes your sticker peck up. :D

that explains why I been so happy !
Post by: nightrunner on February 29, 2008, 10:06:58 PM
Quote from: "JetdocX"Those Nology coils put a smile on my face. :wink:

Tastes great, less filling, makes you look ten years younger, grows hair, and makes your sticker peck up. :D

Damn.  My TT600 coil swap only produced hotter spark.  Ten years younger sounds pretty good these days.  :lol:
Post by: aeronca on March 06, 2008, 08:55:04 AM
took the coils down to the shop that last worked on them and ofcorse they said they were good. it seems to be worse at speed( just the opposite of the last time ). im wondering if the pick-up coil is crap? it ohm'ed out at 500, but that doesnt mean its good. could be going south when it get hot. the bike has shut off on me and left me stranded in the middle of the highway twice in the past - (pick up coil??????) but has'nt done that since. it just started running shitty last week. what do you guy's think????????

im pretty sure the bikes going up for sale soon  if i cant figure this out.
Post by: Mustang on March 06, 2008, 01:45:14 PM
Quote from: "aeronca"took the coils down to the shop that last worked on them and ofcorse they said they were good. it seems to be worse at speed( just the opposite of the last time ). im wondering if the pick-up coil is crap? it ohm'ed out at 500, but that doesnt mean its good. could be going south when it get hot. the bike has shut off on me and left me stranded in the middle of the highway twice in the past - (pick up coil??????) but has'nt done that since. it just started running shitty last week. what do you guy's think????????

im pretty sure the bikes going up for sale soon  if i cant figure this out.

the triumph coils are noted for bench testing fine (correct ohms on both circuits)but still cause problems running . They cannot produce a hot enuff spark to fire under a compression load , if you look at the spark from 1 of your plugs you will probably notice that it is a very weak looking spark .

just bite the bullet and ditch the coils , buy the NOLOGYS and be happy
also the symptoms for the igniter pickup are suddenly dying and then restart fine after cooling off . for 70 bucks replace it , cheap insurance .
On our two steamers , on the 95 I have been thru
1 igniter box $650
2 coils replaced with triumph coils b4 I knew about nologys
1 Igniter P/U  $60

On the 98 I have replaced all 3 coils with nologys
and also had to replace the igniter p/u

one question ........when was the last time you checked and adjusted valve clearances .
When those intakes start getting near zero clearance the bike will run fine cold and after about 20 30 minutes will start to run like shit cause the heat is making things expand and you will lose the valve clearance .

on another note .the 95 sometimes just acts like it is losing power and when it does the wife just flips the petcock onto reserve and it comes right out of it . Doesn't matter on the gas level , could be full could be empty , works every time .  probably has to do with the funky way the stock gas line is routed . anyway that was just a thought .
You can see though that both of our steamers have suffered from the ignition problems ,

If it was my pretty blue steamer I would do coils and p/u sender . Just my .02 cents opinion !
Good luck and keep us posted .
Post by: aeronca on March 06, 2008, 02:47:45 PM
i havent checked the vales since i've owned it, but the time it was in the shop they said it was'nt bad. i dialed in the p/u coil this morning a little closer and it runs a little better, so im leaning twords that being the problem (seem's pretty easy to put in), that and the shop seemed to think along those line's as well, but i'm not paying there shop rate(im a thrifty new englander). are the valve's hard to adjust? any special tools? it seems the only time it starts to miss is at 4000-4500. i come off the throttle and it will cruise along ok (miss every now and then) at 4000-and under. it idles great, starts fine, and runs around town ok.  crazy!
Post by: Mustang on March 06, 2008, 04:05:55 PM
Quote from: "aeronca"i havent checked the vales since i've owned it, but the time it was in the shop they said it was'nt bad. i dialed in the p/u coil this morning a little closer and it runs a little better, so im leaning twords that being the problem (seem's pretty easy to put in), that and the shop seemed to think along those line's as well, but i'm not paying there shop rate(im a thrifty new englander). are the valve's hard to adjust? any special tools? it seems the only time it starts to miss is at 4000-4500. i come off the throttle and it will cruise along ok (miss every now and then) at 4000-and under. it idles great, starts fine, and runs around town ok.  crazy!
yep and if you hang on does she come back alive and scream to redline ?

between 4000-4500 is where the coils give up , that's how mine was .
Do the coils  that is a very common problem on thunderbirds and trophys also and the problem is at 4500 rpm every time

BTW according to the TRiumph service manual you should have an air gap of .6-.8 mm on the igniter pickup . that converts to approx .02 -.03 thousands of an inch , I just set mine with a matchbook cover !

