Drained the steamer a couple of weeks ago. Never seen engine oil like this before...
It was very viscose and totally black. Is this indicative of a known problem, or just mega poor maintenance from the guy I bought the bike from?
If it's the latter, then gentlemen, we have a steamer abuser - let's form a posse, ride out and tar n feather him!
Looks like he got every cent of use from the oil. Just buy feathers, you already have tar. :wink:
That's not so bad. Filter it through a rag and you can a few more miles out it. :wink:
Quote from: "JetdocX", you already have tar. :wink:
Took the words right out of my mouth :lol:
I would be tempted to split open the filter and have a good look for metallic particles with a magnet, then use a very bright light moved around to look for non ferous particles. It's not what you got out but what's left in there that I worry about :shock:
If you don't find anything you can feel a bit more confident.
Might be tempted to run some flushing oil through or just run it for a hundred miles or so, then change it again. Has it been sitting around for a long time and just run idle from time to time?
If the trippl3 runs on that it will run sweeter on anything else :P