Well, for the first time in my 20 years on a bike I´ve been hit by a blind car driver. It happened yesterday as he was coming towards me in the opposite direction and in the last second decided to take a left across my lane. I panic-pulled the brakes and hit him in the front passenger door 1 second later (measured quite precise from the rubber marks and the speed which was about 50km/h). I was thrown off to the left into the (luckily) empty opposing lane.
I spent the night in the hospital, nursing a very painful shoulder and neck and to monitor any damage from the concussion (I was out a few seconds and don´t remember the actual hit or much of what happened the next hour). All checks turned out fine though, so I´m drinking beer(just one mind you) and feeling beaten up but happy it didn´t turn out worse.
According to the police it was an open and shut case with the blame placed on the car driver. This means, hopefully, that I will get a decent amount of money to repair the following damages:
* The front subframe has been pushed back about 5-7 cm, with the instruments pushing against the handlebars as a result. The fairing was compressed but came back out again, resulting in cracks and several bolts loosing grip.
* Handlebars seemed to have been bent, as well as the clutch handle, the shifter and several other minor stuff. Don´t know what damage has been done under the fairing yet.
* Fairing´s taken quite a beating in general, but looks to be in one piece.
* Windshield´s broken
* Don´t know how the forks have done yet, since the pushed back instruments prevents any closer check. From my own visual inspection in the insurance compound, they seem fine.
* Don´t know for sure about the main frame either, looks ok but time will show.
* Non bike stuff damaged: Complete riding gear, helmet, telephone, camera (minor damage), backpack, me
So, all in all it may turn out quite ok, and I´m already looking at how I can repair it myself. I am hoping I can simply pull back the fairing frame and pop things into place. I´m thinking about building my own simple rally windshield to replace the broken one, something like in the last photo below.
Anyone done it?
Anyway, remember that all car drivers are possible idiots. I mean we all are one time or another aren´t we? Bad luck I was there when this guy had his moment. Good luck I´m here now though...
Sorry to hear that, glad to hear you're ok though
Hey man, you're lucky to get away with relative minor injuries! Glad to hear that ! Cagers don't look 'round and anticipate like we do....most are motherf@#$%&*ing monkeys behind the wheel.
Your subframe with the headlights on looks bent. If it ain't broken you can try to pull it back in shape. Instruments probably will be fine. I hope the collision didn't bend your spine frame cause that will be a lot harder to repair.
Anyway, get well soon both you and Tigger!
Grtz from the Netherlands
Hey Dag Glad to Hear another Biker survived a one on one with a cage!
Heal fast Bro!
Nothing good to say about that other than glad you werent hurt more seriously. Real shame about the bike too, hope it mends ok and the insurance dont write it off.
Quote from: "BruKen"... Real shame about the bike too, hope it mends ok and the insurance dont write it off.
Yeah, I´m crossing my fingers. Just heard that the blind idiot denies guilt in the matter. Surprise! Bad thing here is that this means delay and the main target of the year, OTC´s Bukkerittet (http://www.otc-mc.org) in three weeks will most likely have to be cancelled.
Thanks folks
Dag :evil:
Sorry to hear you story, but glad your able to tell it!.
As a biker and car driver I am paranoid about bikes when driving, and I get really cross when I see this sort of thing.
If you need anything, just ask.
WOW, just read this, glad your ok. thoughts are with you. eric
I talked to the police today and they were still convinced of who where to blame, and were quite surprised when I told them the driver denied all guilt. From what I understood they were considering whether to fine him for neglect without any further investigation. Hope they do that.
I also have got the gps track log which shows an average speed of around the speed limit, so that´s comforting. I don´t know if it can be submitted as evidence, but that´s anyway just in case this goes on and on, which it probable won´t.
that is good news
sucks you and tigger had to take a hit
us poor bike riders don't stand a chance they way people around the world drive now a days
Too many distractions and not enough common sense
Quote from: "Mustang"RIDE LIKE THEY ALL DON"T SEE YOU !
