
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: DesertDog on January 10, 2009, 06:47:57 PM

Title: Throttle cable?
Post by: DesertDog on January 10, 2009, 06:47:57 PM
OK.  I have picked up a problem on the ole 97 Steamer and was hoping for a little help from the gurus.

A little info.  It is a 97 with 39k, I have upped the pilot jets to 42.5, running a K&N air filter, both sides of the intake are open with POD filters on both, mixture screws are at 2 turns out.  Valves checked and mid spec. and new plugs.

Here is the probem.  The motor is slow to return to idle.  Have lubed the throttle cable and it seems to snap right back also the linkage on the carbs seems to snap right back but the it takes a couple seconds for the R's to come back to idle.

I know that it has been suggested many times that the throttle cable should be replaced at the 24k service but it seemed to work great so it did not get changed.  I assumed (I know that was wrong) that the reason to replace was that it would get stiff or I would blow a ball  :shock:  (easy!) but all seems to be working.  What have I missed?  I have a cable on order with the stealer but thought I would bounce this off all yall to see if it could be something else.

Last bit of info.  At idle I get an occational low grade backfire (its not very often and almost not noticable.  It took a bit of playing with the idle mixture screws to get the lean backfire on decel to go away.  None now and the tail pipes have the littlest bit of soot in them and my plugs are showing as if running on the slight rich side.

Any suggestings??

thanks in advance.
Post by: cascadetiger on January 10, 2009, 07:17:49 PM
My 98 had a sticking throttle cable when I bought it.  I eventually found that the solution was to re-route it under the tank and seat.  It had some friction due to the routing that would cause the cable to stick, always at the worst time possible.

I don't know if this is your problem, but I thought I would throw it out there.
Post by: JetdocX on January 10, 2009, 07:47:40 PM
My 98 has separate throttle and choke cables.  Yours doesn't?  If it does why go after a throttle cable when it's clearly a choke problem?
Title: Re: Throttle cable?
Post by: Mustang on January 10, 2009, 08:06:03 PM
Quote from: "DesertDog"OK.  I have picked up a problem on the ole 97 Steamer and was hoping for a little help from the gurus.

A little info.  It is a 97 with 39k, I have upped the pilot jets to 42.5, running a K&N air filter, both sides of the intake are open with POD filters on both, mixture screws are at 2 turns out.  Valves checked and mid spec. and new plugs.

Here is the probem.  The motor is slow to return to idle.  Have lubed the throttle cable and it seems to snap right back also the linkage on the carbs seems to snap right back but the it takes a couple seconds for the R's to come back to idle.

I know that it has been suggested many times that the throttle cable should be replaced at the 24k service but it seemed to work great so it did not get changed.  I assumed (I know that was wrong) that the reason to replace was that it would get stiff or I would blow a ball  :shock:  (easy!) but all seems to be working.  What have I missed?  I have a cable on order with the stealer but thought I would bounce this off all yall to see if it could be something else.

Last bit of info.  At idle I get an occational low grade backfire (its not very often and almost not noticable.  It took a bit of playing with the idle mixture screws to get the lean backfire on decel to go away.  None now and the tail pipes have the littlest bit of soot in them and my plugs are showing as if running on the slight rich side.

Any suggestings??

thanks in advance.
A 97 has Mikunis , the emulsion tubes wear out and cause that very problem , replace those . #13 in the pic
also I would go back to the #40 stock pilot jets and increase the mains to 110's instead , and if it seems to rich i would move the needle 1 notch .[/img]
Post by: DesertDog on January 11, 2009, 07:03:01 PM
Thanks for the info.

I replaced the emulsion tubes in the carbs when I went to the 42.5 pilots during the 24k service.   With the stock pilots it was a bugger to start cold and the idle mixture screws were 2 1/2+ turns out.   Could I of worn out a set of emulsion tubes in 14k?  It has been a while since I was into the carbs but I think my needle is set on the lowest groove.  

The throttle cable routing has not changed since I got the bike and the problem is just come into play.  

Mustang,  help me understand why I should go back to the 40's and up to the 110's.   Doesn't the pilot curcuit partially determine how lean the carbs run, specificly when the bike is at less than 1/8th throttle?  It would seem that the little backfire I have at idle now would get worse by going to a smaller pilot?  or due I just have to compensate with the idle mixture screws and the needle setting?

I love that voodoo that the carbs do do.  :cry:

thanks again
Post by: Mustang on January 11, 2009, 08:53:35 PM
when did you open both snorkels , and put the k&n in .
What happens when riding down the road at 3k rpm in say 4th or 5th and you grab a handful of throttle real hard and fast , ?

My experience with t3 tigers and cold weather says cap the right hand snorkel like it came stock , and bigger mains work better in cold weather .
In the summer with the bigger mains you can get away with both snorkels open , but they don't like it in the winter .
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