
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: Sin_Tiger on October 18, 2009, 01:00:01 PM

Title: The Good, The Bad and The Seriously Ugly
Post by: Sin_Tiger on October 18, 2009, 01:00:01 PM
The Good

The fork tubes and internals turned out to be in excellent condition. No percievable wear on the bushes, no scores on the tubes, one tiny ding outside of the seal movement area and even the boots are still good with no splits. This was a bit of a surprise when the drained oil looked more like very well used engine oil, although there was no particulate matter. Just a clean up and oil change made a massive diffence to the compression damping even with the standard springs. Hagon's sitting in Scotland waiting for Christmas wrapping paper.

The alternator drive was still solid, having been loctited at some point, no perceptible wear on the splines and even the drive rubbers were better than I was expecting.

The airbox is in pretty good shape considering the dreadful state of the air filter, maybe it hadn't been opened very often!

The Headstock bearings were in very good condition, neading only cleaning and regreasing.

The wheel bearings are both good.

The Cylinder bores are excellent, no scores, barely perceptible wear, no apparent glazeing.

The head and piston combustion chambers are much better than expected needing only very light cleaning.

The cams and gear are all excellent, only the chain & slipper guides will need replacement and even they are in good shape for the milage.

The inlet ports are very clean and the exhaust ports surprisingly have only very light soot.

The clutch is not bad at all but will get rebuilt, the push rod is perfect and only the seals will get replaced just to be on the safe side.

The frame is completely rust free.

The chain adjustment bobbins are free and undamaged although they are on the limit of adjustment, we suspect someone cut the chain a link or two short as it's not badly streched.

The rims appear to be good only the spokes are a bit grotty, will be fitting stainless spokes now that I got that sorted out with Hagon!

The tank has in the past had two spinning captive nuts that have been properly repaired and the one I suspected of leaking due to the paint stain is tight. All the screws were free which to some extent I put down to the fitting of rubberised washers under the screw heads preventing moisture getting in.

The loom is in not bad shape with only a few small molestations.

The coils are all PVL and the leads are in good shape.

The low fuel float switch tests out OK, for some bizzare reason it was found to be disconnected, the wires at the connectors are a bit ropey probably from being yanked when removing the tank and getting forgotten about but that's an easy fix.

The brake rotors are "Braking" make and in pretty good shape other than some surface rust bloom.

The Bad

The cam chain tensioner has been molested by screwing in a bolt, the cam chain is past it but remarkably the sprokets are excellent and sliders didn't suffer too badly.

The carb and airbox rubbers have suffered from being poorly refitted and need replacement, they are getting hard and can be bent enough to force the appearance of cracks so the are about due anyway, my mechanic nearly fell over when I told him why there is a part number for the airbox but none for the airfilter.

Both the throttle and choke cables are getting a bit tired and ragged and will need replacing.

Both sprockets are so sharp they could be used for tree felling, so both them and the chain need replacement, unbeliveably there was a Scotoiler tucked away in the guts but it had been disconnected!

The rear shock and spring seems to be in fairly good shape and being an Ohlins it can be rebuilt, the original Ohlins service engineer is a mate of my mechanic and still has all his special tools thankfully.

The front brake pistons were badly corroded in the exposed area once the grime had been removed, necessitating a complete rebuild.

The rear brake master cylinder had bad internal corrosion on the piston stopping it returning fully, so it needed a new one as well as seals.

The brake pads were some no name Indonesian brand that are well known for being completely useless, that would explain the grabby all or nothing braking at the front.

The coolant temperature switch is definately not original so may not have the proper resistance curve for the gauge, wiring modified badly to fit it.

The head light reflectors have the early stages of measels on the mirroring so will need replacing in the near future.

The inlet valve clearances are just short of the limit and the reason you probably guessed already is the valves are shot, the seats on the other hand are in excellent condition and look like they have done next to no mileage.

