My little wild game reserve in North TX is awaiting the arrival of two Tigers. One dirty and tired looking that purrs oddly. Seemingly needs 3 new knowlogy heart transplants. Also to be arriving is a shinyer tiger with apparently some intestinal issues. Something about Sprag disorder as far as I can tell from its records.
Was intending to go pick them up myself but some wild game outside the reserve (Racoon, not kidding :( :evil: ) took out my radiator on my car throwing off my travel plans. That and a concern that my little diesel and tiny trailer may not be able to haul them anyway. Once Tigers get angry in their cage they throw their weight around.
A few phone calls later and a friend agreed to truck the Tigers on down for a nominal fee of course. Ok... so more than nominal :shock:
Anyone in TX OK or close want to buy a Rokon or a IH 22ft flat bed truck with a DT466 and 4spd tranny? Got some transport fees to cover and other bills to pay