Absolutely! That´s what I thought I did and the rule I live by. There is however a limit to our reaction times, and from what I remember and from what I´ve been told in this particular example, it took maybe 1 second from I saw him to the hit.
Maybe I should have seen him earlier, but I know I was watching the oncoming traffic as usual, and with those margins I just didn´t stand a chance, me think.
He might have been on the phone remembering the turn in the very last second, or he may have been looking for the shop and seen it very late. Either way he turned without a signal and without checking or noting the oncoming traffic.
I´m quite sure I´ve been in his situation, doing the same error. But I hope and believe that if, god forbid, I end up hitting someone like he did, I´ll raise my arms and admit it´s all my fault, and learn from it. His reaction is very counter productive and the correct reaction would be to take his license for a period of time. Imho!
Glad to hear you OK.
Come ride with me in Manhattan It is a thrill a minute. A moving Slalom course is how I best descibe it.
Never ride the side lanes here. The cars will cut lanes to turn into streets and you with it!
I got taken down the first time here when a car side swiped me in the rain. Fortunately only got a bent handle bar and some scratches.
Glad to hear you are putting it back on the road!
Damn the driver - he's taken down a legendary tiger and rider!
Let's hope you and the bike recover well.
Annoying that the driver's not man enough to take responsibility for the accident. Maybe when he's walking about (and vulnerable) you should run him over and refute any blame. See how he likes it!
Quote from: "nickcalne"Damn the driver - he's taken down a legendary tiger and rider!
Let's hope you and the bike recover well.
Annoying that the driver's not man enough to take responsibility for the accident. Maybe when he's walking about (and vulnerable) you should run him over and refute any blame. See how he likes it!
Well, thanks.:) I believe the bike will survive this. It´s built like a tank and the speed I had when I hit him must have been only about 30-35 km/h. Nothing much for a Steamer... :twisted:
A fellow biker volunteered to hold the blind one while I borrowed his bat and.....
Nah, leave it to justice...
Another issue is the salvation company. When I came to the compund, Rocinante was lying on its side in the gravel. Seeing it from the outside I was sure she was history. But when I was locked inside I saw they hadn´t bothered using the side stand, they just flung her off the tow truck. :evil:
I lifted her up (with my wife´s help, my left shoulder wasn´t any good), and saw that on the left side the side panel was ground down where it must have been resting on the tow truck. It was probably not strapped down much, if at all, which must have let the bike move against the surface.
I´m quite sure the driver had already written the bike off as non-salvagable(the police took the license plate on the spot, not sure why), and didn´t care about it. When I talked to the office personell and repeated several times that this bike was to be salvaged, they finally agreed to put it in a locked container until the insurance matter was settled. That´s where it is now.
Nobody called me after the accident, not the police, not the driver, not the insurance company. I found the bike by guessing where it was, and saved it from being binned by being a pain in the ass. I just don´t understand or like that.
You need a camera :)
Quote from: "Rocinante"Quote from: "nickcalne"Damn the driver - he's taken down a legendary tiger and rider!
Let's hope you and the bike recover well.
Annoying that the driver's not man enough to take responsibility for the accident. Maybe when he's walking about (and vulnerable) you should run him over and refute any blame. See how he likes it!
Well, thanks.:) I believe the bike will survive this. It´s built like a tank and the speed I had when I hit him must have been only about 30-35 km/h. Nothing much for a Steamer... :twisted:
A fellow biker volunteered to hold the blind one while I borrowed his bat and.....
Nah, leave it to justice...
Another issue is the salvation company. When I came to the compund, Rocinante was lying on its side in the gravel. Seeing it from the outside I was sure she was history. But when I was locked inside I saw they hadn´t bothered using the side stand, they just flung her off the tow truck. :evil:
I lifted her up (with my wife´s help, my left shoulder wasn´t any good), and saw that on the left side the side panel was ground down where it must have been resting on the tow truck. It was probably not strapped down much, if at all, which must have let the bike move against the surface.
