I could order some from bike bandit, but that would take a while. Any good "in stock" placed to get the filter and o-rings? I'm thinking of getting a scotts, but cash flow is slow at the moment (well, inflow is slow, outflow is always too fast.)
My dealer always seems to have those in stock for me. Yours is probably far away in ABQ?
I order from Baxters. They have craploads of stuff in stock.
Quote from: "Dr. Mordo"I order from Baxters. They have craploads of stuff in stock.
Good thought. I'll check with them. Unfortunately, my "local" Triumph dealer is in ABQ, 225 miles away. They're awesome, but distant. Maybe I'll see if they ship.
Quote from: "abruzzi"Maybe I'll see if they ship.
That's what I've been doing lately, instead of waiting until the day after the end of time for BikeBandit.
I've been going through Pure Triumph in Florida. They have a great parts dept, with everything (so far) in stock, and they ship.
Totally off-topic, but I just popped by baxtercycle.com. Holy sh*t! Last time I was there they didn't have much info, now they have their "pre-owned" cycle list. Just a couple of highlights:
1958 Ariel Square Four (http://www.baxtercycle.com/pre_owned_detail.asp?sid=06476709X12K22K2008J3I06I07JPMQ2063R0&veh=952163) - $18,500
Triumph X-75 Hurricane (http://www.baxtercycle.com/pre_owned_detail.asp?sid=06476709X12K22K2008J3I06I07JPMQ2063R0&veh=876797) - $32,950
1950 Vincent Rapide (http://www.baxtercycle.com/pre_owned_detail.asp?sid=06476709X12K22K2008J3I06I07JPMQ2063R0&veh=881050) - $59,950
Dude, I wish my creditcard wasn't maxed.
STP and Purolator (others?) make oil filters for the steamer. Have you check local auto parts stores?
Quote from: "nightrunner"STP and Purolator (others?) make oil filters for the steamer. Have you check local auto parts stores?
Walmart has Fram filters for steamers 4 bucks I think
Several Kawasakis use the same filter a ZX-11 comes to mind in fact a lot of the big 4 cyl kawis use the same one
I've heard the Kawasaki's use the same filter, but the size of the big o-ring is different. I didn't know that there was a matching filter available at auto stores. (I know there was for the Girly, but that a different filter.)
No matter though, three K&Ns are on the way here.