The Ugly

Some bright spark has tried to modify the carbs by drilling out the slides, gone too far and had to epoxy up one of the holes. The main jet needles are Dynojet with no markings at all and the main jet is marked "factory" make which I suspect is not original. The float levers have been bent so much the float assemblies will need to be replaced, rapidly getting to the point where buying a used carb assy complete will be a better option.

The Motad exhausts have had the end plates drilled out in an effort to get the tuning right I guess, unfortunately they are not slip ons, the connector tube is part of the cans which are all mild steel, there are several welds on the can tubes to patch up corrosion. Motad doesn't make these anymore, Yoshimura doesn't make suitable cans anymore and none of the locally available i.e. approved, makers have cans available for the Steamer.

The air filter, well it was certainly filtering i.e. there must have been sod all air going through it ::x:

The shock link bearings are stuffed, one was actually seized! Not leakage, just no piggin grease, apparently previous service techs didn't know what a grease gun is for!

The swing arm bearings are stuffed too for the same reason. Not only was that a surprise, the chain slipper wasn't too badly worn and even though the slipper block on the guide was missing I was still shocked to find the swing arm was well grooved when the slipper guide was removed. Just to put the tin hat on it, the  front end is pitted due we guess to a leaking battery at some point in history.

Thankfully I am blessed with having found a very good mechanic who is quite passionate about his work and is prepared to spend the time figuring out which bits are the same as some same vintage Japanese bikes and hence saving me a fair bit over ordering from Triumph UK (local distributor - don't make me laugh). He is the height of nothing but I regularly see him tossing GS's, Africa Twins, Stelvio's and my Varadero around the workshop like they were Tonka toys,  :notworthy

Going to be costing more than I had bargained for and I can't help thinking if it was that much fun before, it's going to be an absolute blast when it's done, can't wait.
Post by: Nick Calne on October 18, 2009, 02:52:58 PM
Ah! Niall this can be expressed as a mathematical equation:-

The high cost of servicing Triumph's (at a dealer) x 2.(dealer ineptitude) + previous owner ignorance x age of the bike = most steamers have been badly abused...

Unless they fell into someone like mustang's hands.....

Good luck with the work!
Post by: Sin_Tiger on October 18, 2009, 04:59:09 PM
If I knew who the buggers were I would teach them a few equations they wouldn't forget :x
Post by: NeilD on October 18, 2009, 05:10:40 PM
well you can always use that airfilter to grow some tatties in rather than a gro-bag!  :D
Post by: JetdocX on October 18, 2009, 07:10:12 PM
How many miles?  My intake valves looked just like that at about 35,000.  I replaced them, then I got to replace them again LESS THAN 6000 MILES LATER!

It's probably not the valves.  Replace the seats with a copper/stellite.  Your seats are probably hardened.  Or look for another head...probably cheaper going that route.
Post by: Sin_Tiger on October 19, 2009, 03:32:51 AM
Quote from: "NeilD"well you can always use that airfilter to grow some tatties in rather than a gro-bag!  :D

Can't do that, it been nominated as a world heritage site having been there so long  :lol:

QuoteHow many miles?

85,000 if the ODO is to be believed. Thanks for the heads up JD but I am going to take a punt on rebuilding it and getting it back on the road sooner rather than later, I want to ride it. During those 6,000 miles, if that's all I get, I am going to be hoarding parts like  :roll: I can't think of an analogy but I am Scots so you get the picture  :wink:
Title: Step 2
Post by: Sin_Tiger on January 18, 2010, 07:11:16 AM
Well I've been hoarding bits like the proverbial squirrel and managed to squeeze most of them into my luggage for the trip back to Singapore.

What I've collected so far.
Rebuilt used shock link, new bearings, seals and bushes.
Used carb assembly in good condition and nicely cleaned up by the supplier.
Used set of down pipes & balance H pipe. To be polished up then sent for ceramic coating so a later fit.
Used Primary Sprocket cover, to send for machining to split for access, later fit.
   Thanks to NIK's EURO BITS (http://stores.shop.ebay.co.uk/niks-euro-bits__W0QQ_armrsZ1) for all the above.

