Ok, I think my ignition and fuel systems are working correctly now and I've moved onto the valve clearances. Not good. I doubt they've ever been reshimmed and it's on 34K!
All clearances are too large, biggest intake is 0.225mm approx (more than double what it should be) and largest exhaust is 0.21mm, 0.05mm over max limit. Better too large than too small I guess...I'm sure this will reduce gas flow but will it make a noticeable impact on engine performance?
As I have to replace all the shims is there any problem with removing the cams to do this rather than buying the shim tool and messing about with each shim in turn??
Thanks in advance for any advice.
PS it seems I bought a real nail!
pull the cams is the easy way to do all the shims , just remember that the cam caps are fragile and they do not mix with other positions .
Mark where they go before removing them .
I would not bother with exhaust that have .21 clearance
and the intakes generaly get tight is the problem that makes em run like chit !
your exhaust are not out of spec by much
your intakes are a little sloppy but that shouldn't make er run bad
here's the specs for steamers from the Triumph Bible
Intake valves = 0.10 - 0.15 mm (.004-.006 inch)
Exhaust valves = 0.15 - 0.20 mm (.006 - .008 inch)
Thanks Mustang. I don't know where my head was at, just confirmed in the Triumph book that your clearances are correct - for some reason I thought they were 0.05 - 0.10 and 0.10 - 0.15mm. Dang! so only one inlet really needs doing :-. Oh well, saves me a few quid...
I've put the camshaft caps in seperate boxes and numbered them :-D