
Travel - These bikes were made for riding => Up and Coming => Topic started by: TigerTrax on December 14, 2008, 04:57:04 AM

Title: 2009 WESTERN USA Tiger Ride-In TAHOE
Post by: TigerTrax on December 14, 2008, 04:57:04 AM
We have a NoCal / Tahoe rider wantin' to put together a
WEST USA Tiger Ride-In 2009.

Now this ain't no easy thing to do by oneself.... so .....
1. Let's see who knows Tahoe area and can be of HELP .....
2. Let's get a show of hands as to who would plan on attending.

contact: Kyle Thomas   kdt2231@comcast.net
that's : kdt2231 at comcast dot net
Post by: AK Tiger on December 14, 2008, 05:04:33 AM
Gimme a date/time and I'm there!
Post by: JetdocX on December 14, 2008, 06:52:49 AM
Well, shit!  I know Tahoe, Norcal and Nor NV.  I'd be happy to help if need be. Otherwise, I'm there! :lol:  :lol:  8)
Post by: Cleaverid on December 14, 2008, 06:36:12 PM
Give me some dates and I'll see if I can make it and/or help out.

Cleaver Boise
Title: 2009 WESTERN USA Tiger Ride-In TAHOE
Post by: voyageur on December 15, 2008, 12:12:03 AM
Hi Tiger riders:

My name is Kyle Thomas and I'm throwing my name in the hat as this 2009 Western USA Tiger Ride-in Host. I know first hand the benefit of riding with someone who knows an area. I recently rode a bicycle across Australia from Perth to Sydney and was very appreciative of a local in Perth assisting me through the myriad of bike paths out to the Darling ranges where I spent the next several weeks in the bush, outback, and country.

 I know the El Dorado National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/eldorado/ (http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/eldorado/) roads well and think they offer some outstanding scenic riding. It's proximity to Tahoe expands the options of full day rides immensely. There is a lodge http://www.strawberry-lodge.com/ (http://www.strawberry-lodge.com/) I am considering that is quaint and quiet.

Here are a couple of my thoughts: Arrive on a Friday. Saturday ride options. Saturday night event. Sunday departure. Not having been to a ride-in or rally before makes me new to this but I'm willing to give it a go. My first choice would be in the fall. Spring limits the road options as many are still closed due to snow. Summer brings a lot of traffic to the Tahoe area. Keep the e-mails and posts coming as it is encouraging.

Best regards,

Kyle Thomas
Post by: JetdocX on December 15, 2008, 06:16:06 AM
I vote Fall, too.  Spring is usually cold and snowy.  Oct 15th at the latest, IMO. :wink:
Post by: MikeBenzon on December 31, 2008, 03:44:57 AM
I too plan to attend and help. I concur that the fall time is the best time for temps and road conditions. I think this is a good site to use as the main source for information.
Post by: paulie on December 31, 2008, 05:52:06 PM
You have my attention! Been wanting to ride out west to visit old friends in OR and WA, so this would coincide nicely.

Post by: fishnbiker on December 31, 2008, 11:54:33 PM
The Lake Tahoe Ride In sounds great! The suggested date of no later than Oct. 15 may not. The local weather there could be fine, (although I have been there in July with frost on my tent) but you may want to think of where the attendees might come from & what type of weather they would be interested in riding through. For us up in the Northwest, the end of Sept would be the limit for most riders doing more than a few hours at a time. As long as the little rats are back in school, September  would be have more empty roads in warmer temperatures with the added benefit of more daylight hours.

That's my vote
Post by: AK Tiger on January 01, 2009, 12:04:31 AM
+1 on the September date.  I went up to Bishop, CA this past October 3-4 and hit temps in the high 20's.  All of the passes were closed due to snow.

Naturally that means if we do the ride in September, the temperatures will be 100+ with thunderstorms, but hey, it makes for great stories!
Post by: JetdocX on January 01, 2009, 02:47:04 AM
Quote from: "AK Tiger"+1 on the September date.  I went up to Bishop, CA this past October 3-4 and hit temps in the high 20's.  All of the passes were closed due to snow.

Naturally that means if we do the ride in September, the temperatures will be 100+ with thunderstorms, but hey, it makes for great stories!

