SUNDAY JULY 12TH IN SULTAN antique bike show ... (show;_ylu=X3oDMTEzZTlrZjltBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA0Y5MDBfMTI0/SIG=11lglqnoa/EXP=1245498129/**http%3a//
they canceled the show in snohomish and now its moved out to sultan off HWY 2. they had 15000 bikes there in 2008 and when i rode through, i was the only steamer. come on guy's. lets show up in force! :5moped theres a big english section.
I should be able to make it!!!! Let me know where to meet up. I coming from the south end.
ok, i'll find more info this weekend and post soon. i live in monroe (right next to sultan) and will try and get off work early(i work graves at seatac)on that sunday. as far as meeting up - im open. which way are you coming in from? 203,522 or the dreaded 5?
Probably 522 but 203 would be a better ride.
brother ODR, i sent you a PM 8)
here's the plan . we can meet at 11:00am at the costco right where hwy 9 meets 522. from there i'll lead you guy's on the back roads into sultan. first we can take 522 up to fales rd., then turn on cathcart, which in turn - turns into high bridge rd.(really curvy :twisted: ), then we'll turn onto tualco vally loop(really nice-lot of berry grower's). from there we'll jump on hwy 203 for a short stint, and turn east on ben howard rd (super senic - and fun), and take that into sultan. should be a fun day. hope to see you all there,so far a few of my friends from work are going and of course "old desert rat". check out "the sky valley antique motorcycle show" web site.
i'll see you all there in the morning 8)