I´m quite sure the driver had already written the bike off as non-salvagable(the police took the license plate on the spot, not sure why), and didn´t care about it. When I talked to the office personell and repeated several times that this bike was to be salvaged, they finally agreed to put it in a locked container until the insurance matter was settled. That´s where it is now.
Nobody called me after the accident, not the police, not the driver, not the insurance company. I found the bike by guessing where it was, and saved it from being binned by being a pain in the ass. I just don´t understand or like that.
Man I know what you mean some Towers don't have a clue when it comes to your bike, just another Trashed Insurance write off to them fringing Animals.
Glade U are OK and keep us posted on this Loosers fine so he can pay to get your Cat back up to speed.
Getting rear ended is always on my mind at stop lights and intersections hate driving in town. :shock:
Thank god for agatt!!!! And for your limitied injuries
Cant believe the original op's opponent is claiming non-liability. In my experience it's like re-ending someone. Regardless of speed, if you cut across traffic it's at your own peril, if you misjudge and anyone hits you that is your fault!
Dumb@ss cagers
"I didn't see him" is not an excuse for manslaughter!
Quote from: "WVdyhrd"Thank god for agatt!!!! And for your limitied injuries
Cant believe the original op's opponent is claiming non-liability. In my experience it's like re-ending someone. Regardless of speed, if you cut across traffic it's at your own peril, if you misjudge and anyone hits you that is your fault!
Dumb@ss cagers
"I didn't see him" is not an excuse for manslaughter!
Aha, a little search revealed what agatt was. I cannot say I live by it though.
I had been on a day´s ride and was about 3 minutes from home and dinner with red wine when this happened, and was wearing everything including the spine protector (don´t know the name in english).
I don´t normally do that if I´m in town for a short ride, but I´ll probably wear more from now on.
The main saver in this particular instance was the helmet, naturally. But as a good number two was the shoulder padding. Even though I almost (me think) broke the shoulder or collar bone, there was no particular mark on the skin, which leaves me to think the padding distributed the hit just the way it was intended.
My shoulder is a lot better now, but still hurts, especially in the morning. I still have a week left of my vacation and hope to be back in shape by next weekend when I´ll start working again. I depend on a good shoulder when doing my work as a photographer.
Glad that you're OK Dag. Really good news actually, but I'm sorry that Rocinante was abused.
QuoteThe main saver in this particular instance was the helmet
Perhaps it was actually your speed that saved you. The fact that you're here to tell us your story is that you adjusted your speed to the situation letting you use the brakes.
We have a saying that all cars are Moose, quite unpredictable. Whatever happens to Rocinante, things could have been much worse. I hope you will be back in the saddle again when healed, but your family may have a different opinion.
New Tigers are coming soon, maybe this is a sign that you have to upgrade...
Really sorry to read about that but glad you survived as you did and still can take a rational and balanced view of events.
It's more painful knowing that you take as much care as you do and still get caught out.
Sounds like an excuse to do some major farkling while you heal :D I like the look of the "Dakar" screen, been rooting around in the local accessory shop at a few but not being on the road yet haven't had a chance to try them out, let us know if you find an off the shelf one that does the job.
Thanks again folks for the sympathy. I´ve finally been interrogated by the police and they still seem very convinced of where the blame should be placed. Nice to hear.
Quote from: "Sin_Tiger"Really sorry to read about that but glad you survived as you did and still can take a rational and balanced view of events.
It's more painful knowing that you take as much care as you do and still get caught out.
Sounds like an excuse to do some major farkling while you heal :D I like the look of the "Dakar" screen, been rooting around in the local accessory shop at a few but not being on the road yet haven't had a chance to try them out, let us know if you find an off the shelf one that does the job.
