Hello, this is my first post, so i'll tell you a little about myself. I am in the Navy Sea Bees. I've been in for twelve years and am getting ready to transfer to Bahrain. here is part of the problem. I just got my 95 steamer it is my first road bike in a while but I have always had dirt bikes. so today I was riding around with a friend trying out his new dirt bike, ktm 300 and it is sweet by the way, When I stoped he noticied oil pouring out of my bike. apon futher inspection we noticed the chain was way loose. I trailered it home and took it apart to find the case is busted up arount the top where the slave for the clutch bolts on, but it will hold it. I don't see any cracks around the bottom square part where the oil is so mabey it just unseated the gasket? I think the chain adjuster sliped in the swing arm causing the chain to be loose and smack the case. Any way I think I need a used case, the one that holds the dipstick and clutch slave. So if anyone knows where I can get one or has one, preferably cheap since buying the bike almost broke me, that would be great. One last problem is the movers are coming to get my bike next Thursday the 17th. please help. Thank you in advance
The countershaft sprog and chain are very close to a cover that also houses the oil dipstick and is sealed to the crankcase. The chain probably jumped and broke into that cavity. All you need is a new dipstick/ countershaft sprog cover and gasket probably.
The dealer may be able to get you one, but not quickly. If you have a center stand, always park the bike on it, otherwise, a quart or two of the oil in your crankcase will exit the bike through that hole if it has not already. I would not ride it until this is replaced.
You may be able to cob some kind of JB Weld repair on this. It holds no pressure.
So I am sterting to get angry. I can't figure out how to post a pic. when i do it says i'm trying to upload an empty file and then all the text I had is gone too, this is the third time typing this and I am slow. Slow at typing not that kind of slow. any way the cover is alll broken around where it seals around the clutch rod and oil pours around the rod when the engine is running. there is a seal there but the cover and gasket seal it too? Any way I'm pretty sure i need a new cover. Again Please help. some one has to have one they are willing to part with
To post a photo...
Once the photo is downloaded from your camera, move the photo to "Documents".
Then once you're writing a reply here on the forum, look below the Reply Window to where it says "Add an Attachment" in blue.
Click "Choose File".
A new menu window will open up, showing all the items you have in "Documents". Click on the item you want to post, then click "Choose".
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Another way is described here...
http://tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,3499 (http://tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,3499)
Welcome aboard, BigJim. Thank you for your service and good luck with the move.
-Stretch (old Gyrene)
There's a place with tons of used Triumph parts, I think it's baxtercycles.com. I'm sure some long time Tiger rider will confirm/deny.
OT: Have you been to Bahrain before? I've passed thru a few times and have heard that it's about the best deal in terms of assignments to the Sandbox. I spent a little over a year in Qatar and Kuwait, and it pretty much sucked. The Navy does business so much smarter than the AF it blows my mind.
Hey Big Jim,
Been there, done that, unfortunately.
So here's the deal...I've got one. Not only that but I have the gasket and oil seal as well. Been working on chopping the covers up so I can replace the sprocket without the hassle...was about to implement it so have the parts ready to go.
I'll package the stuff up and bring it to work with me for fast shipping today. Call me at 603-791-7077 (after 9am eastern) and we can discuss the details.
where's the rally screen???????? sent you a pm over at adv.
Bravo, Mudhen!
Good on you, Brother.
Quote from: "aeronca"where's the rally screen???????? sent you a pm over at adv.
That was from the pre-rally screen days. Somewhere in the ride reports section I did a report on it...CroMag '05. The bike got a cool ride home on a flatbed and my 6 year old has never let me forget how he and mom had to come rescue me... :roll:
The parts shipped out this afternoon, Big Jim. Should arrive Tuesday. Did you check your clutch pushrod? Were you able to locate a new seal for that?
And what's up with that screen name...I won't give away your true identity, though :lol:
Hello My name is Brian, and I'm addicted to motorcycles. My screen name came comes from this crazy friend of my parents who calls everybody Jim. The first forum I ever joined the name I wanted was taken and it has been big jim ever since.
Anay way a thousand thank you's to Pat. there will be some $$ coming your way when I'm done typing this.
The clutch rod is fine. The seal isn't going to make it though. napa can get one but they want 25 bucks to 2 day ship a $4.00 part. Monday I'll try a bearing place in bakersfield and hopefully use a work truck to get it.
Thank's to all espesialy Mud Hen.
So the seal is coming out of Ontario Ca. should be UPS tommorrow with the stuff from Mudhen. I can't be sure until I get it and try it but the seal for the clutch rod should be C/R 3145 or national 8x16x7. I am getting the chicago rawhide one. I'll let you know if it works
#1. WHerever you are .... BAxter Cycle in Marne, Iowa will get you the part. They have new and salvage parts from any era Triumph. They ship at once and anywhere in the world ( big time shipping overseas ).
Document the parts you need. They will ask for credit card and keep it on file. Whenever you need anything they will ship and bill.
Piece of advice:
1. KEEP that battery full charged. If it starts to weaken, replace it. A weak battery on a Steamer can lead to MAJOR problems called SPRAG clutch.
HAve fun in Bahrain.... I understand it's nice this time of year!