And a few days later, temps went back up into the 70's.  I like a fall date so Sept or Oct work for me.  Weather at high altitudes is at best unpredictable.  A day or so notice is all the warning we can expect around here for a storm.
Post by: DobroDog on January 17, 2009, 05:15:04 AM
Good times to be had!!!

Does the tourist traffic die down in September?

Title: Tahoe Ride In date and location
Post by: voyageur on January 20, 2009, 04:46:35 AM
Hey riders,

The dates for the Tahoe ride in will be 25,26, and 27 September 2007 (edit note: 2009). The location is the Historic Strawberry Lodge, 17510 Highway 50, Kyburz, CA, (530) 659-0420. I'll be posting camping options soon.


Kyle Thomas
aka Voyageur
Title: Re: Tahoe Ride In date and location
Post by: Mustang on January 20, 2009, 01:07:15 PM
Quote from: "voyageur"Hey riders,

The dates for the Tahoe ride in will be 25,26, and 27 September 2007. The location is the Historic Strawberry Lodge, 17510 Highway 50, Kyburz, CA, (530) 659-0420. I'll be posting camping options soon.


Kyle Thomas
aka Voyageur

you might want to edit the date .....looks like it happened already 2 years ago  :ImaPoser
Title: Tahoe Ride In date and location
Post by: voyageur on January 20, 2009, 03:53:36 PM
Yes, yes, by all means please attend the event in 2009. Though I live in a time warp my intention was to type 2009, not 2007. I do wish I could create a better excuse like my sevens look like nines but even that's not the truth; not to mention the fact its typed.

Post by: Mustang on January 20, 2009, 04:39:03 PM
I was hoping it would be around Labor Day ........I will be out west in the end of August but not sept.  Oh Well maybe next time  :cry:
Post by: aeronca on January 27, 2009, 04:43:16 AM
i'll try and clear some time - looks fun :D
Post by: tgrrdr on February 18, 2009, 07:45:11 AM
is there enough interest to make this happen? It's too far out for me to commit but I'm a definite maybe.
Post by: TigerTrax on February 21, 2009, 04:11:33 PM
We've found that setting location and dates in Jan-Feb is best... many folks set their vacation time early in the year.....

Is this going to happen? Of course it is.  It's been happening 6 years... you should try it. We draw from 1000 - 2000 miles; The average is about 600 miles. If you are looking for vendor tents, sexy gals, and entertainment.... NOT. This is a riders rally. We try to locate the events so the journey to-from is as much a part of the adventure. Bring your camera and bring a smile. You will meet some fine folks and see some gorgeous country.

We want you to pre-register so we can have a count for any commitments we have to make B-4 you get there.

Contact the organizer Kyle Thomas just tell him you will be there, that's how things get done.:  kdt2231@comcast.net
Title: 2009 Ride In, down from Wash
Post by: Tigger_rider on June 09, 2009, 03:39:37 AM
Hi All
 I will probably be there if work permits. Its on the office schedule board now. I will try and talk Jon and his yeller Tiger into riding down with me. I am in Tacoma, Wash, so anyone in the area that is going, drop me a line at Tiggerider06@gmail.com and lets get our own pack together for the ride down.   OLY
Post by: TigerTrax on June 09, 2009, 07:48:04 PM
I'd like to really encourage the WEST riders to make a big showing...

Kyle would love to see a great turnout.
Title: Western Ride In
Post by: voyageur on June 14, 2009, 06:07:15 AM
Hi Tiger Riders,

Having just returned from cyclotouring the Eastern U.S. I'm ready to give this event much more attention. I will do my best to communicate what is available and what to expect. For starters I have had approximately 25 e-mails of people who are interested in the event. I have responded to each of them individually. At the moment I have created a distribution list and will notify members when I have posted new information on this site. I will be posting pictures of campsites and gps information soon.

Hope to see you in September.