If the insurance company pays up, I´ll farkle Rocinante a bit yes. I´ll make that screen myself from a plexi glass or plastic. Advice is appreciated. But I think it should be quite easy, since the screen will be straight - looking at it sideways, and with two bends which narrows somewhat towards the top. I´ll use two of the fairing bolts on each side pluss two bolts through the screen hooked up to the gps holding frame, which is another add-on. I will try to make a slight horizontal curvature on it, to fit in better in with the curvature on the rest of the original front fairing.
Don´t know if that made a lot if sense, though, but photos will follow when I´m done.
Other farkles: I´m thinking about swapping the slightly damaged instruments with a rally instrument from either Touratech:
or Motobau:
Not that I plan to ride rallies, but I like all the options and info they have.
And a new GPS maybe, but I still haven´t seen the ideal gravel gps, so I´ll stick to my Garmin 60csx for a while I think.
Btw, the ideal gravel gps should be easy to make for Garmin, all they need to do is to get the option of searching up gravel roads on their new routable topographic maps and there you go. The info is there but the option´s not.
But all that depends on whether poor locked away Rocinante is in good enough shape to be salvaged. I´m in a cabin down south on the coast for the rest of this week, and next week when the holiday´s over and Norway comes back to life, I hope to get more answers. But I will do a lot to save Rocinante. She´s been with me for so long.
I saw a unit that was basically a seven inch waterproofed touch screen mounted on a box with solid state memory processor that ran open source software and more or less allowed you to switch between several displays, including GPS and with some of the free mapping stuff around that might fulfill several needs.
Unfortunately it was one of those 100 links later really cool geek sites that I came across just as I was about to leave the office and forgot to save it, my history auto clears :roll: and I have never found it again :(
Norway really shuts down during your summer holidays, I have pretty much given up hope of getting any answers out of Bergen during that period :wink:
Quote from: "Sin_Tiger"I saw a unit that was basically a seven inch waterproofed touch screen mounted on a box with solid state memory processor that ran open source software and more or less allowed you to switch between several displays, including GPS and with some of the free mapping stuff around that might fulfill several needs.
I know Touratech has a touch screen Windows XP based thingy going for around 4500-5000 Euro. Not in my ballpark or my cup of tea though.
The more I read about the Sixo, the sweater it sounds. It´s basically an open source instrument which has been and still is being developed by contributors around Germany. This might mean that there will be several different firmware versions for it, some directed towards racing, some towards touring, etc.
It´s accompanied by a application where you through some minor programming skills will be able to customize it for your own need and wishes.
The downside is that all the forums and most of the documentation is in German.
Sounds like the ultimate farkle to me though, and to be honest, it sounds a bit dangerous. Combined with the GPS there could be too many things to play around with while driving.
But I´m very tempted...
An update on this issue:
Insurance company seems convinced as well of who´s to blame, so that matter goes my way.
Rocinante was inspected yesterday and will be wrecked. This is actually good news, and "wrecked" is only an insurance term, ie the repair costs are higher than the bike´s value. I´ll get the listed value for the bike and the bike itself.
The actual damages are great if you look at paint, but who does... The front needs serious repair though but I still think forks and frame are good. Even if not, I can at least get forks quite cheap on ebay.
As for me, I still have a bad shoulder, but it´s improving. The doctor says there might be a compilation which will delay healing, but time will show.
It seems I have caught another problem too, something to do with crystals in my ears. I always suspected something was loose in my top section, and now it´s confirmed. This causes nausea and dizziness on a level I´ve only heard of before. But I hope and believe that it will go away over time.
I plan to pick up the bike today or tomorrow. It´ll be good to have it back in the garage.
Just another follow up, for those interested.
I rode Rocinante just now. :D :D
After pulling the bent front subframe back, swapping the bent clutch lever with a spare I carried through North- and South America ten years ago and bending back the shifter, I took her for a short spin.
