
Travel - These bikes were made for riding => Up and Coming => Topic started by: Jon KB on October 23, 2009, 08:01:47 PM

Title: 2010 Western USA Tiger Ride-In and who plans to attend
Post by: Jon KB on October 23, 2009, 08:01:47 PM
Editing this post to add a list of the folks who have told me they will be there.

Several people indicated interest when this was first posted, I'll add their names when the tell me they are planning on coming.

Who Will Be There?:
                            TTigerfoot and his Rocket riding wife

After talking to Kyle Thomas (2009 Host) about it and considering it for a while, Kim Olsen and I would like to offer ourselves as co-hosts for the 2010 Western USA Tiger Ride-in.

If folks are interested, we have some excellent roads here in Washington both paved and unpaved that provide rides through some outstandingly beautiful countryside.

We are thinking about a location that will place us in easy riding distance of Mt. Rainier, Mt. Saint Helens, eastern and western Washington.  We will need to do some more research as to what camp grounds and commercial accommodations are available to us.

As for a date, keeping it in line with this years event I was thinking of the 1st weekend in September which would be the 3rd, 4th & 5th.

Thoughts, Ideas, Concerns?
Contact me through this post or email me at
Title: A Glimpse
Post by: Jon KB on October 27, 2009, 01:20:58 PM
The only problem I have with "Riding" is that I so rarely stop to take pictures, I enjoy the ride so much I hate to stop.

Here's a few that I did take though.
















Title: Dates
Post by: voyageur on October 28, 2009, 02:44:35 AM
Nice pictures Jon. Let me know the dates and I will set the time aside to be there. Looking forward to the event. Kyle
Post by: TigerTrax on October 28, 2009, 02:46:24 PM
Jon stepped up and wanted to do this event in the state of Washington.
The Western contingent is getting some traction and making headway.

Those of us who have never been to that area... consider the ride....
I know I am.

Jon, we'll be looking forward to hearing the details.
Post by: johnnyadventurepants on November 05, 2009, 12:38:30 AM
Sweeeeeeeeet!  I was playing around with the idea of doing some sort of Tiger ride in WA (honestly, check the Tiger Pic thread on ADVrider for proof).  Count me in!  I think that there are a fair amount of cats around here in Seattle, Vancouver, etc.






Post by: aeronca on November 05, 2009, 12:42:25 AM
i am so freakin in - i can taste it :lol:  as soon as there is a date, i'll set aside vacation.    
Post by: DesertDog on November 05, 2009, 07:33:20 PM
I like it, I like it.  With the early notice and it being so close, might be able to get a few more of the Idaho Tigers to make an appearance.  

Washington has alot of wonderful country to offer and September should be a great time to see it.

That is Labor day weekend so many should have Monday the 6th off also?  Extra day to get home or recover from the mayhem.

Can't wait.
Title: 2010
Post by: GWL on November 05, 2009, 10:08:48 PM
Great pictures but I'm puzzled. Is anyone else drawn to the centre of picture 8? Is that a bear or some other animal? maybe a yeti/sasquatch :shock: ? Certainly something hairy (Stretch is that you?) :lol:
Post by: Stretch on November 05, 2009, 10:46:55 PM
I dropped my keys.
Post by: TigerTrax on November 06, 2009, 03:01:35 AM
Uh. . .
may be a 'she-squatch'.

I hear they inhabit those areas and lure unsuspecting tourists
by 'sashaying' into the woods luring tourists to their demise.
Once in awhile one escapes and becomes a life-long caller on
the Art Bell show.
Title: Re: 2010
Post by: Jon KB on November 06, 2009, 11:18:11 AM
Quote from: "GWL"Great pictures but I'm puzzled. Is anyone else drawn to the centre of picture 8? Is that a bear or some other animal? maybe a yeti/sasquatch :shock: ? Certainly something hairy (Stretch is that you?) :lol:

When it lifted its head I found it to be a deer prior to that I was a tad nervous as I did not notice it until it started to move.
Title: Re: 2010
Post by: Jon KB on November 06, 2009, 11:23:21 AM
Quote from: "GWL"Great pictures but I'm puzzled. Is anyone else drawn to the centre of picture 8? Is that a bear or some other animal? maybe a yeti/sasquatch :shock: ? Certainly something hairy (Stretch is that you?) :lol:

