Noticed my first minor problem, after the bike has stood in the garage for the last week, i noticed a smell of gas,and i noticed the fuel tap is wet.
Haven`t had a chance yet to look closer, but are there any known problems with the tap on the tiger?
Are they repairable or is it a case of buying new? Or other model tap fit?
Not repairable to my knowledge sprint manufacturing (UK) do overhaul kits for the vacuum operated type nut not the tiger/ So its replace with OEM part or after market I went for a pingel, a big lump of of shinny stainless. Bit expensive but it is rebuild-able
Got mine from Straightline Racing in Kings Lynn. I found it required a bit of file work to open up hole to get the guaze filter to pass through into the tank.
if its just leaking through the front then you may get away with taking it to bits and replacing the O ring... mine on the Tiger and the Thunderbird Sport are both dripping slightly when in the 'off' position, so I'm going to have to replace them at some point. The originals are still available from triumph at about £70, however no-one does rebuild kits, which is odd as they're still making the whole unit, so thourght they'd supply the spare parts?? :?
this what they look like taken apart (picture stolen from someone else :wink: its a TBird one, same unit just different outlet position)) - I reckon its the blue 'cone' thats worn on mine and allowing fuel to pass when 'off'...
edit: does your reserve work? they do have a habit of getting blocked - mine obviously is as I found out when I first got it.. :oops: fortunately right by a petrol station! another reason I need to remove the tap on mine..
Thanks all.
Its only slightly leaking in the "off" position, so i`ll leave it in the "on" position for now.
The reserve does work.
Think i`ll bite the bullet and buy a new one,