And wow, she runs like allways. Not at low revs though, but the battery´s dead after a night on it´s side, so maybe that´s the reason.
The instruments are at a big leftish angle, but that´s minor. I can see the crack where it gave in, and it looks straight forward to repair.
The front light assembly is bent and cracked. I may buy a used at some stage, but it works for now.
Anything else I should look for since she´s been lying on her left side for about 16 hours?
As for the insurance, she´s more brused and abused than any bike I´ve seen I think, so it´s fine with me that they pay up big. I was actually thinking about a paint job at some stage, so now I might go through with that.
The work that remains to get her up and running good, is to straighten the front subframe back into position, maybe strengthen it a bit at the break point, get a new battery and make a new rally screen.
Who knows, if I heal up myself I might be able to make the OTC meeting next week after all.... :)
Good news indeed. I would go over the front subsection with a fine toothcomb searching for fractures in the metals before investing too much time in repairs though and if so get it repaired by specialists. That is one part of the bike that really can't afford to have any potential defects.
Hope your shoulder mends quickly. That's two blokes here with dodgy shoulders. You are in good company :D
Glad you are OK and good luck with the case and the repairs.
Anyone wan´t to comment on my question about things to look for after the bike spent 16 hours lying down on the left side?
As mentioned it does run poor on low rev, but fires away like before when I open the throttle.
Doesn´t that sound like carbs (of which I know very little), maybe a stuck somethingy?
On another issue, here´s the mock up of the new rally screen. It will be shaped amd made tomorrow at a workshop nearby.
Cant say about the running problems, maybe the slides are stuck somewhat. I was hit once and some weird things broke.
What material are you using for the rally screen? Looks good.
Quote from: "Rocinante"As mentioned it does run poor on low rev, but fires away like before when I open the throttle.
Doesn´t that sound like carbs (of which I know very little), maybe a stuck somethingy?
possible the air filter sucked up some oil ......gas in crankcase ..............stuck float maybe . Just some thoughts that might cause poor low rpm running
Quote from: "Mustang"possible the air filter sucked up some oil ......gas in crankcase ..............stuck float maybe . Just some thoughts that might cause poor low rpm running
Hmm, should I gamble on taking it for a spin and see if it clears up by itself, or should I not? I´m tempted. The gas was turned off so if anything found its way down into the crankcase, it cant be much. Maybe do an oil shift just to be sure.
Bob, the screen will be made from 3mm(0,12") thick polycarbonate. It will have a sharp bend on each side that runs from top to bottom to stiffen it up, and if they do it the right way, it will bend outwards horizontally, while being perfectly straight seen from the side. I am enthusiastic and think it will be an improvement. Behind the screen there will be more room for the gps and earlier mentioned Sixo, both high up and very visible also when standing.
Here´s the only real crack in the front subframe. You´re looking at it from above the instruments. The white/grey circles on black background on a angle to the left of the crack are the idiot lights. Get the picture?
I´ll probably take the whole subframe off the bike and get it welded and straightened. For now it´s bent back into shape and I am thinking of how to reinforce it temporarily (probably a permanent temporary fix, but what the heck).
You will need to remove it and get it welded , the subframe broke on my 95 and the headlights as well as fairing bounce bad on every little bump in the road .........there is no temp fix it needs welding to support the weight of everything that hangs off it .
Quote from: "Mustang"You will need to remove it and get it welded , the subframe broke on my 95 and the headlights as well as fairing bounce bad on every little bump in the road .........there is no temp fix it needs welding to support the weight of everything that hangs off it .
I'll second that - the subframe on my '93 cracked; temp fix didn't last long.
Permanent fix was removal, re-align, strengthen with gussets etc (and a mate who's a craftsman welder): 20,000 km later - all good.
Please post pics when You get the finished product. Looks like a good design.
Would it maybe be possible to get another one from your fabricator?
Hmmm, ok ok I get it. Thinking about it I see clearly what you mean about welding, I just didn´t want to because of the meeting next week. I´ll see what I can get done.
