
Travel - These bikes were made for riding => Up and Coming => Topic started by: TheMule on June 21, 2009, 08:12:27 PM

Title: 7 Day Western State Tour
Post by: TheMule on June 21, 2009, 08:12:27 PM
Alright then,

Here's the plan. Sat down this morning on Microsoft Streets & Trips and mapped a 7 day, 3400 mile, 11 States tour of the west  . Plan is to head east out of Kanab to upper Lake Powell and cross at the ferry. Down into AZ and thru the extreme NW corner of NM. North along the westside of CO, and back into the NE corner of UT. From there head north thru western WY making a stop at Old Faithful and then on into MT. Proceed up thru Helena and into Whitefish/Kalispell (beer stop  ). From Whitefish/Kalispell west into Bonner's Ferry ID. Turn Southwest and make for Kahlotus WA (get out the atlas and look  ). From Kahlotus turn due south and make for Pendleton OR, continue south at Pendleton and make a bee-line (sort of) to Burns. From Burns the plan is to continue to the south and enter CA south of Lakeview. Once in CA I will head for Cedarville and make my way into NV. I'll stop in Gerlach for gas and work my way to Fallon. From Fallon its due east to Ely and then south and east to Cedar City. A short trip thru Cedar Breaks and I'm home again  .

Due to the short amount of time available I'll have to leave the TW home on this one and stretch out the legs on the "new" Tiger.

Let the countdown begin,
Post by: JetdocX on June 22, 2009, 05:07:18 AM
I say have fun!

Call if you feel like blowing a day in my area riding twisties or desolate desert dirt roads.  I can work the Gerlach and Black Rock Desert in on a 90 miles of dirt and a few miles of paved day trip.

There are better CA roads too, if you're interested. :wink:

Edit:  Plus I know where the good eats are along the way. :lol:
Post by: TheMule on June 22, 2009, 07:00:18 PM

I'll be headed out on the 8th of July and it looks like I'll be hitting your country on Sunday the 12th in the late afternoon/early evening (if my schedule holds up  :ImaPoser ). With work constantly getting in the way of fun I'll likely not have much time to spend but it will be supper time and I'd be happy to buy you a meal and talk tigers. If you have any suggestions for NW California blacktop roads (I'm hoping this trip will wear out the Roadattacks so I can get some proper tires on the beast and start hitting gravel/dirt more often) I'd be happy to hear them as I can easily alter plans.

Post by: JetdocX on June 22, 2009, 08:31:20 PM
Well, 395 is kind of boring.  I'd try to hook up with 89 somewhere around Lassen National Park.  I need to look at a map for paved alternatives, though.

I'll probably have my son that weekend and Sunday nights he usually goes back to mom's house, but I'll PM you my contact info.   8)
Post by: TheMule on June 23, 2009, 03:59:58 PM
15 days to blast off. I need to change the rear brake pads, synch the FI, check the valve clearances, change the coolant, and install new plugs. Just ordered a new set of tubes to take along. I think I have everything else I need. I'll be camping out and living on freeze dried food that was left over from a kayak trip my daughter and I took a year ago. Hoping to do the entire trip for around $400. I'm figuring $230 for gas and $170 for miscellaneous including national park fees (counting on no catastrophes). Started laying out things to take along. I will update with pics as the time gets closer.

I got your PM JDX, I'll give you a call when I get close.

Post by: SERadtke on June 27, 2009, 02:13:42 AM
I'm envious! Looks like a fun trip! Have a great time and be careful 8)
Post by: TheMule on June 28, 2009, 07:26:22 PM

Thanks, I just got the valves checked, all within specs (although a couple were getting close). Tomorrow is coolant change, brake pads, and FI synch. I'm going to transfer my GPS mount and wiring from the TW and the 12 volt plug as well and things should be about ready to go.

Also, my mother-in-law's maiden name was Radtka (apparently some members of the family changed the e to an a in the early 1900's as many of my wife's relatives still spell it with an e) we're from northern Michigan originally.

take care,
Post by: SERadtke on June 28, 2009, 10:06:10 PM
Hey Todd,  don't forget to take the bike for a good shake-down run after you finish your maintenance. I've seen a lot of people in the shop on a long trip just after they finished a "complete going through"! Once on the road, they find out they forgot to tighten the flicken-flacker.....usually causing even more damage. Don't forget to post a ride report too!
Post by: TheMule on June 30, 2009, 06:52:56 AM
After thinking about things a bit I've changed my route a little and will head up thru Dolores CO, past Rico, and around to Norwood. Thought a little time in the cool temps up high might be nice.

Just finished up the service (except for the rear brake pad) and everything went surprisingly well. Removed the tank (not nearly as bad as I expected), checked the valves (pretty easy), put in new Iridiums, drained and flushed the coolant and replaced with new (no issues at all), synched the FI with my new Carbtune (took 2 minutes), and got everything back together with no extra parts when I was done! I did forget to tighten the thermostat housing back down before I put the tank back on   :BangHead  but I cut down an allen wrench for a short throw and got it tightened up alright  :sign13 .

Now I have to figure out how to get the rear brake pads changed with a frozen pad pin to deal with  :shock: .

I did take the bike for a short ride and she ran like a scalded cat  :qgreenjumpers

No leaks so far and all I've to got to do is wait for the dreaded 3 heat/cool cycles for the check engine light to go off  :roll: .

Got the GPS mount and hardwire kit installed as well as a 12 V plug for goodies.

Things are shaping up  :eusa_dance .

Time to start laying out the stuff to take.

Oh, and here's a pic of my Girly in the operating room after her masectomy.........
Post by: TheMule on July 04, 2009, 12:36:14 AM
After a blister and a four day cussing tirade the rear brake pads are in and the bike is ready to go!! Let the packing commence...........
Post by: TheMule on July 08, 2009, 12:24:00 PM
Leaving in 1 hour  :D . Attached is a pic of the bike ready to go (taken yesterday).

Wish me luck,
Post by: HockleyBoy on July 08, 2009, 03:10:26 PM
Have a good trip.  :D
Post by: fano on July 08, 2009, 05:09:43 PM
Good times!  :icon_salut
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