
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: ramseybella on August 08, 2010, 10:31:37 PM

Title: Love my Tiger after 8 months.
Post by: ramseybella on August 08, 2010, 10:31:37 PM
I have had my 98 Steamer for eight months now put 7000 miles on it from 32000, have done few things to it (Valve Adjustments, clean filter new tires, shock , chain Sprockets) and am planning on more any suggestions would help, no Oil consumption no leaks.  
Every time I take her for a 300+ mile run I just can't get enough!! This bike is extremely comfortable and easy to handle on the road and people just can't help but ask me what model Triumph is that, that's a cool looking bike.
 I went to this year's bike gathering at Eagles Nest New Mexico seen a few thousand bikes Harley, BMW's, Gold Wings and some Ducati's but mine as I rode through the town just turned heads the only Triumph in the crowed as far as I could see, was it "what is that ugly thing or just WTF is that"!!
Glad it's not a cookie cutter looking bike!
Honestly my last bike was a 1981 Honda 1100 Gold Wing in a strange way this bike has the same feel, just know it is going to get you from point A to point B with no issue.
Glad I have a place to go and get help great bunch of guys and site..
Post by: cascadetiger on August 20, 2010, 03:45:49 AM
I had a similar experience.  I was riding the Beartooth Highway near Red Lodge Montana.  By the way, this is the coolest road for bikes on the planet as far as I am concerned.  I pulled into a parking area where a bunch of bikes were parked.  Mainly BMWs, Harleys and a bunch of Japanese bikes.  Bikers came over and asked me about the Steamer and took pictures.  I was blown away.  Except the Beemer drivers, they kept to themselves and ignored everyone who was not on a BMW.  Snobs....
Post by: ramseybella on August 20, 2010, 04:15:00 AM
Quote from: "cascadetiger"I had a similar experience.  I was riding the Beartooth Highway near Red Lodge Montana.  By the way, this is the coolest road for bikes on the planet as far as I am concerned.  I pulled into a parking area where a bunch of bikes were parked.  Mainly BMWs, Harleys and a bunch of Japanese bikes.  Bikers came over and asked me about the Steamer and took pictures.  I was blown away.  Except the Beemer drivers, they kept to themselves and ignored everyone who was not on a BMW.  Snobs....

BMW riders are slow!! :lol:
Post by: Mustang on August 20, 2010, 01:56:39 PM
Quote from: "cascadetiger"Except the Beemer drivers, they kept to themselves and ignored everyone who was not on a BMW.  Snobs....

not all beemer riders are elitist pricks , some are very cool :shock: , just like all harley riders are not costume wearing pirates  , some actually ride (http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee47/2uoykcuf/emoticons/bike.gif)and ride good .

you just found the crowd of kool-aid drinking (http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee47/2uoykcuf/emoticons/bert.gif)elitist pricks that think their over  priced piles are better than anything else
Post by: BruKen on August 20, 2010, 02:37:42 PM
I am a reformed beemer rider :roll:  and all I have to say on the matter as an IT proffessional, is that beemer riders and Apple Mac users have a lot in common. I have also noticed that accountants and dentists seem to love Harleys. I think that they enjoy the sensation of periodically NOT BEING in control of the situation. Which to extend the pun is Hardly surprising as they handle like derailed trains.

Of course this is an opinion piece, if it offends you stop reading now :D
Post by: cascadetiger on August 20, 2010, 02:42:53 PM
That road is full of 15 and 20 mph turns.  I was passing a lot of Harley's.  Not that it is a bad thing to go slow and enjoy the view up there.  I got behind one guy on a Harley, a big one with the 1950's looking fairing.  He was FAST, I could barely stay with him.  I had no idea that a Harley could lean over that far in turns.
Post by: Basri... on August 20, 2010, 03:00:06 PM
Quote from: "Mustang"not all beemer riders are elitist pricks , some are very cool :shock:
Post by: BruKen on August 20, 2010, 04:12:49 PM
Quote from: "cascadetiger"That road is full of 15 and 20 mph turns.  I was passing a lot of Harley's.  Not that it is a bad thing to go slow and enjoy the view up there.  I got behind one guy on a Harley, a big one with the 1950's looking fairing.  He was FAST, I could barely stay with him.  I had no idea that a Harley could lean over that far in turns.

