
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: BruKen on July 11, 2010, 06:58:24 PM

Title: wiring loom / coils and firing sequence
Post by: BruKen on July 11, 2010, 06:58:24 PM
Hi. After an initial fire up and rough run for a few seconds the tigger made a helluva clunk and died solid. I am presuming that when placing the wiring loom on I might have wired the coils into it incorrectly and subsequent starts ended up with a lot of backfiring but the engine never ran again. My wiring diagram does not distinguish which colour loom wires go to which coil and when putting it together I just put each wire to coil based on position and length so could well be wrong. I tried removing the pickup cover and turning the engine over watching for spark but no spark. Turn the engine over from the starter button and big spark but the plate turns too quickly to see which pickup is being sequenced to fire.
Short of some typex on the pickup plate and a timing gun (which I would need to beg, borrow or steal) is there any other way of validating the firing order so that I can check the right wires go to the right coil? Or does anyone know offhand which colour codes go to which pickups?

Also when sitting on the bike, are the cylinders from left to right, 1 2 3. I thought they were because the manual says the firing sequence is 1 2 3 but the pickup plate shows the firing sequence as 3 2 1

Any help would be much appreciated.

Post by: rf9rider on July 11, 2010, 07:11:54 PM
Firing order is 1 2 3

Number 1 is the left when sat on it.

Can`t help with the wiring colours as mine has been converted to use the TT600 coils, the original wiring is hidden in the loom.
Post by: BruKen on July 11, 2010, 11:15:58 PM
Thanks. Got the firing sequence right and she fired up first touch of the button.... :D

Oops throttle cable too tight at the carb end I think ( no more slacking ability at throttle twist) as the motor is idling at 3k and slow to return to her 'idle' speed. (Not a sticky cable) Will have to pull the carbs to adjust... Bummer) I also got too carried away with the manual idle adjustment and went and completely unwound it.

Motor runs smoothly tho....whata sound! Instant love :D
Post by: Sin_Tiger on July 12, 2010, 08:05:35 AM
:hello2  :hello2  :hello2

It's worth paying for the beer just to hear that happy news :wings   :occasion14  :friday
Post by: BruKen on July 12, 2010, 09:42:30 AM
Thanks Sin :D Just waiting on the wheels now so I can proof ride her and if all is well I will be taking her to the highlands for a 10 day tour in September.

PS last night the Missus came down to the garage and asked me nicely in a do or die tone too kindly stop starting the engine up, the kids want to sleep ROFL
Post by: Geoff D on July 12, 2010, 12:07:14 PM
Great news Bruce.... cuppa in Hawes coming up...
Title: wiring loom
Post by: rybes on August 22, 2010, 01:42:04 PM
hello all. is there anyone out there taht can help me ? im puttin the wirin loom back on me tiger n need to know what side of the steerin stem it needs to go and where it goes behind the lights. any pics n info will be great as im stuck.

thanks a load :D
Post by: rybes on August 22, 2010, 04:09:09 PM
afternoon bruken. ya couldnt tell me what wires go to what coils ? im puttin in my wirin loom this afternoon and cant remeber what went where. cheers mate :D
Post by: BruKen on August 23, 2010, 12:31:50 PM
I put mine down the RHS following the underside of the spine.
As for the lights etc I pulled the main loom to the top and let the outlets loop down. Seemed to work just fine then and wire tied up nicely to the fairing subframe.

A good measuring point is the battery to frame earthing point....being the middle of the loom. Get that in place and extend from either side.
Post by: BruKen on August 23, 2010, 12:35:51 PM
You know, that is something I should have marked down on the electrical diagram in the book of words and didnt. I will be putting in an electrical socket in the cockpit this weekend. I will rectify my error then and let you know.

 :oops:  :oops:
Post by: rybes on August 29, 2010, 10:07:56 PM
have ya been in ya garage today mate ? :D
Post by: rf9rider on August 30, 2010, 12:33:20 AM
Quote from: "rybes"have ya been in ya garage today mate ? :D

Do you still need pics of wiring Mr Rybes?

I have the front fairings off mine while i wait for my speedo cable, can take a few pics if you need them?

Although looking at the wiring on mine, its all just stuffed up behind the lights.  :lol:
Post by: BruKen on August 30, 2010, 09:38:28 AM
1 red and green/blue with yellow stripe
2 red and yellow with green stripe

3 on mine is all loomed up - remaining one which in the book of words is brown with yellow stripe

Hope that helps
Post by: rybes on August 30, 2010, 11:47:00 AM
cheers mr RF would be most apreciated :D and thank you bruken.  :wink:  watch me get ouyt there now and find out my looms coloured differntly :lol:
Post by: rf9rider on August 30, 2010, 01:21:07 PM
Mr Rybes, according to the manual, numbers 1 and 2 are same colour on all years, only number 3 is different on 95 and later.
So follow above.
Post by: MIMbox on August 30, 2010, 08:41:55 PM
I may be muddying the water, but I just found a post-it from my TT600 coil upgrade, and I have the colours as;
Green/Grey Cyl 1  (Left side as sitting on bike)
Yellow/Blue  Cyl 2 ( Centre)
Brown/White Cyl 3 ( Right, as sitting on bike)
1995 UK market
(This must be for the Tiger side, as the TT600 loom has different colours completely)

Post by: BruKen on August 31, 2010, 12:06:32 AM
Bloody hell, close enough MIMs, my wires weren't exactly sparkly clean. Green, yellow, brown, and sod the diddy stripes :)
Post by: rf9rider on August 31, 2010, 04:32:24 PM
Quote from: "rybes"cheers mr RF would be most apreciated :D and thank you bruken.  :wink:  watch me get ouyt there now and find out my looms coloured differntly :lol:

Mr Rybes, Mrs RF has gone away for the week, so has my camera!

On mine, the main loom comes up the left hand side of steering stem, then the wiring goes to where ever, some of it has been cable tied to the headlight frame.
Looks a bit of a rats nest, but its hidden once the fairings are on.
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