Progressive Fork Springs.
Stainless wheel spoke & nipple sets for both wheels.
   Thanks to Hagon (http://www.hagon-shocks.co.uk/main1st.htm) for those.

Motad (http://www.motad.co.uk/) Venom Stainless cans with link pipes, although they don't make the originals or these anymore Motad were clearing a couple of 'New Old Stock 'sets on Ebay and I was lucky enough to score a set at a very reasonable price. I think I should be able to get these past inspection if I graft the original heat shields on. Now the question is, should I fit them straight away or wait till I have the ceramic headers ready?

Full Decal set from Bikedecals (http://www.bikedecals.co.uk/), thanks to Aeronca and Jetdocx for the help with dimensions. The only thing they didn't supply was the flapping Union Jack, I got those from Triumph Chepassione but when I compared them to some period photo's they are quite a bit different and not the acrylic domed type as I expected so I will probably spring for an original set. They will get used somewhere though.

When I went to drop the bits off and check on progress at the workshop I was pleasently suprised to find all my plastics back from the painter in primer. We were having a bit of bother finding a painter that we could be sure was going to do a good job, could also guarantee matching the original paint colour and was willing to send the plastics back to be mounted and decals applied before clearcoating the lot. Well looks like my mech managed it, plastics have all been properly rubbed down to the original paint, an isolation coat applied before primer and he has even managed to identify the paint code using just the name and a Standox number that I picked up of the interwebby somewhere that I can't find again. The common paint system used here is German stuff, can't remember the name, but he did come up with their sample fan cards and lo and behold there is a section just for Triumph bikes with the original names. I am going to try to borrow it and make a copy for our knowledge tree.

The "Original" Ohlins monoshock has been rebuilt, apparently it is in excellent condition, only the O rings, seals and dust seals have been replaced even though they probably would have been OK. Result.

The swing arm gouges from chain damage have been welded up and just need buffing down before it's sent for reanodising, no luck getting teh needle roller bearings out without damage so we haven't been able to get numbers, might have to buy from Triumph even though it pains me.

Now I just need to get all the Triumph bits from Jack Lilley, this might be the most painful part financially.
Post by: coachgeo on January 21, 2010, 08:25:18 PM
ohhhhhh... your bike...

Phew..... With the title of this thread thought at first you must have gone  to my company website and saw my ugly mug on the staff page.
Post by: Sin_Tiger on January 22, 2010, 04:14:48 AM
Nope, more about the stupid things that have been done to this bike.

You could always start a new thread "Mirror, Mirror, who is hte ugliest poster of us all"  :lol:
Post by: Sin_Tiger on March 28, 2010, 11:06:40 AM
Not much happening for a while.

Buffed the welding to the swing arm down, so that's ready to go for anodising with the rims.

Base coat done on the plastics, fitted up and applied the decals, now they are back at the painters for clear coat. That had me sweating, lucky I had a friend who supplied an extra pair of hands and encouragement, it wasn't his Steamer but I used his black one as a guide and grateful for it, no matter how many pics you look at it's not as easy getting it in the right spot at the right angle without stretching it or getting air bubbles.

Got the new bearings for the swing arm, sitting in the pile of expensive bits waiting for rebuild day.

Ordered a load of stuff from Jack Lilley  :shock: that's me on bread and water for a while, actually bread's too expensive, I'll be on rice  :cry:
Post by: Sin_Tiger on May 05, 2010, 11:16:09 AM
Bit of progress:-

Rims back from the anodiser, nice  :D and have been laced up with the Hagon stainless spokes.