Picture 10 is of my wife who may be unfortunate enough to be the sole female triumph rocket owner/rider in the state of Washington...not that she feels the least bit displeased with her ride.  Talk about the total number of brownie points I accumulated with that purchase, Wheeew!
Post by: atokad on November 27, 2009, 05:55:09 AM
I would like to attend but obviously dates/work may change that.  I have an old friend in the area that I have been wanting to meet up with on a ride so this would be an awesome opportunity!
Title: The best dates?
Post by: Jon KB on November 27, 2009, 04:42:51 PM
Choosing dates that work for the most people is difficult.
When I suggested the first weekend of September I wasn't thinking of Labor day weekend. That a lot of people get it off makes it more likely that we will get maximum participation (what ever that means). That a lot of people get it off also means that the roads, campgrounds and parks are also much more crowded, impacting the quality of the riding experience.

During the second weekend of September the parks and roads are much less crowded.

I chose September because that's when we had it this year (2009) and it is about as late in the riding season as we can count on relatively good weather here in Washington.

However it was pointed out to me that because of the distances involved we could have it any time during the warmer riding season (I love the extended riding season created by heated clothing) without creating any conflict with the other Tiger ride-Ins.

So with all that said I would like input, i.e. a discussion, as to when we want to have our Ride-In. We want to nail down the date soon so we can plan our 2010 vacation schedule, so this discussion will be limited to a few weeks and then I'll post the planned dates.
Title: More pics
Post by: Jon KB on November 27, 2009, 06:31:17 PM














While the road is paved it is also slippery due to gravel, dirt and ash carried onto the road surface by wind and rain.
A Subaru club had a problem when one of their members took a curve to fast and left the road, car totaled, driver critical.
Post by: jphish on December 13, 2009, 02:00:41 AM
As you well Know Labor Day can be a crazy weekend to be on the road. I'll show up either way, but the following weekend might be a better experience. The Cascades would be great - also possibility of a contingent doing all or part of the Olympic peninsula. Particularly for those from midwest who dont get much ocean view time. Ruby beach or Neah Bay would be some real eye candy for the marine/aquatic enthusiast. j
Post by: ArcticTiger on December 14, 2009, 02:10:27 PM
I have visited this area 3 times, traveling around in an old stepside truck. It would have been EXCEPTIONAL fun to be able to come back and visit this nice area on a Tiger!
Soo, then a crazy :shock:  idea stuck me: It could have been done, if someone in the Seattle-Vancouver area had a "spare", "extra" or "left-over" bike they were willing to rent out for a certain period!
Then I would fly in, and ride with you guys in september :D

Send me a PM if this is a possibility for someone!

PS: Or, we can do a bike exchange. If you want to come and visit northern Norway, you can ride one of my bikes.
Post by: johnnyadventurepants on December 15, 2009, 03:54:01 AM
That campground (longbeach?) that the ADV Pacific Wet Fest is at looks pretty cool.  On the sand by the water.  But I haven't done it as they seem to be a little different crowd than I tend to hang out with.

Oh, and I vote for all dirt and gravel!  But I'm sure I'm in the minority here.  And I vote for June as I can't wait until Sept.  Week after Labor Day sounds good too.
Title: Date for the Western USA Tiger Ride-In
Post by: Jon KB on December 15, 2009, 07:37:36 AM
Well we have settled on the 2nd weekend in September

Arrive 10 Sept
Ride 11 Sept
Wrap-up and head for home on 12 Sept

Given advance notice, I'm open to playing tourist guide if someone decides to show up early or stay late.