Quote from: "Bob Tosi"Please post pics when You get the finished product. Looks like a good design.
Would it maybe be possible to get another one from your fabricator?
The easiest and cheapest solution would be if I sent you photos with the measurements. Then you take that to any local car glass/shield repair shop and ask if they can do it for you. It´s straight forward with only two bends in the same direction.
But let´s see how this one turns out first.
Here´s the new screen.
I like the simple and straight forward shape, but dislike the clear transparency. It looks like a window. I´ll probably cover it with plastic film on one of the sides.
It´s also about 5 cm too tall for me, even with my height, and creates too much turbulence. I´ll cut it down myself.
The workshop just cut it from the mock-up I madfe. Then I took to a tool shop with a plate bender (or whatever it´s called) and bent it myself. Cost me about 50-60 USD.
OK ok, I didn´t like it either in the end. Judging by the lack of response I guess the front window didn´t quite fall in taste. One night later I see what I need to do, or think so at least, more to come later on that issue.
On another issue, I´m now looking at a bike with the carbs off and wonder where to start searching for the reason for the poor running. I really have no clue about carbs but are reading up on the subject.
As I said before, it lay in the gravel for about 15 hours on it´s left side after the collision, nicely placed there by the salvage company, even though it was standing when they came. They will hear from my insurance company.
- starts fine and runs rough on idle. If I don´t adjust the idle high up it stalls
- from idle and up to half throttle (ca) it runs poor, like it´s missing a cylindre
- above that it runs like hell, ie the way it should
I have checked:
- Air filter for oil and there seem to be some, but comparing the left and right ends of the filter they look the same, slightly dirty but nothing much.
- The carburetors inlet and outlet looks fine, all three.
- All three plugs have nice sparks.
- The centre plug looked slightly different from the rest, se pics below, the bottom one is the right plug, and the left looked the same, while the top one shows a rather black centre plug
- Battery is new and the voltage is spot on.
I am as said, reading up on the subject, but if amnyone has a suggestion of where to go from here, please come forward....
Quote from: "Rocinante"Symptoms:
- starts fine and runs rough on idle. If I don´t adjust the idle high up it stalls
- from idle and up to half throttle (ca) it runs poor, like it´s missing a cylindre
- above that it runs like hell, ie the way it should
98 with Gill coils .correct ?
That is the symptom of a failing coil usually , the gills were manufactured with crappy wire that corrodes until it breaks on the internal wiring and the spark can still make the jump across the broken wire but not under a compression load , IE idle to half throttle .
When it is the coils causing the problem you would swear on a stack of bibles that you had a carb problem , been there done that on 1 of my 98's
you can see if you can find the bad coil by figuring out which cyl. isn't firing at idle .try feeling the headpipes on the exhaust find the cold one that's the one not firing switch coils with another cylinder and see if you move the problem to a diff cylinder .
maybe the crash was enough of a shock to cause the coil to screw up
your symptoms sound like coil failure
If you don't like your windshield, perhaps the old one can be reused. I have modified my MRA windshield by bending the top 5 cm using a heat blower. Now it works fine without buffeting.
For solving the running issues. I would start with the fuel delivery, check for water in fuel, check the tank filter and check inline filter and check the air vent.
Yes, Gills
Tried to swap cylinder 2 and 3 and still it´s the centre that don´t fire at iddle. So it´s not the coils, I guess, unfortunately, since I have a spare...
That points to the centre carb doesn´t it?
PS An alternativ to touching the ever warmer pipes is to throw water on them. On the warm pipes the water evaporates immediately.
Quote from: "harre"If you don't like your windshield, perhaps the old one can be reused. I have modified my MRA windshield by bending the top 5 cm using a heat blower. Now it works fine without buffeting.
For solving the running issues. I would start with the fuel delivery, check for water in fuel, check the tank filter and check inline filter and check the air vent.