Kyle Thomas
Title: Re: 2009 Ride In, down from Wash
Post by: Jon KB on June 16, 2009, 07:46:27 AM
Quote from: "Tigger_rider"Hi All
 I will probably be there if work permits. Its on the office schedule board now. I will try and talk Jon and his yeller Tiger into riding down with me. I am in Tacoma, Wash, so anyone in the area that is going, drop me a line at Tiggerider06@gmail.com and lets get our own pack together for the ride down.   OLY

Thanks for the invite Oly, the wife says we're going so that's the plan.
Off-line you mentioned someone from Portland OR may join us on the ride down so that makes four from the northwest.javascript:emoticon(':D')

Anyone else from the northwest know if their going yet?javascript:emoticon(':?:')
Post by: TigerTrax on June 16, 2009, 01:47:55 PM
Another spot for Tiger Ride-In updates/pics, etc.... you will find this valuable.

http://www.nittanyroadriders.com/TRIn/TRI-Events09.htm (http://www.nittanyroadriders.com/TRIn/TRI-Events09.htm)
Post by: ORTiger on June 17, 2009, 06:25:19 AM
I'll be coming down from Portland.  This is my first Tiger gathering, so I'm looking forward to it.
Post by: TigerTrax on June 17, 2009, 01:54:02 PM
Looks like the riders from WA & OR are travelers....this list is building nicely. Looks like a very good turnout of attendees.

Folks... It ain't formal and it ain't a show... but take my word for it...
you will very much enjoy  it. You'll have a great destination ride, meet some fine folks, and head home waiting for the next event.... perhaps in
your neighborhood!

Please make certain that you contact our
the POC who is organizing the event.
He needs to know who is attending so he
can make plans for events/meals, etc.

Western Tiger Ride-In
Sept 25 -27 2009
Strawberry Lodge ( 12 miles from Kyburz, CA )
Kyburz, CA

POC: Kyle Thomas    kdt2231@comcast.net

GPS Points:
Lat: 43.742691
Long: -84.621620

N 43° 44.56146 min
W 084° 37.2972 min
Title: Camping Option #1
Post by: voyageur on June 20, 2009, 02:52:54 AM
Lovers Leap Campground (http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/eldorado/documents/rogs/rog_pvl_lovers.pdf) is located 1748 feet from Strawberry Lodge according to the distance measurement tool in Google Maps. The link should open as a pdf and contain most pertinent information. This campground is primarily used by climbers. By September most of them are back in school or looking for jobs in the ski resorts. The fee is ten dollars a night and the amenities are classified as primitive by the U.S. Forest Service, i.e. pit toilets, no showers. Showers are available however at the Strawberry Lodge. This first Picture is of the entrance to the campground. I took my Garmin E trex with me and marked waypoints of these pictures. The pictures are thumbnails and clicking on them will open a larger one in another window.
Elev: 5711; N 38.47.949; W 120.08.502(http://i943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Lovers%20Leap/th_IMG_0332.jpg) (http://s943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Lovers%20Leap/?action=view&current=IMG_0332.jpg)

This message board gives the primary information for staying at the campground.
Elev: 5710 ft; N 38.47.967; W 120.08.429 (http://i943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Lovers%20Leap/th_IMG_0328.jpg) (http://s943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Lovers%20Leap/?action=view&current=IMG_0328.jpg)

There are bears in the area and each campsite has a food locker. Use these lockers, even for toothpaste. The locker can be seen on the left side of this picture
Elev: 5748; N 38.47.983; W 120.08.438 (http://i943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Lovers%20Leap/th_IMG_0330.jpg) (http://s943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Lovers%20Leap/?action=view&current=IMG_0330.jpg)

Finally for you history buffs. The Pony Express (XP) trail ran through this campground at one time. Kit Carson, John C Fremont, and Snowshoe Thompson all used this route as well. The trail markers are a few feet in the air for visibility during winter months.
Elev: 5723; N 38.47.963; W 120.08.463(http://i943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Lovers%20Leap/th_IMG_0331.jpg) (http://s943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Lovers%20Leap/?action=view&current=IMG_0331.jpg)

I'm looking forward to anyone that will show up and enjoy this beautiful part of California. My next post will feature information on Strawberry Lodge and subsequent posts will feature additional camping information. Please keep in mind that this is my first attempt at hosting a ride in and that I have never been to one myself. Any reasonable suggestions would be appreciated.