I'll post the campground and hotel information once I've narrowed it down.
Post by: jphish on December 15, 2009, 04:24:19 PM
Jon - sent you PM on offer of assistance. Good call on the timing - it's my BD week end & certain to have nice weather. Hope to hook up after Jan 1. Be well. j
Post by: aeronca on January 22, 2010, 01:11:17 PM
sounds good. i'll budget some time.
Title: What is a Tiger Streak (Ride-In)?
Post by: Jon KB on January 24, 2010, 07:17:47 AM
Tiger Ride-Ins have been occurring for many years on the east coast and the Midwest. This will be the 2nd in what we hope will be a long tradition on the West Coast

The 2nd annual Western USA Triumph Tiger Ride-In. A destination excuse to ride and meet fellow Tiger owners. This year it will be happening near the town of Randle at the Cowlitz Falls campgrounds the weekend of Sep 10th - 12th. the we will enjoy some good rides preceded and followed by good meals with friends new and old. This is a informal event, just a destination as a excuse for a ride and a chance to meet new faces and reacquaint old ones. Last Year (2009) we held the 1st annual Western USA Tiger Ride-In at Lake Tahoe and had a blast.

While these events are aimed at Triumph Tiger owners we will gladly deem anyone that shows up on their best bike an honorary Tiger.
Title: Location Location Location
Post by: Jon KB on January 25, 2010, 05:08:58 AM
Looks like we will be at the Cowlitz Falls campgrounds also known as the Leonard "Bud" Allen Campground. Sep 10th  - 12th

Cowlitz Falls is 5 minutes from Randle WA, several very nice rides can start from there.

http://www.lcpud.org/leonardallenpark.html (http://www.lcpud.org/leonardallenpark.html)

Reservations have been mailed in for two adjacent camp sites, these sites are group tenting sites with a combined capacity for 10 tents.

We requested sites 2 & 3, this will give us 8 picnic tables, two fire pits and 10 tent sites all within a few strides of each other. This campground also has showers.

We will divide the cost amongst those who choose to stay with us.

If we get ten tents the cost will be $10 per night.

If we exceed 10 ten tents we will either have to reserve more sites ahead of time or take what is available when we arrive.

I will post local motel information for those interested.
Title: Rough weekend outline
Post by: Jon KB on January 25, 2010, 05:39:59 AM
Friday evening
   Meet and greet potluck

   Discuss morning route
   Discuss afternoon route
   Dinner at campsite burgers and dogs
   ( pitch in a couple of bucks and I'll cook enough for all)

   Discuss morning route
   Break Camp

I'll show early to set up camp, possibly a day or two early
If anyone wants to arrive early we can ride additional route or two, just let me know in advance.
Post by: ORTiger on January 25, 2010, 06:12:19 AM
I missed last year's ride to Tahoe but I'll be coming up from Portland.  It's a quick ride from home so I'll show up mid to late morning.
Post by: macgart on January 25, 2010, 10:09:36 PM
I'm interested.  Although it's about 1,200 miles one-way for me.  If budget allows I plan to come out.  I'll be following the thread.
Title: Coming a long ways?
Post by: Jon KB on January 25, 2010, 10:16:35 PM
Quote from: "macgart"I'm interested.  Although it's about 1,200 miles one-way for me.  If budget allows I plan to come out.  I'll be following the thread.

If you need a couple of days rest before heading back I can put you up at my place.
Post by: macgart on January 26, 2010, 03:40:07 AM
Thanks for the offer.  I really want to make it up there.  Looks like a great opportunity to check out Canada too.
Post by: johnnyadventurepants on January 27, 2010, 04:23:57 AM
Well Randle sure looks like a nice central spot.  This would be a nice simple tank bag map:

Title: TankBag Map
Post by: Jon KB on January 30, 2010, 04:06:40 AM
Quote from: "johnnyadventurepants"Well Randle sure looks like a nice central spot.  This would be a nice simple tank bag map:


 That is nice I'll add it to the arrival package I'm preparing for attendees

I sure like the looks of your bike...Yellow is the best of course  LOL
Post by: jphish on January 31, 2010, 08:35:47 PM
Jon And I met up yesterday to discuss some of the options for W Wa Tiger fest in Sept. I can offer to lead / follow a blue water side trip to some pretty spectacular pacific ocean scenery, for those that might be interested. About a 300 mi round trip. We'd likely need to do it on front end (Wed or Thurs) so as not to interfere with group events / dynamics that Jon already planned. Even if it's only 1 or 2 others - I'm still willing. I'd be forced to ride my Tiger to the ocean & back...waaaa...terrible sacrifice! No sympathy cards required. TTFN, j
Post by: johnnyadventurepants on February 01, 2010, 12:27:44 AM
What about the most important part of the whole event?  You know.... stickers?!  :D
Post by: jphish on February 01, 2010, 01:05:28 AM
Don't worry! I have already raided my Granddaughters "Hello Kitty" sticker stash. Plenty for all! Think how cool that would be for 10 of us (heavily armed of course) to show up at Sturgis with 'kitty stickers all over our Tigers ! :wink:
Post by: Tomsblutiger1 on February 06, 2010, 05:49:36 AM
I'd like to meet some of you Washington Cat's!  Hope to be there.
Post by: aeronca on February 07, 2010, 02:56:02 PM
theres alot of good ridin there. take 12 to 410 and then go up over chinook pass is great. or if you turn right on 410 you can go to "whistlin jacks" store/lodge(cooooold beer). there's bumpin lake dam also. lots of good stuff down there. you picked a great location for this. best of all it's only an hour and forty five minutes from my house  8)
Title: CampGround Reservations are Confirmed
Post by: Jon KB on March 14, 2010, 12:02:47 AM
Yesterday I got official confirmation of the campground reservations I made back in November.  I guess I should have expected the delay since they were closed for the winter.

We have a campground, 5 people from Washington, 2 people from the Mid-west, 2 from California all of whom have shown a strong interest and based on their past activities will most likely attend and we have several others from WA, OR and ID that have expressed their desire to attend also. I'm assuming that because people have to juggle minor things like money, jobs, and family that we'll probably see about half of those who express intent. Last Year we managed 10, this year we'd like to match or exceed that.

The local Triumph dealer here, Triumph of Tacoma-Lakewood Motor Sports, has been very encouraging and may host a hot dog feed on one of the two days and possibly find a vendor or two to provide some small door prizes. Free maps are always welcome in my house.

Seriously though this will be a small friendly get together whose purpose is to provide us an excuse to ride our bikes, meet people and see some new sights. I encourage everyone to come and hope you will all encourage your friends to attend also.  While Tigers are the focus of this get together we will welcome everyone whatever they are riding and have a great time of it.
Post by: johnnyadventurepants on March 16, 2010, 12:08:29 AM

2 questions:

1) How about editing your first post with a signed- up list like they do for most rides on ADVrider?  It's nice to see who else is going, how many etc.

2) Do you want to keep this small and just for the regular users of Tiger Triple?  Or should I recruit more Tiger riders that I run into, most of which probably don't use this site?
Post by: Jon KB on March 16, 2010, 12:39:36 AM
Quote from: "johnnyadventurepants"Jon,

2 questions:

1) How about editing your first post with a signed- up list like they do for most rides on ADVrider?  It's nice to see who else is going, how many etc.

2) Do you want to keep this small and just for the regular users of Tiger Triple?  Or should I recruit more Tiger riders that I run into, most of which probably don't use this site?

 I can do that, as people commit, I'll get the list up later I'm in a time crunch right now. So far I have 3 Tiger riders and 1 Rocket III rider (my wife) who have committed cash to being there. I have 4 Tiger riders who have indicated serious intent but feel it is too early to commit and several others have shown interest.

I want this as large as we can make it, the East & West Coast Streaks (Ride-Ins strive for 50 Tigers.

This is a Tiger oriented event however, anyone who rides or supports motorcycles is encouraged to come, after all, one good look at our Tigers they're sure to trade-in their ordinary bikes for Tigers... LOL

Last year we had a couple of non Tigers in the group and we all had a blast.
Title: Western USA Tiger Streak 2010 (Tiger ride-in)
Post by: Jon KB on June 20, 2010, 07:39:13 AM
September is no longer so far away
It's time to start talking about the 2010 Western USA Tiger Streak again.

Tiger Ride-Ins have been occurring for many years on the east coast and the Midwest. This will be the 2nd in what we hope will be a long tradition on the West Coast

The 2nd annual Western USA Triumph Tiger Ride-In. A destination excuse to ride and meet fellow Tiger owners. This year it will be happening near the town of Randle at the Cowlitz Falls Campgrounds the weekend of Sep 10th - 12th. the we will enjoy some good rides preceded and followed by good meals with friends new and old. This is a informal event, just a destination as a excuse for a ride and a chance to meet new faces and reacquaint old ones. Last Year (2009) we held the 1st annual Western USA Tiger Ride-In at Lake Tahoe and had a blast.