The existing one is in a thousand pieces, a MRA like yours. It was nice, but I believe I´ll get that perfect windshield by trial and error.:)
Checked filters and delivery. Do you mean the engine air vent or what?
The problem seems very connected to carb no 2 at the moment.
I´ll call my dealer tomorrow and see if he can take it in within the next few days. I hate carburetors....
Here´s a modified windshield, same thing but cut 5 cm lower, narrowed towards the top and painted matte black. I am thinking of putting some BRG color to it as well, but haven´t decided yet:
I see I´m the only one following up this subject, but why not...
I am a happy man today. The poor running has been resolved and now she runs perfect again...:D
Yesterday I took the bike for a 100km ride and tried out different scenarios. What I discovered was this:
The poor response on the centre cylinder was purely related to throttle position, not rpm´s. Then I remembered that when I opened up the gas reservoir on that carb, I cleaned out a lot of dirt from it. Since the bike spent about 15 hours on the side, some of that dirt found it´s way into the pilot jet. I have no proof, other than it took some blowing of both carb cleaner and high pressure air to open that particular jet.
So she´s back on the road...:D
we're just quietly following along 8)
Quote from: "Mustang"we're just quietly following along 8)
Thanks, nice to hear.:) Come to think of it that´s the way I follow most threads...
I´ve done most that need to be done on the bike tonight. Going in early for a change...
Quote from: "Mustang"we're just quietly following along 8)
And he's not the only one!
Thought it ironic that you ride Rocinante on the epic trip, and got cleaned up near home!
Quote from: "93TigerBill"Quote from: "Mustang"we're just quietly following along 8)
And he's not the only one!
Thought it ironic that you ride Rocinante on the epic trip, and got cleaned up near home!
Yes it is isn´t it. I was about four minutes from home.
I have some more information now. The driver of the car was a 71 year old man who said he didn´t see me, so I had to be speeding... The investigator who told me this also told me to cool down my slightly rising anger toward the driver, because the driver probably tried to explain the crash this way to himself as well, as a sensible reason to why he could do such a mistake. I guess he could be right about that.
Another curiosity is where he decided to cross my lane. If you go back to page one of this thread and look at the rubber marks on the road, check out where they end in relation to the curb to the right. That´s where I hit him. If he was doing a normal turn to the left (right in the picture)he would have done it a lot earlier. The picture shows he must have done it in the very last minute. I´ve pointed that out to the police.
Anyway, the case is about to be closed and the police are only waiting for the medical report before they decide how far they´ll take the charges. Most likely he´ll get a hefty fine. Worst case he´ll get suspended jail. I hope not cause then I need to be in really bad shape... And I´m not.
The salvage company is another story. A couple of days ago I talked to the driver who picked up the bike, an he could not understand why it was a problem to lay down the bike on the same side it was scratched from before, and leave it there over night. They had "done that on thousands of bikes", he said. I couldn´t believe it and gave up trying to explain it to him. In the end we agreed to say goodbye before one of us started screeming, and just leave it to the insurance companies.
Great news that it is up and running (and you are up and running too) after the crash. Hearing that the driver was elderly I understand it a bit more. Sometimes they just don't want to deal with or think about their senses failing them (and with no license that is often the only freedom they have left). Glad you weren't hurt more seriously.
Crystals in the ear? I've heard about that but don't know the cure.
Good luck! AndyB, NH.
Quote from: "armadillo76"Crystals in the ear? I've heard about that but don't know the cure.
Good luck! AndyB, NH.
Actually, that diagnose has been dropped. It seems to come from the neck and will need treatment over time to heal. I just decided not to go to the gravel rally this weekend that I mentioned earlier because the vertigo attacks still happens. It´s improving though, only slower than I hoped.
I bought a very yellow vest today that should increase visibility. Never thought I would do that but my mind has changed....
