All righty. I finally got round to sticking in the Daytona 600 coils.
It idles great, accelerates great, etc etc. The problem is starting. With the Gill coils
it would start after 1 or 2 revolutions. Now I have to craaaank on it to start.
We're talkin 4 to 5 seconds of turning over before it starts hot or cold.
Also, the first time I went to start it after the coil swap I pushed the starter button and
nothing happened for a good 2 seconds then it started turning over.
Any idea as to what gives?
I don't think (I know what I get for thinkin) it is a problem with the installation.
I took pics because I had planned to do a how to. Here are shots of the anal rententive links I go to.
The terminals are all soldered and have heat shrink tubing so nothing can short out.
I left the excessive leads and hooked to the stock spade connectors until I can be certain
these coils will work then I'll solder and heat shrink those connections.
Thanks for any help,
I don't think the coils would cause this but to confirm I would :
swap back to the gill coils and see if the new problem with starting goes away...............if it does then there is your answer
if the new prob stays with the old coils it's time to look elsewhere,...... like carbs could be needing a cleaning or the air filter might need service , does it have the blanking cap on the right air snorkel ?
the 2 second delay on the starter 1 time you mention is probably dirty contacts on the starter button .
swap back to the gill coils and see if the new problem with starting goes away...............if it does then there is your answer
Grumble grumble. I figured as much I just didn't want to do it. :D
I may have time this evening. I'll try it and report back.
if the new prob stays with the old coils it's time to look elsewhere,...... like carbs could be needing a cleaning or the air filter might need service , does it have the blanking cap on the right air snorkel ?
Replaced air filter and cleaned carbs ~2months ago. Cap is in place on right side.
I just rode it this past weekend and it was fine except for the miss that would start after 50+ miles. I rode it after the coil swap yesterday and the miss never surfaced but now it's hard to start.
the 2 second delay on the starter 1 time you mention is probably dirty contacts on the starter button .
I'll clean them after I get the first problem sorted. Wouldn't want to confuse myself.
Thanks Mustang,
If the slow starting goes away with the gill coils back on it's time to bite the bullet and just buy some nologys , they are awesome and are truly plug and play made for direct replacement of the Gill coils
Mustang: Even with the low kms on my bike, I am interested in upgrading the ignition system with nology coils. I checked the nology site, and they dont seem to have a distributor in Norway, so buying on the net is the option. Where would you advice me to buy?
Quote from: "ArcticTiger"Mustang: Even with the low kms on my bike, I am interested in upgrading the ignition system with nology coils. I checked the nology site, and they dont seem to have a distributor in Norway, so buying on the net is the option. Where would you advice me to buy?
You can get them here but don't know if they ship worldwide
you need the single outlet ones
Here they sell PVL ones (Nology's are rebranded PVL coils). (
€ 60,00 a piece excluding shipping.....they ship worldwide though.
the guy who informed me is called Rudi Meister and the coils you need are ZSP 356 100.
I haven't yet bought coils here because I'm rebuilding and I probably (hopefully) do not need a coil replacement. But in case I do I've done my online homework already :lol:
Ordered my new nologys today from newlevel, they do ship international! Thank you for your information guys :D