My steamer is chirping. I seems to be coming from the front, maybe the wheel, maybe the console--hard to tell for certain because I have to be moving about 30-40mph to make it happen. I'm thinking either the speedo cable or the wheel bearing. Any thoughts?
1. Get the wheel in the air and check the bearings
2. lube the speedo cable , but if your speeedo needle isn't bouncing around this probably isn't the chirp
3. take the fairings off and look at the cockpit subframe .............look really close cause the common failure is the center upright on the cockpit subframe will shear in two over time from vibration . The two broken pcs rubbing together will make it chirp , but usually you will have already noticed that the front body work is moving around while riding !
thanks. About wheel bearings--on bike bandit they're $30 each, $60 for both. Ouch. The part number is the same for all the tigers 93-06. THe parts interchange guide in the general section of this forum shows the 6303 as interchangeable for girlies, so should I order two of these: ... g-6303-2RS (
?? They're $7.50 each. That's a $45 savings off triumph's price, if I have the right part.
Looking at the picture you get a A SET of bearings for $7-50. You save even more cash.
If the part number is the same you should be fine. Another trick in general with bearings is to take the old ones to a bearing store and they can most likely use the number stamped on the bearing to get you the correct size (but may be a different mfr). But that price you found sounds pretty good so you may not save anything at the bearing store in this case.
Those are the one's you'll be needing for front wheel bearings .
Crazy how much mark up there is on retail bike parts .
Had a few 'chirp's on my '93.
In each case it was either a crack or break in the front fairing sub-frame, or a loose bolt, allowing the sub-frame to wriggle around.
Think I now have more weld than frame....
with the help of google, I found this: (
Put in Street->Triumph->Tiger 900->1995
and they list full kits (bearing's and seals) for :
Steering Brg - Seal Kit 22-1053: $36.89
Whl Brg - Seal Kit - Front $23.65
Whl Brg - Seal Kit - Rear $29.79
doesn't look too bad.
Does the bearing kit include spacers and seals.. Mine are looking a bit worn and would like to replace someday..
Seals and bearings, but not spacers or retainer clip.