Best regards,

Kyle Thomas
Title: Ride Routes
Post by: voyageur on August 11, 2009, 10:08:17 PM
I was on my way up to Silver Lake the other day on my Tiger. Saw another rider behind and low and behold it was another Tiger. We stopped and exchanged some pleasantries. Martin Pawson was his name. We later met over coffee and Martin has agreed to come up with a couple of rides for the event. One of his I believe will include dirt.

I've been receiving a lot inquires about the event. The interest list stands at about 31 now. I hope half show up. My next step will be to arrange the Saturday night meal with Robin, the lodge owner. If you are planning on staying at the lodge I suggest making your reservation. The event is definitely a go!
Post by: TigerTrax on August 15, 2009, 01:06:49 AM
Just a note to you Tiger riders....
these events are for Tiger riders. Gret roads; We do forest trails where permissable ( road some bumpy ones in West VA last year ).....

But mostly .... it is a terrific time for all. The positive feedback from riders
never ceases to amaze me....

We want you to join us.... take the time ... make the trip.

We've had riders travel 2000 miles ONE way to attend.....  So if it's a full day to get there....that's a cake walk!

I know we'll have riders traveling about 1000 miles to MI. Those in MI- IL-IN-OH-WI-MN-IA- should be overrunning the place... we'll see!

I hope to see alot of faces from these forums.
Post by: JetdocX on August 20, 2009, 04:12:28 AM
There's also trackdays at Reno-Fernley Raceway (about an hour east of Reno) both Saturday and Sunday for those who would like to see how well your Tiger does on the track.

$135 gets you on the track for C group per day plus lunch.  Tech consists of removing your mirrors and taping up your tail light and blinkers.  Something like six 20 minute track sessions with free instruction from some really cool people.  Doug Polen's 1 on 1 rider school will be there on the 26th if you so choose.

More info here:

I am a member if SSA but get no reward for bringing more riders to trackday.
Post by: Tiger Rider on August 21, 2009, 06:58:21 PM
Quote from: "TigerTrax"Western Tiger Ride-In
Sept 25 -27 2009
Strawberry Lodge ( 12 miles from Kyburz, CA )
Kyburz, CA

POC: Kyle Thomas    kdt2231@comcast.net

GPS Points:
Lat: 43.742691
Long: -84.621620

N 43° 44.56146 min
W 084° 37.2972 min

I think those GPS coordinates need to be updated.  :D
Title: Road Preview
Post by: voyageur on August 25, 2009, 05:48:09 AM
A few weeks ago I met another Triumph Tiger owner just by chance. We met while riding. We have since met a couple of times and rode this past weekend. Here are a couple of pictures which will give you an idea of the roads we are considering for this event.

Forest Hill Ridge runs up into the Sierra Nevada from the west and turns to dirt at Soda Springs Road
(http://i943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Triumph%20Tiger/th_DSCF0002.jpg) (http://s943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Triumph%20Tiger/?action=view&current=DSCF0002.jpg)

Popping out onto French Meadows leads to the Reservoir

(http://i943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Triumph%20Tiger/th_DSCF0003.jpg) (http://s943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Triumph%20Tiger/?action=view&current=DSCF0003.jpg)

Outside of Georgetown there's this road that links up with Mosquito Ridge.

(http://i943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Triumph%20Tiger/th_DSCF0004.jpg) (http://s943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/Triumph%20Tiger/?action=view&current=DSCF0004.jpg)

These thumbnails open in a larger format if you click on them. By the way, if you are on Facebook, I have created this event within that media. If you have a Facebook account go ahead and let me know if you're attending or not. It's just a click away Western States Triumph Tiger Ride In on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/tos.php?api_key=92b7d1604277d55004fcf21f27a8b983&next=http%3A%2F%2Fcouchnow.com%2Fgiftie%2Findex.php%3F_fb_fromhash%3D72fc810e33e1f8eaf960d8d02356b4b7%26ref%3Dnf&v=1.0&canvas#/profile.php?id=1060176491&v=app_2344061033&ref=name)
Just about a month away folks! Looking forward to the event.
Post by: Tiger Tail on August 25, 2009, 07:33:09 PM
Thanks for the update Kyle! Nice pics and especially of the great roads in that area. We've ridden the French Meadows route a few times and I've camped at Loon Lake and ridden Ice House road and done the Rubicon on dirt bikes too :shock: . Great roads! Beautiful area!

