My 98 steamer just came back from 6 days of jumping rocks and dirt in the Death Valley. Somewhere along the line I dropped it on the left hand side at low speed in softish sand and gravel. Two things happened
1. I cut the engine immediately (2-3 seconds). It revved high and made clanking sounds. On standing up and restarting it revved up high 7-8k rpm each time. I thought stuck throttle cable, but that seemed fine. Eventually I just dialed the idle back and that fixed it, and it stayed fixed. What caused that?
2. I lost 3rd gear. It slips back to 2nd. Down shifting past 3rd also requires a lot of jiggling. I suspect that I knocked the shifter/clutch adjustment out of whack. I hope it is not the transmission. It was a fairly gentle fall. Any suggestions how to fix/adjust this?
(Did I say Streamer? I meant Steamer)
sounds like you somehow must have bent the idle adjuster bracket which was causing the high idle
the shifting issue is probably going to be internal and related to the shifting forks or shift drum , I doubt the clutch slave is causing i t.