While these events are aimed at Triumph Tiger owners we will gladly deem anyone that shows up on their best bike an honorary Tiger.


We requested sites 2 & 3, this will give us 8 picnic tables, two fire pits and 10 tent sites all within a few strides of each other. This campground also has showers.

We will divide the cost amongst those who choose to stay with us.

If we get ten tents the cost will be $10 per night.

If we exceed 10 ten tents we will either have to reserve more sites ahead of time or take what is available when we arrive.

If you are more interested in a motel send me an email (ttigerfoot@gmail.com)and I'll reply back with some of the local motel information.

Friday evening
Meet and greet potluck
Discuss routes and possible schedule

  Dinner at campsite burgers and dogs
 (pitch in a couple of bucks and I'll cook enough for all)

  Anyone want to ride?
  Break Camp

I'll show  a day or two early to set up camp and goof off
If anyone wants to arrive early we can ride additional routes , let me know in advance.

Our local Triumph dealer (Triumph of Tacoma-Lakewood Motor Sports)  has been very encouraging and may host a hot dog feed on one of the two days and possibly find a vendor or two to provide some small door prizes.

Johnny Adventurepants (A man who rides the fastest color there is) has suggested that we put up a sign-up list.

So I'll Do just that, I'll modify the first post and start posting names a people tell me that they are committed to coming.

Remember "Tigers are the Best" but all riders and tier bikes along with those who support riders are welcome.
Post by: jphish on June 22, 2010, 04:35:38 PM
Well...I'm still in. Should have Tiger foot mounted by then.
Title: Countdown
Post by: Jon KB on August 25, 2010, 01:09:57 AM
Let me know if your coming and I'll make enough spaghetti for all on Friday night

The more the merrier

If everyone who has indicated interest shows up we will have 14  people attending.

The following people said they may attend if life allows

TTigerfoot and his Rocket riding wife
Kyle Thomas  voyageur
Post by: johnnyadventurepants on August 25, 2010, 02:42:49 AM
Hey Jon,

I was really looking forward to this especially because it was so close to home.  Unfortunately I won't be able to make it.  Fortunately, it is because I will be in Utah that weekend!  Have fun and take lots of pics.
Post by: TigerTrax on August 25, 2010, 03:13:13 AM
TigerTrax .... out...

Must be in Alabama helping take care of mother-in-law for 10 days.

I am sorry.

Am sending Tees to Kim.

You all have a grand time ... it looks like a terrific spot.

Ask Harry 'How's it goin?'
Post by: Tomsblutiger1 on August 25, 2010, 05:34:00 AM
I was hoping to make this gathering, but time is not allowing this to happen.  Sorry.  Have a great time!
Post by: jphish on August 25, 2010, 03:08:24 PM
Hey Jon - I assume yellow Tiger operational after it's "escape" from your house? Participants usually dwindle closer to actual event...more food for those that show up. I'll be there Friday eve (what time you leaving for Randle on Friday? - I maybe able to ride up with ya) But have to return Sat afternoon for My 62nd BD. Wifes orders. Want me to bring french bread to go with Italian Spaghetti ? I think ice cream is out. j
Post by: Jon KB on August 26, 2010, 04:52:49 AM
Quote from: "jphish"Hey Jon - I assume yellow Tiger operational after it's "escape" from your house? Participants usually dwindle closer to actual event...more food for those that show up. I'll be there Friday eve (what time you leaving for Randle on Friday? - I maybe able to ride up with ya) But have to return Sat afternoon for My 62nd BD. Wifes orders. Want me to bring french bread to go with Italian Spaghetti ? I think ice cream is out. j

Ignition switch was messed with but still works, I don't think he/she/they got it started.

Tiger was found a half a block from home, property owner called the cops to complain that somebody had parked a bike behind his garage.

I'll probably heading out there Tuesday or Wednesday for some early relaxation

(anyone and everyone is encouraged to arrive early if they can)

62 ? I know dirt that is younger!

LOL congrats on making it thus far

French bread would be great

I'm thinking of heading north tomorrow afternoon and doing the hwy 20 route to the Grand Coulee Dam, been about 35 years since my last tour of the area.