I'll be doing a ride starting on 21st Sept. up to Lassen, Shasta and the Trinity Alps, and eventually down to Garberville. I plan to arrive in Kyburz either late Friday night or early AM on Saturday the 26th. I am hoping a couple of Bay Area Tiger riders show up as well.

I will put the word out once again on other forums.  


Post by: coachgeo on August 25, 2009, 08:53:25 PM
Quote from: "Tiger Tail"... done the Rubicon on dirt bikes too :shock: ...
Is the Tiger to heavy to do the Con?  I would be soooooo happy if I could do the Con.  Had to sell my Unimog and all the parts and pieces to build my dream Expedition Camper. It was being setup as Con capable.  If I could still do Con on my Tiger I would be sooo freaking happy.
Post by: JetdocX on August 25, 2009, 10:44:19 PM
Quote from: "coachgeo"
Quote from: "Tiger Tail"... done the Rubicon on dirt bikes too :shock: ...
Is the Tiger to heavy to do the Con?  I would be soooooo happy if I could do the Con.  Had to sell my Unimog and all the parts and pieces to build my dream Expedition Camper. It was being setup as Con capable.  If I could still do Con on my Tiger I would be sooo freaking happy.

No freakin' way. :wink:
Post by: coachgeo on August 26, 2009, 07:27:03 AM
Quote from: "JetdocX"
Quote from: "coachgeo"
Quote from: "Tiger Tail"... done the Rubicon on dirt bikes too :shock: ...
Is the Tiger to heavy to do the Con?  I would be soooooo happy if I could do the Con.  ...

No freakin' way. :wink:
Not even if you took every bypass huh... shitz....  sucks to watch dreams die.  Esp ones you spent 20 years preparing for.
Title: The trip down
Post by: Jon KB on August 27, 2009, 06:39:08 AM
My friend Kim and I will be leaving Tacoma WA on Monday the 21st.
We plan on seeing a fair amount of eastern Oregon and northern California before we arrive on Friday night. We looked up "motorcycle roads" in OR and CA and planned the trip around as many as we could line up. Google maps claims it will take 33 hours at an average of 43mph. 43 mph avg I wonder what the top end will be? Not as high as I'd like, but the Tiger needs to make the round trip with minimal repairs. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of Tigers together, I hope lots of folks show, but either way it's going to be a great 8 - 10 day trip. See you all there.
Post by: Tiger Tail on August 29, 2009, 05:08:36 AM
Quote from: "JetdocX"
Quote from: "coachgeo"
Quote from: "Tiger Tail"... done the Rubicon on dirt bikes too :shock: ...
Is the Tiger to heavy to do the Con?  I would be soooooo happy if I could do the Con.  Had to sell my Unimog and all the parts and pieces to build my dream Expedition Camper. It was being setup as Con capable.  If I could still do Con on my Tiger I would be sooo freaking happy.

No freakin' way. :wink:

I've seen the Jeep guys out there on the Rubicon. Takes 'em hours and hours to go a mile or two in the big rock sections. :roll: UniMog? You're kidding, right? The Jeep guys mostly tow each other through ... and break things. I guess they dig it ... I don't get it. 95F temps not the place to have fun jacking up Jeeps and snapping cables and straps.

I had trouble on my Enduro race bike ... and that was 15 years ago. The Rubicon is tough. Might I suggest you take your Unimog to Africa and have some real fun .... or maybe just drive it out into the desert in Texas until you run out of fuel!  :twisted:
Post by: coachgeo on August 29, 2009, 05:32:29 AM
Quote from: "Tiger Tail"....I've seen the Jeep guys out there on the Rubicon. Takes 'em hours and hours to go a mile or two in the big rock sections. :roll: UniMog? You're kidding, right? The Jeep guys mostly tow each other through ... and break things. I guess they dig it ... I don't get it. 95F temps not the place to have fun jacking up Jeeps and snapping cables and straps.

