
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: Nick Calne on February 06, 2010, 12:07:48 AM

Title: Spraying the Tank.
Post by: Nick Calne on February 06, 2010, 12:07:48 AM
I've been painting my spare tank and like a fool have managed to:

a) drop a bolt inside it, that I can't recover....it's stopped rattling around and I can't see it.
Out of sight, out of mind, probably not a problem therefore. :?

b) Get some over-spray inside the tank. Which is more worrying.  Will the petrol dissolve the paint and block the carbs?

Any advice gratefully received on either point a or b.  And yes, I know I'm a careless tit!

(Pictures of the tank to follow...when I find the cable that joins the camera to the computer.  I've probably dropped that in the tank too)
Post by: Mustang on February 06, 2010, 12:24:21 AM
as long as you have a filter in the line the paint overspray isn't probably going to be an issue just fill the tank and run it out as soon as you can rather than let it sit around  for awhile .
the bolt , well it is not going to hurt anything but I bet it will become dislodged from where ever it is hung up over time and maybe you can fish it out with a magnet on a stick
Post by: Bixxer Bob on February 06, 2010, 12:51:11 AM
My wife bought me an endoscope for Xmas, it's USB so plugs into any laptop, has an LED lamp on the tip and is on a flexi hose about 2ft long.  It cost her about £35 I think.  You can attach a magnet to it too.

Should be just the job for your little problem..... :lol:

Just found it here:

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-USB-ENDOSCOPE ... 15fffd9e5a (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-USB-ENDOSCOPE-INSPECTION-FLEXIBLE-SNAKE-CAMERA-LED_W0QQitemZ350270439196QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=&rvr_id=&cguid=a08a84a11260a0aad455ea15fffd9e5a)
Post by: Sin_Tiger on February 07, 2010, 05:33:38 PM
Maplin in Glasgow had them too, can't remember if they were cheaper than that. I just thought to my self, can I justify that, think you just answered that question Nick  :wink:  :lol:
Post by: Bixxer Bob on February 07, 2010, 06:35:19 PM
Quote from: "Sin_Tiger"... I just thought to my self, can I justify that, ....:wink:  :lol:

You can NEVER have enough toys....
Post by: Nick Calne on February 07, 2010, 09:42:34 PM
Cheers for the assistance chaps.

btw...more toys equals more happiness.
Post by: coachgeo on February 07, 2010, 09:50:08 PM
auto parts stores with good tool supply,  or online should have a magnetic pick up with goose neck like end but I agree with Mustang.  Let it shake itself loose and then a cloths hanger or the likes with a magnet on the end will server you just fine.
Post by: Nick Calne on February 10, 2010, 12:18:32 AM
Work to date.  Just the lacquer to go on now.  Not perfect by any means but OKish and lots of fun and not bad for a first try.  This is just a practice for doing the 'main tank'.


I bought this spare tank for £8 on ebay.  It was a crash scratched caspian blue number from a '96.

Rubbed the bugger down using an electric sander.  A word to the wise, don't go too hard with too rough a paper, you make ridges in the plastic that are impossible / very difficult to sand out.  I was far to enthuiastic, kack handed etc  

Then check the nuts aren't spinning.  The last thing you need when you are painting is spinning nuts...:shock:

sand with fine paper by hand
sand etc
Then mask up and sprayed on the white stripe

As I have gone thru this exercise I would say that there three important lessons to be learned:

Preparation is everything.  The smoother the tank before you start the better the job will finish.  There are areas where the finish is tip top and other where I should have tried harder.

Patience is vital.  Every time I got carried away paint ran, overspray went in the tank, I painted my shoes by accident....etc etc so carefully spray wait, sand, spray, wait, sand and be prepared to take days.  There is no rush....

Paint compatibility.  I also did a mudguard in a similar scheme and the lacquer didn't like the dissimilar paints I used.  I fusked it cup. Check or test first. I used aerosol car paint from Halfords and assumed that their aerosol car enamel range would be compatible.  Not entirely.  :oops:
Post by: rf9rider on February 10, 2010, 02:54:43 AM
Looking good so far.

Remember to use petrol resistant laquer on the tank, or you`ll ruin it the first time you fill up and drip petrol on it.

I sprayed my Thunderace with Halfords rattle can paint, came out pretty good.
Post by: rybes on February 10, 2010, 12:10:00 PM
smart toy there bixxer. its on me birthday list already.
as for ya bolt nick, id leave it. i got a tracker thing in my tank from a datatag kit. been in there all the time ive owned me bike n never caused a prob  :wink:
Post by: Nick Calne on February 27, 2010, 09:42:01 PM
and it's on....


New battery on the way from the interweb, Spring's around the corner...
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