Take care
Post by: jphish on August 26, 2010, 06:22:26 AM
You must be 'off' this week. Good one for pre holiday madness. Yes - there is lots of potting soil younger than I. I'll head out Fri when I get back from Seatac - about 3ish. See you at the campground around 5ish with French bread in tow.
Post by: aeronca on September 06, 2010, 09:44:47 PM
i'll be there on saturday (afternoonish) - i cant get friday night off. let me know if i can bring anything.     eric
Post by: aeronca on September 08, 2010, 06:25:43 AM
the weather is looking pretty good. looking forward to meeting everyone.
Post by: jphish on September 09, 2010, 01:19:37 AM
Hey Jon - Hope your excellent adventure was without any mishaps. I hit 105* temps in Redding Ca - & got back a day late (450 mi for my wife on her ST was enough for 1 day - but only had 300 more to home?!) but fine other than that. I will be up at Randle around 4PM Fri - bad news is, I have to depart after dinner. Too much to do before I leave Sunday for St Joe. French bread will arrive with me in the exhaust side, side case, to keep it warm. see ya then. TTFN, j
Post by: aeronca on September 10, 2010, 06:50:56 AM
Quote from: jphishHey Jon - Hope your excellent adventure was without any mishaps. I hit 105* temps in Redding Ca - & got back a day late (450 mi for my wife on her ST was enough for 1 day - but only had 300 more to home?!) but fine other than that. I will be up at Randle around 4PM Fri - bad news is, I have to depart after dinner. Too much to do before I leave Sunday for St Joe. French bread will arrive with me in the exhaust side, side case, to keep it warm. see ya then. TTFN, j

bummer dude. when you get back we will have to hook up for a beer.

 who all is going to be there saturday?????
Post by: jphish on September 10, 2010, 03:21:11 PM
Aeronca - yeah, appears I may miss you & the Steamer - Darn!  Life just sort of "stacked up" while I wasnt looking. Looks like you may at least have a dry ride going south. I'll catch you down the road - perhaps a western Wa Tigefest ?  Jon should still have some Sat pasta left from Sunday. Ride safe, j
Post by: jphish on September 11, 2010, 03:04:55 PM
Jon et al - Thanks for dinner (GREAT Pasta sauce!!) & the fine company. With Hilton's arrival from BC, & Stanly from Oregon, it was a national & international Tiger Fest. Weather predictions are excellent for remainder of weekend. Spied 1 black & 1 yellow Tiger heading east between Morton & Randle - so hopefully they caught up to you all. aeronica supposed to 'fly / ride in today.' Thanks for all your & Kim's organizing - wouldnt have happened without your efforts. Sorry we didnt get to oogle the Rocket - but yellow Jeep is a nice complement to Tigers. Check in when back from St Joe. TTFN, j
Post by: b50bsa on September 21, 2010, 02:21:14 AM
I just did a copy/paste....... it's not really plagiarism ;^)
 I had not checked here to see if there was a followup.  Anyway, here are some brief thoughts..... with the first line removed, for those of you who have already read this, and one added that should have been there before.
I arrived on Thursday morning. After intros, Jon and I headed off to get some firewood. I had a good laugh when Jon showed me how to strap firewood to a bike, I told him I was not riding behind him ;^) I'm not good at the, attach photo stuff, or one would be here.

The Saturday ride (nice blue sky) that I took part in, went to mount Saint Helens via a small winding, summer only road. If you could call a 12' paved path with areas that were sinking toward the valley below, and had great huge sink holes every once in a while, a road. I thought this road/trail, let alone others, was totally worth the $5 I payed to ride up to Saint Helens. Of course, having Jon and Kim as narrators, was a bonus.

I had a good time, met some interesting people. Good camp fire stories. The weather was a bit dismal, but there was a covered area, in case of rain. The camp site had nice clean bathrooms, and was well setup.

The food was great, and some of it unexpected, like Sunday breakfast.

All in all, a well planed out meet. All versions of the Hinkley Tigers were represented.

Thanks given to Jon and Kim, well done!  

I will be back next year!

Post by: aeronca on September 21, 2010, 04:06:02 AM
hey brother hylton. check out ride reports, kim posted some pic's and video. good meeting you.    eric
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