Jack Lilley have finally got all my bits in stock and are shipping out today.  :hello2

My friend the mech. is going to be a busy lad next week, especially since his oppo has quite and gone on to servicing marine engines for Volvo  :icon_scratch
Post by: BruKen on May 05, 2010, 04:53:14 PM
Toys in the post? Nice!
Post by: Sin_Tiger on May 06, 2010, 08:15:31 AM
Jack Lilley UK Tues 4th May 18:40 local, goods despatched.
Me Singapore Thurs 6th May 11:00 local, goods on my desk  :shock:

Wait ............. it gets better.......... package from Aeronca sitting beside it with high fender bracket and a bonus pressie  :icon_salut

I am in happy, orange and black stripey heaven, if I had paws I'd be sitting here licking them  :notworthy  thank you, can't wait to get up to the workshop on Fri night   :5moped
Post by: BruKen on May 06, 2010, 01:00:26 PM
Bloody hell. That's quicker than the local post. Seems the race is back on :wink:
Post by: rf9rider on May 06, 2010, 04:27:03 PM
Quote from: "Sin_Tiger"package from Aeronca sitting beside it with high fender bracket and a bonus pressie  :icon_salut

I got one of those packages from Aeronca, although i never got a "bonus" pressie................ :cry:
Post by: aeronca on May 06, 2010, 06:47:40 PM
not sure what a pressie is, but not to frett rf9rider, your's was made with love :love10                                :lol:
Post by: Mudhen on May 06, 2010, 09:44:52 PM
I feel left out...haven't received any presents from A...what the heck is everyone buying from you?  Can I send you some money?
Post by: aeronca on May 07, 2010, 02:47:18 AM
yes, you can send me as much money as you like :lol: . just kidding, i made some high fender brackets for some of the guy's on the site.
Post by: Sin_Tiger on May 07, 2010, 05:31:07 AM
Quote from: "aeronca"not sure what a pressie is, but not to frett rf9rider, your's was made with love :love10                                :lol:

Now I'm jealous  :lol:
Post by: rf9rider on May 07, 2010, 05:32:43 AM
Quote from: "aeronca"not sure what a pressie is, but not to frett rf9rider, your's was made with love :love10                                :lol:

Pressie = present/gift.

And now i feel special.................. :oops:
Post by: aeronca on May 07, 2010, 03:36:45 PM
hey sin, did you have your rims done in clear, or another color?
Post by: NeilD on May 07, 2010, 04:02:14 PM
Quote from: "aeronca"hey sin, did you have your rims done in clear, or another color?

and what condition were they in beforehand??
Post by: Sin_Tiger on May 10, 2010, 03:02:19 AM
Not too bad, a few light scrapes, dull, stained etc. They were sent for buffing to repair as many faults as possible before going to the anodiser, these are the origianl DID rims.

I asked them to do it as close to original as they could, they came out a neutral silver looking good  :D  Another set of wheels that went to the same place came back in a deep bronze that looked very nice, hmmmm
Post by: Sin_Tiger on June 22, 2010, 11:27:04 PM
Well things are starting to move again, my poor overworked mechanic is managing to find some time between fixing sick GS's  :roll:

The front end is back together with longer HEL brake lines to suit the Hot Bars, original lines were fine but more like guitar strings.

The head has gone to get the seats cut for the new valves.

The refurbished shock link is on.

The swing arm has had to go back to the anodisers as he fluffed the finish, it turned out completely mat  :icon_scratch

I have some dyna beads at the ready, the batch I fitted to the Varadero are working a treat Mustang, 200 kph of absolute smoothness.

The plastics have been returned from the paiters after clear coat, I'm told they look great, still wrapped up and I have not dared to open them in case I get too excited.

