
Other Beasts => Oil Burners => Topic started by: Diesel Dave on February 01, 2009, 04:26:02 PM

Title: New to Steamers - luggage
Post by: Diesel Dave on February 01, 2009, 04:26:02 PM
I have just aquired a '96 steamer and this is my first post here.

Although it's far from standard as it has a 1000cc diesel triple and aftermarket Harley 6 speed gearbox, so I can claim to have the lowest powered Tiger out on the road but probibly the most economical.

I need to fit a pair of big ally pannier cases - any recomendations for carrier frames and boxes?

Post by: John Stenhouse on February 01, 2009, 04:33:18 PM
Where are you Dave? If your stateside this is no use, but metal mule make panniers and frames or go to the BMW gser site and look for Verns luggage, he makes it bespoke so no worries about fit.
Title: Re: New to Steamers - luggage
Post by: Mustang on February 01, 2009, 04:42:38 PM
Quote from: "Diesel Dave"I have just aquired a '96 steamer and this is my first post here.

Although it's far from standard as it has a 1000cc diesel triple and aftermarket Harley 6 speed gearbox, so I can claim to have the lowest powered Tiger out on the road but probibly the most economical.

Welcome to the site
(http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee47/2uoykcuf/emoticons/DirtDOG.gif) We want pictures of said beast
you have my interest  :thumbsup
Title: Diesel Steamer
Post by: Diesel Dave on February 01, 2009, 05:46:24 PM
Piccies here:





There are actually 3 in existance, the first is a blue one with the smaller 900cc motor

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=k7BqPBvVuyY (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=k7BqPBvVuyY)

Mine's the next in line with the 1000cc lump, and retained the hydraulic clutch actuation:

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=XRC7H8PMaGQ (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=XRC7H8PMaGQ)

The last has the same 1000cc motor but also has a supercharger:

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jth8iUZHoVM (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jth8iUZHoVM)

This one needs more development as so far there is little gain from the supercharger.

I'm in Essex in the UK and we have an annual diesel bike rally at the end of May at Billingshurst, Bat & Ball Pub.

All are welcome - so come long and take the mickey.

Post by: Stretch on February 01, 2009, 06:18:39 PM
Badass!  Welcome aboard.
Post by: adrian jones on February 01, 2009, 10:49:11 PM
Cool bike.  Never ridden a diesel bike before must be interesting.
Search the "farkles" section seems a guy had a line on cheap "home-grown" ally panniers not sure may have been for a newer model but I am sure could be adapted.

Found IT!  See below.  I am sure would work on yours with the right mounts.

http://tigertriple.com/forum/viewtopic. ... t=panniers (http://tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,4080&highlight=panniers)
Post by: aeronca on February 02, 2009, 05:45:02 AM
the blue one makes me cry :cry: or drink :new_all_coholic , either way - awsome :rock-1
Post by: abruzzi on February 02, 2009, 08:05:53 AM
Hepco becker makes frames, and just about any aluminum panniers will work.  If you want cheap, try klr650.com.  

Title: Christened Tiger
Post by: Diesel Dave on February 08, 2009, 08:56:14 AM
Thanks for the Hepco & Becker suggestion - appreciated, Motobins are able to supply in the UK.

It looks like the Diesel Tiger has been christened, a friend popped over and saw it start up:

"Sounds like a tank" he quipped!

So there it is, 'Tiger Tank'

Post by: Mr. Jetmoto on February 22, 2009, 07:35:01 PM
I've got a set of Hepco Gobi's on mine. They are pretty nice cases, and can take a lower speed dirt fall pretty well too. Though you may be replacing latches if it happens.

They do make the back of the bike pretty fat, and I really like the way steamers look without luggage racks. But, we do need to carry stuff around, so I recomend the Hepco's

By the way, that bike is pretty cool too.
Title: Re: New to Steamers - luggage
Post by: coachgeo on October 30, 2013, 05:31:40 AM
bump for the diesel forum
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