Here she is, back on the road with a little less paint but in relatively good shape. The new Shoei Hornet helmet matches the matte black color on the new screen.
I still might make two more slight bends in the screen to dampen the flat area a bit. Buffeting is just where I want it with this height, no turbulence to the head.
I will do the necessary paint job myself. It´ll get a slightly different surface, a bit more pearl like, which will fit nicely in with the KTM parts.
If the insurance claim goes through, and nothing indicates it shouldn´t, I better not say what amount of money that comes out of it. A concrete offer has been presented by the insurance company. You guys from less expensive and vehicle tax heavy countries would drool. :lol:
Good to see it back on the road.
I like the helmet. 8)
As a final note to this thread; the car driver was fined the equivalent of 1800 USD and got his licence suspended for four months. The insurance company has payed up partially, and will pay the rest in due time.
My shoulder is a lot better but will need probably about a year and a half to recover fully, according to the insurance company specialist. The good news is that the damaged shoulder will most likely recover 100%.
My neck is still so and so, but a lot better than a month ago.
Rocinante is on the road but in need of a repair job. I still haven´t replaced the cylinder head which ha been sitting on the shelf here for four months. The front sub frame needs welding, and some paint is needed too.
But for the peace in the family, the unfinished house extention comes first...:)
I've only just stumbled on this thread, and am glad you're ok. My first ever accident as a teenager was like yours. Pregnant woman coming the other way turned on me as the old feller did on you. I was luckier than you; the car hit me in the forks and trapped the bike underneath. I was thrown forward and along the road but didn't hit anything. A trucker pulled his 40 tonner right across the road stopping all the traffic, climbed down from his cab and scooped me up like a baby, gently depositing me on the pavement saying "don't worry son, I'm a biker too, I'll see you alright". Boy was I grateful!
Regarding the crystals in the ears, I got medivac'd back from the Gulf in 2002 where I was serving after 9-11 because of a balance problem caused by a bang on the head. It left me with dizzy spells which were blamed on crystals. Apparently the bang on the head loosened some crystals that build up in your inner ear canal with age. The inner ear is like your gyro so you can balance. If the crystals are loose, they interfere with the flow of fluid and your gyro doesn't work and you fall over. A specialist cured mine with manipulation (she moved my head around through a series of violent but pre-planned moves). It took two sessions but it worked.
Some background reading here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_ear (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_ear)
This was good news Dag :thumbsup
Quote from: "Bixxer Bob"Roc,
Regarding the crystals in the ears....
Thanks BB. I went through all the checks and manipulations you mention and they didn´t prove that it was crystals. So it´s still a bit in the dark. Over the last month and a half, I have had the vertigo return once, while normal dizziness comes once in a while. But it´s improving if you measure from month to month.
Roc, glad you're still with us. Even though I "drive like they can't see me", the left turners are really hard to call. It's my biggest fear: that someone will suddenly left-turn in front of me. This is what got stretch after all, too, isn't it?
I don't know how your bike did as well as it did, but I'm impressed.
My 96 Triumph Sprint hit a 200 lbs deer (a 9-point buck actually) a 50 mph. The front forks were bent a few degrees. I'm still riding this bike today though: the frame is still straight!
Quote from: "Colonel Nikolai"Roc, glad you're still with us. Even though I "drive like they can't see me", the left turners are really hard to call. It's my biggest fear: that someone will suddenly left-turn in front of me. This is what got stretch after all, too, isn't it?
I don't know how your bike did as well as it did, but I'm impressed.
My 96 Triumph Sprint hit a 200 lbs deer (a 9-point buck actually) a 50 mph. The front forks were bent a few degrees. I'm still riding this bike today though: the frame is still straight!
I´m not sure what saved Rocinante from bent forks and whatnot, but I know a lot of the impact was absorbed by the fairing frame.
I now ride with a yellow vest and have extra lights (Denali led from Twisted Throttle) on order. I too have gotten anxious about car drivers crossing my path...