 :lol: That would have been Eddy in accounts. He said some mean looking MoFo wanted him for lunch and it was all he could do to stay out of pouncing range. He still has post traumatic stress twitches about it.
Post by: MIMbox on August 20, 2010, 04:35:39 PM
Being the owner of 2 Harleys, and the Tigger, and an ex BMW rider,  its always a bit uncomfortable to see one group or another being attacked, even at a fairly innoffensive level, over the particular brand they love. I love my Harleys, I love my Tigger, I just like bikes.
I went to a harley swap meet a while back, on the Tigger, and was following a modern Hog. I am not the greatest rider, but even pushing myself to  the edge of my envelope, that HD was FAST, and cornered pretty well too.
Yes, certain brands will attract a higher percentage of particular types, but hey, all individuals etc etc.
At least they are on two wheels.
When I started riding blah bah years ago, we all waved a greeting at each other, and I noticed that it happens less now.
Mind you, people generally are less open now, so maybe its just the way it is.
The scooter riders round London town scare the begeezus out of me with there riding, but youve got to start somewhere.
I think a bit of good natured ribbing should be mandatory, but if we all rode the same bike, not good I think
( concerned mini-rant over!!!)
Post by: BruKen on August 20, 2010, 04:39:59 PM
Hear! Hear! MIMbox

But nothing wrong with a little sport and rivalry, and I've taken plenty of flack in my time. Poor Eddy tho, never quite got over it

Post by: ramseybella on August 20, 2010, 05:03:15 PM
Now I owned a SUBARU at one time or another great cars but I can't stand them drivers around Santa Fe!!
I won't get political but the world around them does not exist according to the way they drive, cutting you off to get to Whole Foods is always a pleasure for them. (http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk237/ramseypete/Bill.jpg)
Something about what people drive or ride you can almost bet how they are going to act or react; my friend calls Honda Gold Wings Republican bikes and BMW's Trust Funder Bikes!

Me as long as I can ride it its fun and the closest I will get too flying, around here 98% of the time you will get a wave from most riders unless they are sporting Ape Hangers but they are sporting Banditos vest as well, that's another story. :shock:
Post by: rybes on August 20, 2010, 11:39:09 PM
Quote from: "Mustang"not all beemer riders are elitist pricks ,

Post by: ramseybella on August 21, 2010, 11:02:46 AM
Whatever your butt is sitting on as long as you Love it Ride it and Enjoy Life Be courteous to all fellow riders.

Weather is starting to pick up a chill in the AM and the smell of roasting Green chiles is in the air in northern New Mexico, fall is coming!!
(http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk237/ramseypete/Chilie.jpg) (http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk237/ramseypete/Elk.jpg)
Heading south today White Sands, Ruidoso.
Post by: Doug95 on August 24, 2010, 03:32:53 AM
Congrats on your Steamer!  I do have to say that I agree with a couple of the previous posters....not all BMW riders are insufferable pricks.  Just a lot of them.   :lol:  

I have had two BMWs - a K1200S, and now an '09 GSA.  I also still have my '95 Steamer.  Just can't make myself sell it, even though it is rarely ridden.  I putt around our small town on it, and took it on a couple of longer trips a number of years ago.  It STILL only has 14000 original miles...but I digress.

Having ridden many miles with friends who ride a multitude of different bikes, I can honestly say that most REAL motorcyclists are great people.  And I define "real" by those who do it for the love of it, rather than those trying to buy a lifestyle of any kind.  I did a 4000 mile tour out west with a friend who rode his Heritage Softtail....and that guy can flat ride that thing in the mountains.  Is it the best tool for the job?  Depends on how you look at it.  For me, no.  But for him?  Absolutely.
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