Making a bit of progress with what has turned out to be a project bike, although it was supposed to be a 'good 'un'.
Carbs are back together but I've found the idle air adjustment screws appear to be set randomly - one is 7 1/2 turns out (!), one is screwed in tight (!), I haven't checked the other but it looks somewhere inbetween. IMO someone has been messing with these without knowing what they're doing. Is there an 'initial setting' that can put the carbs somewhere in the ball park? What do you guys have yours set to? I know they're supposed to be factory set by Triumph but it looks as though someone wasn't happy with Triumph's setting.
Presumably the only way to set these accurately is to use a suitable CO2 meter? I suppose I may have to pay the local main dealer to get it right..?
This might help, no idea if it's what you want. (
Quote from: "RobH"Making a bit of progress with what has turned out to be a project bike, although it was supposed to be a 'good 'un'.
Carbs are back together but I've found the idle air adjustment screws appear to be set randomly - one is 7 1/2 turns out (!), one is screwed in tight (!), I haven't checked the other but it looks somewhere inbetween. IMO someone has been messing with these without knowing what they're doing. Is there an 'initial setting' that can put the carbs somewhere in the ball park? What do you guys have yours set to? I know they're supposed to be factory set by Triumph but it looks as though someone wasn't happy with Triumph's setting.
Presumably the only way to set these accurately is to use a suitable CO2 meter? I suppose I may have to pay the local main dealer to get it right..?
the idle mixture screws work really well for me at sea level set at 2 to 2 1/2 turns out . This is with Keihin carbs on a 98 and I have a 100 for mains and the pilot is stock , I have also shimmed my needles to the tune of ,025 inch ( equals about one notch on a mikuni needle )
if you have mikunis I think they came from the factory with bigger main jets than the keihins but the pilot screw settings still work good at 2 turns on the mikunis .
Thanks guys, I have the Mikuni carbs, I'll give them a go at 2 turns out. There are a few dead links on the page that you linked to John but good info all the same.