
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: Jaythro on July 20, 2010, 02:59:37 AM

Title: Okay Gang I'm gettin 35 mpg?
Post by: Jaythro on July 20, 2010, 02:59:37 AM
Thats low isn't it?

Oops Recalc

33mpg BUT that was a lot of Hoonin around the Motorways and doing flying marshall at a road event
Post by: aeronca on July 20, 2010, 04:21:44 AM
i pull about  38-40 with my 95'. but i like to go fast :twisted:  i ran it out once - bone dry - 265 mile on the tank. i usualy get my light at about 215-220.
Post by: cascadetiger on July 20, 2010, 05:26:49 AM
My 98 gets 40-44.  My light comes on at 165 miles or so.  I know there is a lot of fuel in the tank but its distracting to see that light.  I put 245 miles on a tank once and still hadnt hit reserve yet.
Post by: MtheTiger on July 20, 2010, 12:55:44 PM
Tigger Caspian Blue 1997 with Mikuni's, Daytona cams & BOS racecans.
Main jet 128  (105=standard).
I get 250 kms on a tank and another 60 or so on reserve (I ride fast).

With standard setting you must be able to get 19 kms outofa liter I think.
I make barely 13.


Post by: Jaythro on July 20, 2010, 02:33:27 PM
Light comes on at 120 to 125 and I get 20 litres approx in there

Not having bought a manual yet

S'me Burfday Soon so I am hoping LOL

What is the tank capacity on a 96 Steamer Chaps and chapesses :-D
Post by: Mustang on July 20, 2010, 03:07:21 PM
Quote from: "Jaythro"What is the tank capacity on a 96 Steamer Chaps and chapesses :-D

6.1 US Gallons

mikunis are thirstier than Keihins

a box stock Mikuni carb setup should be seeing 40 US mpg as long as the rpm's are kept under 5500 rpm anything above that and your gas mileage will dip to 35 US mpg or even worse

I've ridden across texas for 700 miles in a strong headwind with Keihin carbs and only saw 27 mpg
Post by: Jaythro on July 20, 2010, 03:56:52 PM
6.1 / 1.2 = 5.08 Imp gallons

5.08 * 4.54 = 23.07 litre

I used 22 litres for 161 miles

and 22 litres is 5.08 Us gall

161 / 5.82  =  27mp g (US)

 :shock:   :shock:   :shock:

Oh And I Found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_Tiger_900 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_Tiger_900)

Post by: Mustang on July 20, 2010, 04:07:45 PM
Quote from: "Jaythro"6.1 / 1.2 = 5.08 Imp gallons

5.08 * 4.54 = 23.07 litre

I used 22 litres for 161 miles

and 22 litres is 5.08 [/size]Us gall

161 / 5.82 [/size] =  27mp g (US)

 :shock:   :shock:   :shock:

Oh And I Found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_Tiger_900 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_Tiger_900)

you made a huge boo boo in your math
it's more to the tune of 31.66 mpg but still is poor have you been riding it hard with rpms up high ?
Post by: Jaythro on July 20, 2010, 05:11:10 PM
Quote from: "Mustang"
Quote from: "Jaythro"6.1 / 1.2 = 5.08 Imp gallons

5.08 * 4.54 = 23.07 litre

I used 22 litres for 161 miles

and 22 litres is 5.08 [/size]Us gall

161 / 5.82 [/size] =  27mp g (US)

 :shock:   :shock:   :shock:

Oh And I Found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_Tiger_900 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_Tiger_900)

you made a huge boo boo in your math
it's more to the tune of 31.66 mpg but still is poor have you been riding it hard with rpms up high ?

I corrected the division line but not the line above it there are 3.78 litre per US gallon 5.82 was right for 22 litres

I was riding it hard over the weekend Doing Flying marshall at an event but it always seems to bring the light on @ 120 to 125 and always seem to be 20 litres ish

Tailpipes are black too Yeugh Looks like I'm gonna have to go in there !

I did blow the airfilter out a bit with an airline and it did help but I am thinkin it needs done again

You can tell a car firm designed the bloody thing can't you? I mean what motorcycle firm would have made the air filter stuff such a Bollox!


i.e. Cosworth
Post by: Mustang on July 20, 2010, 05:27:26 PM
a new air filter should help with mpg
also while you are in there check the o rings on the float assemblies .......if they are old and tattered the beast will consume too much fuel due to leaks
ie gas flow not really shutting off
also check your pilot screw settings they should be at about 1 1 /2 turns out
if they are at 1.5 already try setting at 1 turn out

soot on the tail pipe is not good  too rich

BTW I have a 98 with Keihins that is a solo bike and regularly sees 45-50 mpg  US

I have  another 98 that is jetted exactly the same but hauls a sidecar around and it only sees 24  US mpg

how you use em makes a huge difference on gas mileage

I can ride the 95 of mine with mikunis and get really bad mileage .the wife can ride it and see high 40's for mileage
again depends how you use / ride it ! :wink:
Post by: Nick Calne on July 20, 2010, 08:42:34 PM
Quote from: "Jaythro"Oh And I Found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_Tiger_900 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_Tiger_900)


Yeah, we of this website, wrote it!

