This is my first post here so thanks for any help in advance. I first noticed a problem on my last ride a couple days ago. I really reved out first gear and hit the rev limiter (don't know if that has anything to do with it but never had a problem until after that ride) I rode home pulled in the driveway and shut off the bike. I came back out 5 minutes later and it would not start, it turned over fine but wouldn't run. I gave up for a while, but came back out an hour later and it started right up.
I just rode all day today, stopping and starting just fine. But after hours of riding the bike just turned off while I was riding. It didn't sputter but it seemed to run for 3 or 4 seconds then turn back off, maybe 2 or three times then it just died.
I sat on the side of the road for half an hour waiting for it to cool down and figured it would start right up again and I could make it home.
Well it did start up after it was cool but I only made it a mile, then it died again. It shut down once while I was riding again so I could bump start it and it ran for another 10 seconds and died.
I did check to see if I was getting feul, and I am.
Of course I am pissed, but Since I was supposed to meet some guys (from ADVRIDER) at Greenridge state park tomorrow I am thankful it happened on the road close to home, and not in the woods. That would have sucked worse for me and the guys with me.
So any suggestions what to look at first?
The coils on this thing are notorious for causing problems like that.
Quote from: "JetdocX"The coils on this thing are notorious for causing problems like that.
Thanks I just got in the house after being stranded miles from home. After a few attempts to get home, by letting the bike cool down, then ride, I finally called for a truck. In my haste to catch an anwser before everyone went to bed I posted this question before I did a search.
I don't know how to troubleshoot these coils, but now that I took the time to do a search I think you are right.
Thank you for your help
Nology makes some shit-hot coils for our bikes. Cheaper and better than OEM, in my opinion.
You said you were getting fuel, right? A blocked tank vent could cause a similar condition.
How many miles? The crank position sensor pickup is also a known issue with the same outcome. In fact, I'd start there before replacing three coils. :wink:
sloburban, i would listen to jetdocx, start with the pick up coil on the crank, 30min job at best(real easy). they cost 70 bucks on bike bandit oem. then go for the nology replacement. you'll be happy you did. check out some of my post's, i just went throuh a long and expencive time trouble shooting the same type of thing you are going through(as many of us have). screw the dealer, swap the coils your self and save some bucks. good luck eric
Thanks everybody! I am a little confused because I am hearing (ignition sensor) (pickup coil) (crank position sensor) maybe everybody is talking about the same part? I am new to these "forums" in general, but thank God for them. It's still early and the dealers aren't open yet, but I am hoping that they stock this part so I can get on the road today.
Yep, same part!
The coils are certainly worth replacing even as pre-emptive measure. But odds are they will go one at a time. The bike should still start and run rough. I would think the pick-up coil is going out as others have said. That would give the all or nothing type of thing he is seeing.
Alternative to the Nology coils are a set of TT600 on-the-plug coils off ebay for like $20-30. They sit right on the plugs so you ditch the old coils and the plug wires. I went this route and it runs great.
I replaced the "TPS" and the bike is running great. Thanks everybody. I think I will replace the coils just to get a little more power.
What's a TPS on a Steamer? :?
Quote from: "JetdocX"What's a TPS on a Steamer? :?
Sorry, I meant crank positioning sensor. It was an easy fix, and the dealer had one in stock, so I got right back on the road.