Hey Mustang? Wanna make some more $$$$$? :lol:
I'm thinkin' a guy with a water cutter could turn these out by the hundreds in no time. :wink:
I'll make you feel better .....................they don't really do much for performance .
They just make her a little crisper on the throttle .
I've got the stock one back on tigger 2 right now and can't really tell any difference until you spin it up to 8500 rpm
where I really noticed it was when I had a 17 tooth front sprocket in conjunction with big ass main jets , it would pull right up to rev limiter really really fast
it liked running 94 or better octane too !
with the stock timing disc it is happy with 87 octane
I don't have access to a water jet :cry:
There are a few places in town with water jet cutters....jus' sayin'.