I spotted something I had missed on previous inspection, the one coil I looked at was definately a PVL but on closer inspection the other two are different and even different from each other  :x looks like I am going to have to fork out for a set of Nologies after all.
Post by: BruKen on June 23, 2010, 09:39:39 PM
Looking good Sin. I have yet to do the wheels on mine. BTW where do you get your Nologies from?
Post by: Mustang on June 24, 2010, 12:57:23 AM
the boys on the triumph Trophy yahoo group get there coils from Motbins is a UK BMW dealer
they are PVL's which are the same as Nologys but a lot less money ..........I'll see if I can find a link


these are the dual outlet ones for 1200 trophys and obviously BMW's
I bet if you contact them they could hook you up with the single outlet ones the tiger needs
Post by: BruKen on June 24, 2010, 09:55:01 PM
Thank you once again Mustang :)
Post by: NeilD on June 24, 2010, 10:27:13 PM
or Sprint do them... they've actually got cheaper since I bought a set for the other bike..  :roll:
Post by: Sin_Tiger on June 24, 2010, 11:14:29 PM
Thanks guys, I'll check that out.
Post by: rf9rider on June 25, 2010, 04:07:00 AM
Or you could try a set of the "stick" coils off the TT600, a lot cheaper secondhand.

Have a set on mine.  :)
Post by: Sin_Tiger on August 25, 2010, 11:19:16 AM
Finally got the swinga arm back from the anodiser and the missing bits and mis ordered bits arrived, thank you Jack Lilley for taking back the Exhaust Valves for full credit  :oops: what a muppet, no idea what I was thinking.

Now all I need is the mechanic to find time to put it all back together, itching to get in there and do it myself but sadly not allowed.
Post by: aeronca on August 25, 2010, 09:00:10 PM
WOW, that looks really good.
Post by: Sin_Tiger on February 11, 2012, 01:57:03 PM
Time for a serious update.

She's back and been out a few times, until the rear caliper incident, now I have most of the bits she's back in for round two.

But before I get to that, the better stuff.


The guy who has made it all possible, old school straight talker who has to put up with nitwits day in day out, I take my helmet off to you Ken.


Ready to go and I can hardly contain myself.


But first we need some juice, no this was not doctored nor did I push her in :shock:


Ear to Ear  :D


More of the same thank you.


:Sigh: I wish I could just keep going and forget about Monday.


Might as well enjoy it while I can. Sorry officer I really got mixed up between Mph & Kph what with my speedo being dual scale and not having my reading glasses on  :wink:


A Happy Bunny just the same.

Since those pics:-
New cans supplied by Mark from the US.
Ditched the racks that I was never really happy with.
Remodeled and powder coated the custom rear rack.
Sculpted the seat foam and recovered it, very comfy on the short runs so far.
Spare sump guard frame repainted back to original Caspian.
Tank leak that we thought was OK started leaking agian, Ken sorted it by screwing in a seated taper plug, he wasn't very happy about using epoxy with the nylon.

Still to do now I have most of the bits:-
Original indicators now I have a complete set and the proper connectors, thanks guys.
Fit pattern original bars with 25mm lifters to bring it to original, the Super Tennere bars I tried were a bit too high and way too wide, the Tennere must be a pig to steer if it needs bars that wide!
Starter motor to overhaul, bit sluggish so a once over and new brshes called for and on hand.
Bolt the back caliper back on  :roll:  now that I have the proper bits, fortunately I didn't seem to have suffered any damage.
Fit a low milage clock set (reset to actual mileage) so I can read them in the dark, black backing has all but gone from being left out uncovered in the sun.
Replace the leaky petcock with an original.

I did a dyno run before I ditched to old Metzlers to fit the Anakee's. Amazingly close to factory considering she has done 88,100 miles with only what amounted to a top end job, could have gone to 100k but might as well do the job rather than do it again in a year or so.


That's without final tweaking of the carbs and with the old drilled out  :roll: cans. Can't complain and she certainly responds well, just a tiny hesitation off the throttle, the trigger might be gettign tired, got a spare just in case.