45mpg (UK) is possible if you keeps the revs and speed down.  I'm guessing the roads round me are similar to those round you Jay... sort of....a bit.
Title: MPG US
Post by: 97tiger885 on July 22, 2010, 08:54:30 PM
I have a '97 with Mikunis. My speedo is accurate per my GPS.  Over the last two years and 40,000 miles, I have gotten 41 mpg US at 60 mph and 34 mpg US at low speeds in town.  This is with 10% ethanol.  In winter with oxygenated fuel, the mc gets 10% less mpg.  I typically get 36-37 mpg US.  One time I got 23 mpg US  and that was due to a clogged air filter.  My '85 K100RS gets 46/42 under the same conditons.
Post by: NeilD on July 22, 2010, 10:23:54 PM
Quote from: "Jaythro"[but it always seems to bring the light on @ 120 to 125 and always seem to be 20 litres ish

I've only just got the light working on mine and it comes on between 160 and 180, the latter being after a slightly slower bimble... havent had to go on to reserve in either case - i think the tank is 25 litres with 5 of that being reserve..  seems to average around 45 mpg (imperial) whatever I do, although it crept up to nearly 50 after a trip which was mostly bimbling around backroads at 50 mph..  my Kehin equipped TBS does 50 mpg whatever I do on it...
Post by: abruzzi on July 23, 2010, 07:04:41 PM
So if I found a set of Kehins, could they drop into a 95 and net me 10mpg increase, or is there more that needs to be done?

Post by: Mustang on July 23, 2010, 07:31:35 PM
plug and play but the boots to the air box are different IIRC
Title: Tank Capacity per owner's manual
Post by: 97tiger885 on July 23, 2010, 09:51:51 PM
Quote from: "Jaythro"Light comes on at 120 to 125 and I get 20 litres approx in there

What is the tank capacity on a 96 Steamer Chaps and chapesses :-D

The owner's manual for the '97 says 25 liters (6.6 US gallons) with 5 liters (1.32 US gallons) as reserve.
Post by: Jaythro on July 24, 2010, 02:10:23 AM
Okay So Hoonin the ass off it down the slab musta done some good!

Light on tonight at 145 and took 16 litres

Working out at app 41 m,pg (imperial)

Happier with that but will still do a carb pull clean etc etc and do valve clearances while in there!
Post by: Jaythro on July 28, 2010, 04:52:56 PM
OKay Motorway Speeds It's pullin 5000 revs or slightly more and is thirsty

Any thoughts on a larger front or a smaller rear sprocket?

To get the Gearing raised a little???

I don't do off road but reckon 5 mpg extra on fuel would pay for a set of plates and springs soon enough if needed
Title: Got My Tiger back and
Post by: Jaythro on January 23, 2011, 02:47:29 PM
Yeaugh Some Serious cleaning up required!!!

I think I gonna need a chain too

I spotted this Linky (http://www.wemoto.com/info/Sprocket_Gear_Ratios/) with gear ratio type stuff

Any of you guys any thoughts on changing the ratios to make it a more affordable bike (apart from dropping in a diesel motor!! And I'm damned tempted just now!)

Sprocket Front    £ 12.20 Information Part Information 18 Teeth
Sprocket Front Less 1 Tooth  £ 12.20 17 teeth
Sprocket Front Plus 1 Tooth  £ 13.22  19 teeth    

Sprocket Rear - Steel £ 32.27 48 teeth

Sprocket Rear - Steel - Less 2 Teeth £30.58 46 teeth
Post by: Mustang on January 23, 2011, 02:57:12 PM
any higher gearing above a 18 / 48 combo is going to make 1st gear really tall with lots of clutch slippin to get rolling on a hill etc etc
Post by: BruKen on January 23, 2011, 06:58:29 PM
I consistently get 1 liter per 10 miles on A roads and 200 miles before reserve. The silly bugger light comes on at about 150. Mikuni carbs.
Post by: CoolHandLuke on January 25, 2011, 01:06:55 AM
That works out about 45MPG:

Miles / Litres * 4.55 = MPG.

160 Miles / 16 Litres * 4.55 = 45.5MPG

My light comes on around 140-150.  I can go another 60 miles before having to switch to reserve and then I have about 30 miles to get to a petrol station (around 230-240 in total).
Post by: CoolHandLuke on January 25, 2011, 01:15:06 AM
Quote from: "Mustang"any higher gearing above a 18 / 48 combo is going to make 1st gear really tall with lots of clutch slippin to get rolling on a hill etc etc

I am running with 19/47 and a 116 link chain with no issues on hills.  You are right though, any higher than this and you'll have milk floats beating you off the lights.  My bike is assisted with the Bos exhausts and the carbs from a Sprint Executive :)
Post by: D-Fuzz on January 25, 2011, 02:15:23 AM
So what is a good gearing combo to have?  I'd like to do some off-pavement riding but don't want to sacrifice too much on the highway either.
Post by: JetdocX on January 25, 2011, 06:38:16 AM
Have you checked the valve clearances, yet? :?
Post by: Mustang on January 25, 2011, 02:28:27 PM
Quote from: "D-Fuzz"So what is a good gearing combo to have?  I'd like to do some off-pavement riding but don't want to sacrifice too much on the highway either.
the stock 18/48 gearing is well within the capabilities of the tiger's off road prowess  :roll:

a 17 / 48 combo works  really well for low end grunt and gives some hot rod pull to around a ton and it will get there really quick .
the downside is an added 500 rpm to any gear . 5500 rpm at 72 mph gets a bit old after a while on the superslab though
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