How many miles on bike ?

My 98 has had the valves done once at 20K and all intakes were tight to zero clearance , again at 30 K and all intakes were tight again . again just last week at 50 K and all but 1 intake was tight and 3 were at zero clearance . I set them on the high side of spec so that I can go longer without messing with them .
In my experience from all the diff trumps I have done valve adjust on the intakes get tight and the exhausts rarely need shimming .
It is a pain to do the adjust but at least when you do it yourself you know what they are . and the plus side is you save about 300 bucks by doing it yourself .

that is how they act when they are fooked !
Post by: JetdocX on March 06, 2008, 05:03:49 PM
FWIW, valve clearances are either in spec or out of spec.  This "not that bad" statement is vague as hell and suggests to me that a few of them are out of spec. :?

At my 24,000 mile check: all but two exhaust valves were tight.

At Cos' (Girly) 12,000 check: all but one valve was too tight.

If you have not done this in the last 6-8,000 miles, I would recommend that you do it before you burn a valve.  Then it gets really expensive. :wink:
Post by: Mustang on March 06, 2008, 06:05:20 PM
:iagree and don't be suprised to find one with too much clearance i've seen em do that too !
Post by: aeronca on March 06, 2008, 06:54:23 PM
ok mustang my back east brother, i got a pick up coil on order from bike bandit, and a trio of "nology" coils as well. i hope this will do the trick. if not im gunna fly out to boston-logan and pick you and maybe mudhen up and fly you back to seattle and you can show wtf i doing wrong (flyings one of the perks of workin for an airline). as a mechanic I HATE TO FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i will press on.  save me from the versys and weestrom i test rode yesterday( all though the versys is waaaayyyyyyy better than weestrom. kick ass engine)   thanks for all your help - keepyou all posted.
Post by: Mustang on March 06, 2008, 07:21:44 PM
That's the spirit ! you know you won't be happy with a bike that does'nt have a little bit of "character "
steamers rule

when you put on the new coils make sure the wires clip on tight and if they are kinda loosy goosy squeeze the connector shut with some needle nose until they fit nice and snug on the spades to the coils

and while you have the fairing and tank off already check the valve clearances it only takes a few minutes and the valve cover is easy to get at now that the tank is already off .
Post by: cascadetiger on March 07, 2008, 12:44:09 AM
If it were me, and it might be me with my 98 Tiger, I would decide if  overall the bike is sound and how much I liked it.  If I decide its worth keeping, I would systematically go through and replace parts until the problem is solved.  This assumes the money is available.  Then, at the end, there is hopefully a reliable bike to ride.  

If all the issues aren't dealt with up front, you'll get down on the bike because it quits at the worst time.
Post by: aeronca on March 09, 2008, 12:17:19 PM
well - $275.00 got me 3 igniter coils and 1 pick up coil. 1/3 (or more) less than triumph. i feel like kicking my self in the nuts after spending all that money at the dealer. the 3 coils were $194.97 shipped (thats only $50.00 more than 1 coil frome the dealer) and the pick up coil out of bikebandit.com was $71.84 + $7.95 shipping. i sure hope this fixes it. hey mustang, what part of new hampshire you livin in?
Post by: Mustang on March 09, 2008, 01:18:25 PM
13 miles from LACONIA
Post by: aeronca on March 09, 2008, 01:32:17 PM
oh yeah, good time at bike. :twisted:
Post by: Mustang on March 09, 2008, 03:44:12 PM
Lately as I get older I tend to avoid the crowds of bike week at Laconia . Although last year the crowd was greatly reduced in size , I think gas price shock was too much for most harleys to ride in the back of a p/u to Laconia .

Back on topic , when you put those coils on you relly should check clearances on the valves it is easy to check them and you need to see at least .004 clearance under the intakes . and the exhausts should be minimum .006 . If you have any intakes that are less than .002 , this could be part of the problem you are having as it will run great cold but not so good an hour later .

On the other hand the new coils are going to make the bike just plain crisper and HAPPY . There will also be no more 4000 rpm dropouts .