Can hardly wait for her to be ready again.
Post by: rf9rider on February 11, 2012, 04:06:43 PM
Nice end result mate.  :)
One question, were you able to get the original decal that sits above the headlights? Thought they were unavailable now?
Post by: Sin_Tiger on February 12, 2012, 02:17:50 AM
I got it made at a local sticker shop, he probably still has it on file if you want one. It's very close to original as you can see.
Post by: JetdocX on February 12, 2012, 08:02:08 AM
Dude!  Get back on the right side of the road!!!!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Post by: Sin_Tiger on February 12, 2012, 09:30:32 AM
Quote from: "JetdocX"Dude!  Get back on the right side of the road!!!!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

 :ImaPoser  how's it going with the Beaker Doc, you've been missed  8)
Post by: Big Mick on March 14, 2012, 07:26:24 PM
Looking good !
Post by: rybes on March 15, 2012, 09:54:29 PM
how happy is this lil bunny  :wink:  thas lookin right nice mate. that grin you carry id well desreved  :D
Title: I'm Cracking Up
Post by: Sin_Tiger on May 03, 2012, 05:45:53 PM
No really  :shock: the old girl has been cracking up.

In for a service before my Phuket trip we noticed that the rear subframe had cracked 3 / 4 sides of the square tube on both sides and the rack was now resting on the top of the cans. Cracked just in front of the seat lock cross brace. Weak point as Mustang has pointed out, with the later models getting longer gussets below that area. Sadly I lost the pics when I lost my TAB.

Bugger I thinks, I'm going to have to take the Striple on the trip and I've given the soft bags and frames away to my mate. Anyway off the subframe comes and away to the welder. Meanwhile, back at the Ranch, better have a look at the carbs / fuel tap (new) which gave me intermittent starvation. Then the bl@@dy new K&N fuel filter cracks in two as it's being removed  :? , bugger. Small thing, I have other inline filters.

Subframe back from the welder sooner than expected and a sterling job he has made of it too. Not only welded the cracks beautifully but put the extended gussets in almost like a bought one and put a strip either side of each tube just for good measure and even painted it good enough not to be embarrassing. We're on again with still a week to go before the trip  :D

You're having me on, the rear disc is cracked, blimey you're not, cracked in two spots on closer inspection  :evil:  it's Striple and back pack I'm sure now  :(


I might as well get a new disc ordered for when I get back. Trev at Sprint Manufacturing to the rescue, can you believe it landed on my desk about 5.5 days after the order, well done that man  8)

Off to the workshop over Mon lunch time and give my long suffering mechanic the injured puppy look.  :roll:  Ang Moh! trouble you one! God bless him, SMS Wed afternoon, bike ready! Not much time for a shake down before Thurs 05:00 departure but we're off.
Post by: rybes on May 09, 2012, 11:59:24 AM
any chance of some pics on the gussetes ya had fitted ? im curious as to where there fitted
Post by: Sin_Tiger on May 10, 2012, 01:01:25 AM
I'll do that at the weekend now I've got her back after last weekends rear tube failure.
Post by: aeronca on May 11, 2012, 12:36:48 PM
wow, rough break with the rear disc - but MAN she's lookin good!!! 8) after seeing your's I probably will put my low fender back on.
Post by: rybes on May 11, 2012, 12:46:49 PM
cheers sin  :D
Post by: Sin_Tiger on May 11, 2012, 02:07:03 PM
Quote from: "aeronca"wow, rough break with the rear disc - but MAN she's lookin good!!! 8) after seeing your's I probably will put my low fender back on.

I'm saving the brackets you sent me for the project version  :wink:

I forgot to add that the plastic under tray also split in two  :roll:   and in one week, two punctured rear tubes, one on the way to the office this morning (both new before you say it) have not helped my mood, or my Boss's  :oops:
Post by: BruKen on May 11, 2012, 03:40:21 PM
loose spoke? Do you run heavy duty tubes?
Post by: aeronca on May 12, 2012, 08:40:16 AM
the deed is done - low fender reinstalled. looks different, but then the high fender was on for a long time.
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