Cleaned carbs, everytihng seems fine, Pilot clear, etc etc, new airbox, wrestled for what seems like a year to get the airbox on and it started lovely..
As soon as you try to give it any more than abotu 1/3 throttle it dies...
I feel like settign it on fire.. HELPPP
have ya got the blanking cap on the right hand side snorkel ?
If not ya need to !
Quote from: "ROCKOZ"Cleaned carbs, everytihng seems fine, Pilot clear, etc etc, new airbox, wrestled for what seems like a year to get the airbox on and it started lovely..
As soon as you try to give it any more than abotu 1/3 throttle it dies...
I feel like settign it on fire.. HELPPP
Next time coat the 6 rubber boots with wheel bearing grease. The carbs and airbox will pop right on and off. Better seal when the clamps are tightened as well.
Hi Rockoz, tell please did you ever get your carbs sorted as I have exactly the same proplem!!!
Hi everyone and thanks. Don't know if anyone can help with this one please....I've just got Tiger 1997 been stood for a few years it was just about running when I got it. Only done less than 5K, anyway fitted new plugs cleaned out tank removed carbs cleaned and refitted trouble is it will not rev at all even with choke out exhaust manifolds will glow if I run for it to long which I know can only a very lean mixture or retarded timing. If I spray petrol or brake cleaner or easy start behind the carbs and open the throttle it revs fine!!! Checked and cleaned small filter as fuel enters the carbs floats are fine and correct hight, emulsion tube and needle spotless...Help!!!
hi, I have not yet found the problem. I am sure my problem lies with the slide/pistons/diaphram not going up.. to give full throttle.. What air way's are there to check etc? to create the vacuum??
How important are the little copper tubes on the sides??
Really stuck..
Did you read Mustangs respose about the snorkel plug???
Quote from: "ROCKOZ"hi, I have not yet found the problem. I am sure my problem lies with the slide/pistons/diaphram not going up.. to give full throttle.. What air way's are there to check etc? to create the vacuum??
How important are the little copper tubes on the sides??
Really stuck..
hi, yes, that was the first thing I have tried. I have just put a load of tape over it. It now revs over 5k but really spits and stumbles past it... It's reallly realllly weird.
you could well have cracked / split intake rubber boots between the engine and carbs which will suck air and cause lean running conditions like you describe ..............and you may need to check some valve clearances to verify that you don't have some intakes at zero clearance , that will cause spit and sputtering also
Hi, I have checked out my intake rubbers and they aren't perfect, not bad, but could be better. Rang my buddy at triumphs and they aren't in stock at hinckly til the 19th june so meh... stupid things.. Anyone know anywhere else to pick some rubbers up ;)
You could try Fowlers, they seem pretty good. (
Looked on their website quickly now.. If it's genuine part's they'd surely still come from the hinkley factory I would assume?
On another note - Has anyone got a 885 or something similar to 'borrow' the coils off of for 10 minutes to see if it is them. I am starting to seriously think it is riding it today.. Did about 40 miles on it. Jerky throughout the rev range now..... :/
Fowlers do keep some stuff in stock, best to ring and ask.
They always had everything i ordered, although for my old Yamaha`s.