I wish you could hear how nice mine barks to life after getting Nology's and a good tune up (valve shims and carb sync) .
Where in WA are you near , I am taking a major trip leaving next month , eary april . and doing a grand loop around the USA and plan on coming up the coast toward Seattle and then cut across at some point towards Boise and then into Montana . Would love to stop in for a chat and a cold one .
Post by: aeronca on March 09, 2008, 11:37:18 PM
sorry i ment bike week. long night at work.
Post by: aeronca on March 14, 2008, 02:47:15 AM
ok, just got my trio o coils in the mail today and will install tomorrow. still waiting for the pick up coil - soon. i hope this will work. will all so adjust the valves. oh yea, mustang,  im 25 miles north of seattle. if you come this way, we'll get beeeeeeers.( or wine). :occasion14
Post by: aeronca on March 20, 2008, 09:13:09 AM
well, so far so good. i havent recieved the pick up coil yet but threw on the trio of nology's and WOW!!!  even when it was running good, it never responded like it does now ( im knocking on woooooood)  i hope it stay's like this. as soon as the the other coil come's in i'll put it on and i hope this is it for ignition problems.  now on to the valves, but that will be another thread.   thanks mustang.                                                         i think i'll call the cyclebarn and see if they'll take back this shitty gill coil they sold me 2 months ago (yea right :ImaPoser )
Post by: cascadetiger on March 20, 2008, 01:40:35 PM
Cool!  Its nice to see a happy ending.
Post by: aeronca on March 20, 2008, 02:04:53 PM
cascade, have you been out on your bike? i come through there (issaqua) every once and a while, but have never spied your mount. maybe this summer we could meet up for a burger at the xxx (its a burger shop - really :D ), and any one else with a tiger.
Post by: Mudhen on March 20, 2008, 02:12:02 PM
You guys talking about meeting at the XXX and happy endings is starting to freak me out.  Maybe that's why my company has shut off tigertriple...

Guess I'm going to sign up for these coils as well.  42k miles on my stockers so it's probably time.

Thanks for all the info guys.
Post by: Mustang on March 20, 2008, 04:16:44 PM
These are on ebay right now and they are the correct ones for a steamer even though he only lists them for the bonnevilles .
The price is $58 bucks buy it now . best price I have seen on them ever !

Triumph gets 125 bucks for the POS Gil coils . These are made in Germany by PVL and they kick ass !
They are true plug and play , nothing needs modifying . You need three of em .

Heres the ebay link http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NOLOGY-PROFIRE-TRIUMPH-COIL-PFC-06TS-SINGLE-OUT_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el1247QQcategoryZ35594QQihZ021QQitemZ310009084686QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V
Post by: Mudhen on March 20, 2008, 07:09:53 PM
Quote from: "Mustang"Mudhen
These are on ebay right now and they are the correct ones for a steamer even though he only lists them for the bonnevilles .
The price is $58 bucks buy it now . best price I have seen on them ever !

Triumph gets 125 bucks for the POS Gil coils . These are made in Germany by PVL and they kick ass !
They are true plug and play , nothing needs modifying . You need three of em .

Heres the ebay link http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NOLOGY-PROFIRE-TRIUMPH-COIL-PFC-06TS-SINGLE-OUT_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el1247QQcategoryZ35594QQihZ021QQitemZ310009084686QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V

Not that I really NEED them...or can afford them.

But you just made it too freakin' easy.


Post by: Mustang on March 20, 2008, 07:54:03 PM
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Post by: cascadetiger on March 21, 2008, 03:50:47 PM
Quote from: "aeronca"cascade, have you been out on your bike? i come through there (issaqua) every once and a while, but have never spied your mount. maybe this summer we could meet up for a burger at the xxx (its a burger shop - really :D ), and any one else with a tiger.

Aeronca, Yes I have been riding the Tiger this winter.  I put 500 miles on the bike in February.  I went over to the Olympic Peninsula one weekend and Whidbey Island the next.  We had some rare winter sunshine but I froze my butt off.

I'd love to get together sometime for a burger and beer.  I can confirm to everyone on this forum that XXX is a burger place next door to the Triumph dealer.  We are G rated here!
Post by: aeronca on March 22, 2008, 05:32:05 AM
unless your talking about the dealer then it may become x-rated :D
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