
Travel - These bikes were made for riding => Up and Coming => Topic started by: BIKERTRIUMPH on June 23, 2010, 03:14:28 PM

Title: 2010 NorEast
Post by: BIKERTRIUMPH on June 23, 2010, 03:14:28 PM

this is a triumph rally in the southern finger lake of new york..
hope you can make it..click on link for all info..

Ed 8)
Post by: BIKERTRIUMPH on June 30, 2010, 05:05:53 PM
update we have 2 rider's planed on Friday the 17..

1.pat's pub ride

this is a ride with stop at a few pubs and a lunch stop with great riding road between stop... "note this is not lets get drunk ride..one and your done..

2.scenic over view ride ..

with stop at scenic over views and a lunch stop with great riding road between stops ride is about 120 miles long

as far as Saturday we are looking at a few different things..
the Ideal is to have us back at the camp ground by 3PM to 4PM on all group rides

this one were looking at on saturday..

I have gotton some Pm's about going to Niagara falls..
yes you can do this and what is nice about it is you pass from stony brook will get you in the Niagara falls state park on the America side for free so you don't have to pay for parking and lots of good stuff to see and do on the America side ..and if you want to go over to Canada you can just walk across bridge "that is only about 100 yards from where we park our bikes" and remember if do this you will need a "passport" or "enhanced driver's license" and yes you can ride over also just remember parking on the Canada side will cost$$$ and there is really only one spot to park and will have to pay..

if any one has any question about this please just ask

Thanks Ed & Vicki
Post by: BIKERTRIUMPH on July 23, 2010, 09:45:02 PM


Ed & Vicki 8)
Post by: BIKERTRIUMPH on August 06, 2010, 05:11:44 PM
ok fokes here is the hotel info for this years rally ...
http://travel.yahoo.com/p-hotel-5185045 ... Px.uIJ8b8F (http://travel.yahoo.com/p-hotel-5185045-dansville_inn-i;_ylt=ApGNHOXI2iRMEIz7NPPx.uIJ8b8F)

they just reopened it has been closed the last rallys...

the place is called the Dansville Inn...this is a simple hotel with just the basic room ...I went and looked at 2 rooms to day there were neat and clean...with a micro & fridge in each room ...

now the onto the price man this place is cheap ..

for a single bed room $44.39 a night and the price is with the tax's

for a 2 bed room $61.04 a night tax included at that price

and you can park you bike right in front of room...

and rember if you are camping it's $2.50 a night a person at the group camping area..

they have 13 rooms and are right on main st and is 3 miles from the camping area ..

if you want a room please call them at 585-335-7081 and say you are with the NorEast rally and book a room..

rally dates..

rember these are nothing special room very basic..

Ed & Vicki 8)
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