Well I was limited on time so I pulled my carbs, that I used all last year with little trouble. And took them to the dealer to clean and check them out.
When I dropped by to see if they had a good quote for me I was told that these have been worked over in the past and I needed all new jets and gaskets etc. I have done a few carbs in the past and I think that the goone at the dealer trashed this stuff during tear down.
Sorry starting to rant ,anyway $400 WTF? I told them to get the parts and put them in a box and I will finish the job.
This is a 96 with Mikuni carbs I will need help with the floats I should be able to put them back but I need to check the level and I do not have a manual.
Any help would be great.
$400 is absurd. Your best bet is to buy the manual. Either the Triumph or the Haynes manual will do. Note they are not model specific for those years but cover most all Triumphs for the mid-90's.
Getting the carbs off was the hard part. You could have easily changed jets and cleaned up. By the way it takes a very long time to 'wear out' jets. How many miles on this cat? The manual will have a pic of where to measure the float level. Or you might find a pic on-line somewhere for the Tiger. Its really easy to bend the little tab to get the right float level. I could look up the spec in my manual but I wont be able to post back until Monday.
The only potential pitfall I can think of is if the vacuum diaphragms are torn or cracked. I do not know if they are still available.
They trashed the jets trying to get them out, you know not using the right tool for the job. I only have 11K on the clock. I did order a new slide it looked very worn maybe even burnt?? I am waiting on parts now. I just can not pay $100 an hour. Which Haynes manual is best for the 96 tiger?
I feel your pain man. Sadly, motorcycle mechanics just don't make very much money so there is a shortage of really good ones. A lot of times the little one-man operations are the way to go since they are self-employed. Anyway, I think Haynes has a site you can search for the manual, or maybe Amazon. It covers most of the models for the mid-90's. Later on the manuals became model-specific. I'd find it for you but I am very near my limit for the month on my air card so I'm cutting way back on the interweb stuff.
I do have the factory manual though. They state for the Mikunis (on Tigers through 97) to attach "service tool adapter 3880120" in place of the float chamber drain screws. It appears to be a fitting with a clear tube attached. The tube is held next to the carb being adjusted. Since its clear you will see the fuel level in the tube and it will be equal to the level in the bowl. The correct float level is listed as 1.5mm +/- 1mm above the joint face between the carb body and the bowl. So bummer you are supposed to buy a goofy factory tool. Maybe someone here with a 94-97 model can give you the equivalent float height with the bowls off and measured from join face to the float bottom.
If nothing else you could check to see if all the floats (bowls off) are at the same level relative to each other. If they are I would be OK with just assuming they are correct. If they vary, then definitely need to set them. FWIW.
According to the Haynes manual, from the joint edge to the bottom of the float , should be 14.5mm stock. This measurement is taken just as the float touches the fuel cut off valve.
Hello again I am starting to put the carbs back together after the dealer maulled them.
I do not think my carbs had any needle jets as shown as item# 13 in my manual. Is this possible?
Thanks again
p.s. 96 red tiger.
OPT, when you say "slide", what exactly did you order? And how much $? I am in need of new (carb) pistons and "guide". Are we talking bout the same part?
Cheers, Kevin
My paper work calls it a "Piston Valve" To the best of knowledge this is just the black slide not the gray guide that it moves up and down in.
I payed $53 bucks for 1.
I hope this helps
Sounds right. I'm looking for both the piston and the grey plastic guide. My Haynes manual shows the guide as a separate part, but Triumph doesn't list it. I have a dealer looking into it for me. BTW my Haynes manual is the Triumph triples and fours '91-'04. I like it, very detailed with good photos.