I am getting my, long, list of parts together for the rebuild and was wondering about the 'Full' gasket kit. I asked Jack Lilley and got the following back.
Quote3) the "Gasket Kit, Full Engine" - 3990050-T0301 comes will all the gaskets and seals to do the job.
I actually asked what was included or what I needed in addition, I don't want to be a PITA going back and forward on email, so. Has anybody any experience with this kit and can tell me what else is needed, my experience with other "full kits" is that seals are not included. Does anybody know?
Jack Lilley's is good peeps just ask em if you need anything else .......I am not 100 % certain but I think the 'kit' is complete with everything ...although you may want to order a tube of hylomar because once the head is removed you need to reseal the cylinder bases to the block to prevent coolant from seeping into the sump and ruining your rod bearings . :cry:
Thanks Mustang.
Yup, Hylomar is on the list, not sure if I can source it locally, ref JetDox excellent write up. It's stuff I have Iused for years and have a lot of respect for, if it can keep oil in a Beezer C15 it gets my vote :lol:
Kath Lilley responded pretty quick and once the see the full order they may be better able to advise me, "you don't need that it's in the kit" etc. Time to put the Visa card where my mouth is :shock: