Maybe it's me - can anyone find the T1 mark in this picture? It's from a '98 Tiger. After a half-hour I made my own mark with a Sharpie and moved on. Arrows are aligned up top. Also marked the chain/sprocket just in case.
Thats because whatever it is, its not original!!
thats not the oem timing plate ....thats an adjustable aftermarket pc . to advance the timing probably up to 4 or 5 degrees advance from stock .
from comparing a stock disc to your photo..if you have the two cam arrows pointing at each other you are pretty close to having the t1 timing mark on the ignition p/u coil .
as long as you put it back together the way you marked it with a sharpie you will be ok .
Thanks - thought I was losing it.
So, lets say I wanted to put this all back to stock - what must I do now? I really have no reason to advance the timing. I suppose the PO did this in coordination with re-jet and Yoshi exhaust. I'm trying to go back to stock.
buy part item #14 from bike bandit
#5567453-001 for $26.19 + 8-10 bucks for shipping
or trade me that one for a OEM one
how loud are the yoshi exhausts .......I might like to take them off your hands
Yea - I don't know how loud the Yoshi cans might be. The bike was not running when I bought it...well, it would start but suspecting a broken ring I decided to let that test go. Just tuned it over a few times to make sure it wasn't locked up.
Interesting how the history of this bike is revealing itself as I take it apart. Evidently the PO before my PO did quite a bit of work on this Tiger - Yoshi cans, adjustable timing, etc. The only thing I don't know yet is what jetting he used in the carbs. This also explains why he was running it without the cap of the right-side snorkel.
BUT - I'm in there now fixing a ring on a lovely engine. Dang thing looks almost new on the inside. So, for longevity I'm thinking about taking it back to factory setup - sans the minor carb tuning you prescribe in a different post.