I had trouble on my Enduro race bike ... and that was 15 years ago. The Rubicon is tough. Might I suggest you take your Unimog to Africa and have some real fun .... or maybe just drive it out into the desert in Texas until you run out of fuel!  :twisted:
Have done the Rubicon many times.  Unimog I WAS building was based on a 404 which is no larger than a Mid sized truck.  W/out a camper box on it, there would be no problem doing the Con.  Which was the plan.  Why I was building a tow behind trailer instead that would NOT be pulled deep into the Con.  Would be left behind as a base camp or left at home.

Only people who break things on the Con are idiots or unprepared rigs or those folk who like to push things to the limit.  Sometimes the idiots and pushers can be one in the same but not allways.

By your scowl emoticon and your idiot suggestion for me to let my Mog run out of fuel in the desert*, Im guessing your not a supporter of jeepers on the trail.  Too bad.  Some of the best folk I've ever met are in those ranks. They are the ones who are the biggest enviromentalist of that trail and scores of others. They do the most work to maintain it. Check out "Friends of the Rubicon"  and the "Blue Ribbon Coalition"(sp?). You'll find most all of the members are 4wd offroaders.

*BTW my Mog was possibly more green than any rig you have.  It ran on veg. oil and with aired down tires it puts a less lbs per sqaure inch on the ground offroad than one thinks.  At crawl speeds like used offroads there is no tire spin like you would get with a bike either.
Post by: Tiger Tail on August 29, 2009, 05:54:59 AM
Hey no offense, nothing against Unimogs, just that the Jeep guys come out in the hundreds! (ever been to Moab?) Gets a bit much! I like low profile.

I don't know much about trucks, campers or 4X4's, but I do support BRC and have for years.

I did see a couple UniMogs in Baja once. Germans. These went for over $100,000 If I remember what the owner told us correctly.

I don't have any "Rig" at all. I'm a motorcyclist.
My Jeep buddies (who ride bikes) and their clubs, DO a lot of work on trails ... your right  :thumbsup
And the good guys out here know this and respect it. But then, rigs and Quads are hard on trails ... but they are quiet and polite.
I like the Bio Diesel idea. Very cool.

Title: Tiger Ride In
Post by: voyageur on August 30, 2009, 05:37:30 AM
I'm kind of new to posting in a forum, as you can see in my profile I think I'm still in the single digits. That being said I'd like to ask that the posts be kept on topic. Some riders will be reading all the posts to catch up on the information and it may frustrate them to read about Unimogs and the Rubicon. I'm politely and respectfully asking that posts on this thread be kept to the Western States Tiger Ride In. Thanks!
Post by: Todd the Tiger on September 02, 2009, 06:48:04 AM
Count me and the gal in for the RideIN.
We're coming up from Los Angeles and probably take the scenic route US-395 to hit a couple National Parks too.
Anyone else riding up from the SoCal?
Title: Route Preview
Post by: voyageur on September 14, 2009, 05:32:50 AM
(http://i943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/th_DSCF0042.jpg) (http://s943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/?action=view&current=DSCF0042.jpg)
OK Western States Tiger Ride In riders. Martin Pawson, his brother Graeme, and I did a full day ride with a rather tough dirt option this past weekend. It rained along the crest of the Sierra, hailed some, and was generally cold. Adventure at its best. Of course most of your adventure will come in the form of your travel to and from this event.
(http://i943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/th_DSCF0043.jpg) (http://s943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/?action=view&current=DSCF0043.jpg)
I will be sending an e-mail out this week to those names I have on the distribution list. The note will have a response attached to it indicating if you will be attending or not. I have a rough number but want to get a little better idea so I can notify Robin at the Strawberry Lodge and other people along the route.
(http://i943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/th_DSCF0045.jpg) (http://s943.photobucket.com/albums/ad275/voyageur_photos/?action=view&current=DSCF0045.jpg)
This event is being billed as a Tahoe ride. Emerald Bay here is as good as Tahoe gets in my opinion. The aspen should just about start turning around the weekend of the event. It should be beautiful. It will be cold, bring your liners and it could rain. The Sierra is unpredictable any time of year. Please keep in mind I have never done this before. Come with low expectations and high self sufficiency and I believe it will be worth your while. I met Martin a little over a month ago. The only thing we had in common is Triumph Tigers. Over the course of just a couple of rides a friendship is forming. It is my hope this process will be repeated over the course of this event. Maybe it won't but how many times do you get to see another Tiger on the road?
Post by: JetdocX on September 14, 2009, 06:48:29 AM
The aspens started turning this weekend.

