
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: Nick Calne on May 16, 2010, 11:49:17 AM

Title: Idiot lights
Post by: Nick Calne on May 16, 2010, 11:49:17 AM
Bit of an odd question but .... do you find the idiot lights too dim and not noticeable enough?

I'm finding I'm forgetting to cancel my indicators occasionally and not seeing the green light on the dash at all.  The lights are very low in your field of view owing the bike's design which doesn't help either.  As a result I was very nearly collected by some old girl who thought I was about to turn left yesterday.  In law it would still be mostly her fault if we'd collided, but I don't like pain or doing front wheel emergency stop skids!

I suspect the battery isn't the strongest - Do you think replacing it with a gel type one would help?  Or is there some other modification I can make?  :idea:
Post by: Mustang on May 16, 2010, 12:48:10 PM
the idiot lights are just hard to see in the daylight ..........

some people years ago used to effect a repair for them by gluing little plastic jewels , you know the ones for kids that are shaped like a prism  to simulate fancy jewelery and come in different colors

they  were very happy at the results and it made it so you could see the blinker lights

the wife just learned to live with it on hers
me ....I wired in a beeper to the blinker circuit sounds like a fork lift or construction vehicle back up alarm .......I don't leave my blinker on anymore
Post by: NeilD on May 16, 2010, 05:31:22 PM
no they are noticably dimmer than the ones on my TBS... at some point I'm going to try some coloured LEDs in there...
Post by: Mustang on May 16, 2010, 05:56:40 PM
Quote from: "NeilD"no they are noticably dimmer than the ones on my TBS... at some point I'm going to try some coloured LEDs in there...

that's because they are trying to shine thru a piece of dark smoke plastic  :shock:
Post by: JetdocX on May 16, 2010, 06:20:36 PM
You can get plug-in high intensity LEDs for them, and I keep threatening to, but not yet.  I'm paranoid about the blinker so I cancel it every few minutes while riding. :lol:
Post by: NeilD on May 16, 2010, 07:12:20 PM
Quote from: "JetdocX"I'm paranoid about the blinker so I cancel it every few minutes while riding. :lol:

 :D same here!!
Post by: Nick Calne on May 16, 2010, 09:17:00 PM
Since yesterday...me too!
Post by: oxnsox on May 17, 2010, 03:21:58 AM
Over cancelling works for me too...

@Nick,  Changing battery won't do anything.... as it's about the brightness of the bulb at the available voltage.(And the voltage is determined pretty much by the charging system... lets not go there.) LED's would be brighter though, but then they would farckle you off at night. :lol:
Post by: ramseybella on May 17, 2010, 03:26:36 AM
Quote from: "JetdocX"You can get plug-in high intensity LEDs for them, and I keep threatening to, but not yet.  I'm paranoid about the blinker so I cancel it every few minutes while riding. :lol:
Always pushing that little yellow button :) , my EMG switch gets stuck and it is almost as bad as installing the air filter a Bi**h to get the button out once you push it in..
Post by: Mustang on May 18, 2010, 01:18:59 PM

very good info
I am reposting this as a sticky in the steamer forum
Post by: Nick Calne on May 18, 2010, 02:18:01 PM
...you may have just saved a life or two! Nice work.

Funny how the fuel light doesn't work with LED's but is miles brighter than the other lights anyway...Why is that I wonder?
Post by: Jomama on May 18, 2010, 07:07:33 PM
Quote from: "MtheTiger"I also replaced my rear/brake light and indicators with LEDS from superbright leds. LEDs draw only a fraction of the power needed for bulbs (1/10th or so). Because my headlights are the only bulbs left on the bike they get an voltage increase of a few % because of the LED conversion. This will let them shine MUCH more bright because the relation between voltage and light (lumen) output is not lineair.

Always use the same color LEDs as the lens cover color.

Do you know which bulbs you used for the Tail/Brake?  

I tried some from Superbright last year, but I think I got the wrong configuration (how the LED's were laid out on the connector)..  They were not as bright, and there was only a very slight increase in brightness between the tail/brake light intensity...   It really was not bright enough for braking imo..
Post by: oxnsox on May 19, 2010, 12:39:11 AM
QuoteFunny how the fuel light doesn't work with LED's but is miles brighter than the other lights anyway...Why is that I wonder?
I suspect the resistance of the bulb filament forms part of the circuit. An LED is effectively a diode so it will limit power available in the circuit, and the 30mA or so it uses (limits too) just isn't enough for the sender circuit to register/work correctly.
Post by: MtheTiger on May 19, 2010, 12:54:03 AM
the fuel light doesn't work with LEDs because the switch in the tank is kind of a resistor which when it gets warm (fuel level drops) lets more current through => the warning light starts to light up ever more bright.
If replaced by a LED the light does light up but way too soon because the current needed to light up a LED is very small.

I replaced my rear/brake light with an universal aftermarket one which looks the biz and was relatively cheap......something like this:
http://www.louis.de/_40727efb998e5b22a6 ... r=10033589 (http://www.louis.de/_40727efb998e5b22a65c52f9ebf497061c/index.php?topic=artnr_gr&article_context=detail&grwgr=490&wgr=412&list_total=38&anzeige=0&page=0&artnr_gr=10033589)

Post by: Milton on May 19, 2010, 06:00:14 PM
I just took the dash panel apart and pushed the green colored plastic covers out. Looks kind of crude when they are flashing but at least I can see them. I like the beeper idea Mustang, can you hear it through ear plugs?
Post by: JetdocX on May 19, 2010, 06:37:47 PM
The beeper idea...perfect!  Make it sound like a garbage truck backing up! :lol:
Post by: Mustang on May 19, 2010, 07:40:37 PM
oh yeah, you should see people looking around for the fool in a dump truck backing up at traffic lights before they realize it's the 'little motorbike 'making all the noise
Post by: MtheTiger on May 19, 2010, 11:28:41 PM
Quick pic of the setup......though now dark overhere......
I'll post another one when it's sunny outside.
Post by: Sin_Tiger on May 20, 2010, 05:42:39 AM
The Audicator (http://www.audicator.com/audicator.htm) might be an option for you if you feel it's a problem.

I bought a Kisantech Signal Minder (https://www.kisantech.com/index.php?cat_id=4) because I was perplexed over the lack of a hazard warning facility on the Roadie, haven't gotten around to fitting it yet so no feedback.

I am like JD, a paranoid turn signal canceller  :roll:
Post by: MtheTiger on May 23, 2010, 01:06:26 PM
....and in the sun it looks like this.....

And another pic of my taillight. When I brake it lights up two times brighter 8)
Post by: Nick Calne on May 23, 2010, 03:46:14 PM
Whoa they are bright lights!  As an Englishman I'm not sure the Scotland flag adds to the bike though.  :wink:
Post by: Sin_Tiger on May 23, 2010, 06:53:31 PM
Quote from: "nickcalne"Whoa they are bright lights!  As an Englishman I'm not sure the Scotland flag adds to the bike though.  :wink:

You looking for a punch up pal  :wink:

The instrument backlights are very nice and effective, add to list  :roll:
Post by: Nick Calne on May 23, 2010, 09:15:12 PM
Sin - I was kinda wondering whether it would be you or Kuz Kenny first with an over-the-border retort !  :wink:
Post by: oxnsox on May 24, 2010, 01:11:39 AM
Kenny's busy pitching the tent....
Post by: KuzzinKenny on May 24, 2010, 02:06:48 AM
Quote from: "oxnsox"Kenny's busy pitching the tent....

 :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

thats some fookin krystal ball ya got !! im tryin to get away for a couple o days from monday !!  :)


ps have another looky at it and let me know next weekends lottery numbers  :lol:
Post by: MtheTiger on May 24, 2010, 03:10:05 AM
QuoteWhoa they are bright lights! As an Englishman I'm not sure the Scotland flag adds to the bike though.

It has already two union jacks so I thought it was about time for some counterbalance..... :wink:
Post by: Sin_Tiger on May 24, 2010, 04:10:57 AM
:thumbsup  I'm snappier than your average Jockanese, probably 'cause I don't get as many opportunities.

Kettle on yet Kenny  :lol:
Post by: Rapier on September 19, 2011, 05:45:25 PM
Reviving an oldie here...
Sin_Tiger, did you ever fit the Kisantech Signal Minder to a Steamer?
Post by: Noddyhd on September 20, 2011, 12:19:54 PM
Hi all.  :D  
Does anyone know a supplier in the UK for the bright idiot light led's, the link from MtheTigers thread is no longer there. I'm fed up with the blind leading the blind  :lol:
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