I can take a few adventurous souls and their Tiggers into the hills for some dirty fun and the added bonus of abandoned train tunnels high above Truckee.

Anyone?  The f650 guys enjoyed the ride immensely! :D

Title: Train Tunnels?
Post by: Jon KB on September 19, 2009, 06:41:46 AM
Sounds like a plan
I am a rank beginner at riding Tigers and worse going off road but I can handle your basic forest roads and such
I'll be real interested to hear more about it when we get there.
Post by: DesertDog on September 20, 2009, 01:28:59 AM
I'll be there.  The tunnel looks like fun.  Let the adventures begin.

Title: Time to Start
Post by: Jon KB on September 20, 2009, 02:47:47 AM
I have everything packed and sitting in the house. I hope it all fits on the bike. We leave in the morning at 10AM. A nice although possibly not leisurely ride through Southern Washington followed by a probably ill-fated attempt to ride all motorcycle worthy roads in Eastern Oregon and then an attempt to ride every pass in Northern California to arrive at Strawberry Lodge noonish on Friday.  We are tenting it on the way down and on the way back but staying at the lodge for the weekend. Hope to see many Tigers when we get there. While my wife won't make it this time, her time at home will not be wasted. Yesterday we picked up her new, 10 miles on the odometer 2008 Triumph Rocket Classic which she will spend her free time on growing accustom to  2300cc's as opposed to her 800cc Marauder. Anyone in the market for 800cc's? We tried for six months to get her comfortable on the Tiger but it just wasn't happening.
 Hope to see many Tigers when we get there.
Post by: AK Tiger on September 23, 2009, 07:15:03 AM
Well ladies and gentlemen, as much as I've looked forward to this trip, it just isn't going to happen.  My dear father-in-law has about a 50/50 chance of making it through this weekend due to poor health.  For obvious reasons, a trip to Tahoe would be ill-advised.  

Ride safe my friends.  Perhaps we'll meet at the 2nd Annual Western Tiger Ride-in.
Post by: TigerTrax on September 24, 2009, 01:06:20 AM
Western Tiger Riders....

On behalf of all Tiger riders .... We wish you a grand event.

I know Kyle has put in alot of effort as well as a few others.

You will meet some great folks on this journey and look forward to
having your paths cross again.

Take plenty of pics.... make us all jealous!

Post by: JetdocX on September 25, 2009, 06:05:43 AM
I'll gladly lead a Sunday ride with a tunnel climax at high altitude.  Easy ride up the west shore.  Jump off in Tahoe City and take the dirty way to Truckee, then head up old Highway 40 to the point of tunnel vision.

No hard riding, just keep the throttle on and get up on your pegs for the slippery stuff, boys.

There will be water crossings in the tunnels. :D

It will be fun.  Or else! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Post by: JetdocX on September 25, 2009, 06:06:47 AM
What's on store for Saturday?
Post by: voyageur on September 25, 2009, 08:15:50 PM
Jon and Kim arrived from Washington on Thursday. Hope to have dinner here at the lodge on Friday around 7:00 PM to make introductions and such. Saturday will depend on how many show up. The plan is to ride south to Ebbets then north around the lake. Jetdocx, your offer to lead a ride up through the tunnels on Sunday is fantastic. Should we have more than fifteen riders come in perhaps we could split and make that an offering on Saturday. We (Martin and I) were coming up with routes and maps and thought "what if only five riders show up and we have six routes?" Hopefully we can ride together and enjoy each others company.
Post by: JetdocX on September 26, 2009, 05:00:52 AM
I'm working tomorrow, :evil:   I'm going to try to make dinner at the Strawberry Lodge? tomorrow night, right?

Voyager, check your mail.
Title: Western States Tiger Ride In
Post by: voyageur on September 28, 2009, 04:22:33 AM
Now that the event is over, please head over to  Ride Report (http://tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,6663) for the rest of the story. Thanks to everyone who participated. It is your attendance that made this worth while.
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