
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: Basri... on August 11, 2010, 09:57:18 PM

Title: The book did not work when adjusting the chain, weird...
Post by: Basri... on August 11, 2010, 09:57:18 PM
After i get my new '97 Tiger, 750 km back home of course with helmet on and did not hear anything from the chain at all because of the earplugs and the helmet.

Next morning, riding to work, noices from chain and read the chain alignment part of the manuel 4 times, memorized it for having a first chain dirive bike after several BMWs...

As it mentioned in many topics here, book says, bike on SİDE or CENTER stand (does not say wheel of the ground), slack should be vertically 35-40mm.

Measured my slack, was abot 100-110mm, adjusted like the book says, but this time other weird noices from the chain and bike lost power...

Than i adjusted it wheel of the ground to 35-40mm, it was even worst...

Than i did the last thing i wanted to do, went to a mechanic, he wanted me to sit on the bike and he adjusted the chain while i am sitting on the bike to about 50-60mm slack, than it is perfect...

Than which is wrong ?

Manuel or my chain ?
Post by: Mustang on August 11, 2010, 10:44:55 PM
measure 20 links of chain in several spots , you should have 12.5 inches (317.5 mm)of length for 20 links . you probably have worn spots in your chain that will effect adjustment ie tight ,loose ,tight ,loose

with a new chain the best way I have found is to sit on the bike and get chain adjusted so it has approx 45 mm slack
now get off the bike and see what you have for slack when it is on the side stand . now you have a reference to go by with the bike on side stand .

understand ?
Post by: Basri... on August 11, 2010, 10:53:46 PM
Quote from: "Mustang"understand ?
Yes, thanks...
Post by: Basri... on August 18, 2010, 09:33:52 AM
After reading ALL posts here about the chain, i urgently need new rub block + rub strip .

My rub block worn out to the bottom...

So, there is no way i can adjust the chain which also need to be repleced in the future, chain is not very bad for the moment.

Today is my day off and going to make a teflon rub block if i can, which will work until i get the proper ones.

Here in Turkey there is no way at all to find Triumph parts. That's why, is there anybody could give me a link of a dealer, can deliver to Turkey & i can pay with credit card (in U.K or E.U., not in U.S.A. or Canada) where i can get rub block + rub strip for my '97 Tiger...

Many thanks in advance...
Post by: Basri... on August 18, 2010, 01:57:27 PM
Here is my worn rub block;

This is my interim home made teflon rub block;

I had to shave the top of teflon block about 15mm to fit the chain between block and strip

Than went to a friend makes graphics, my tank is not blank any more;

Than removed the not working Triumph clock, installed a Voltmeter instead (12V when ignition on, 14V when running, i think this is good)

All processes took 3 hrs of my day off, now i can clean my baby and go for a ride.. :D

Still need recomendations for where i can get rub block and rub strip as i mentioned on above post...
Post by: rf9rider on August 18, 2010, 02:29:03 PM
These deliver anywhere.

http://www.worldoftriumph.com/ (http://www.worldoftriumph.com/)
Post by: Basri... on August 18, 2010, 04:19:22 PM
Thank you rf9rider, just ordered them, 41 GBP including shipping (shipping 11 GBP)

I think takes about 7-10 days to receive...
Post by: R0B on August 18, 2010, 11:55:58 PM
I like the voltmeter. Probably a much better addition than a clock. I might have to have a look for a suitable unit and do the same.......

Looks in excellent condition with 70k on the clock!!
Post by: Basri... on August 19, 2010, 06:12:00 AM
Quote from: "R0B"I like the voltmeter. I might have to have a look for a suitable unit and do the same.......

Check the marine equipment stores, the ones they sell are waterproof..
Post by: MtheTiger on August 21, 2010, 01:37:43 AM
QuoteI like the voltmeter.
Post by: Basri... on August 29, 2010, 04:18:31 PM
Friday received the rub block and the strip from http://www.worldoftriumph.com/ (http://www.worldoftriumph.com/) rf9rider, thank you for the link .

Removing the old strip and replacing the new one seemed difficult to me, i think will change it with professional help.

But removed the home made teflon rub block and installed the original OEM one.

What a change...

O.k. it does not last very long but not big money, except emergency, i will never put the teflon one back, always will get an OEM one...
Post by: Mustang on August 29, 2010, 04:32:47 PM
Quote from: "Basri..."Removing the old strip and replacing the new one seemed difficult to me, i think will change it with professional help.

http://tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,5260 (http://tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,5260)
it's not that bad of a job
Post by: Basri... on August 29, 2010, 04:45:58 PM
Quote from: "Mustang"http://tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,5260 (http://tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,5260)
it's not that bad of a job

Thanks, this is encouraging..

Will try next Sunday, will get dark soon here, 7 hrs ahead from N.Y. and 11 hrs ahead of CA.. :D
Post by: Basri... on August 29, 2010, 08:53:41 PM
Could not wait till next Sunday, thanks to TigerTriple and thanks to Mustang finished the job 2 hrs ago. That was 1 hour work but had to remove the new rub block i've just put on today..  :evil:




Yes Mustang,  it is a real tight fit

Pushed it to the house with an iron bar and hammer, glad that did not demage the rubber strip... Yours looked easier.

Quote from: "Mustang"7. Stick the new one in and use something with a blunt end to tap it home , it;s a tight fit,

Post by: theclowncrusty on December 08, 2011, 05:18:10 PM
Hi Mustang, ( i jus tknow you will be the one answering this question!)

What should the distance between the lower chain rub block and the swinging arm be? As i have had to make a bracket to fit my new rub block, i am not sure if i welded it in exactley the right place? I have about 15-20 mm of movement that i can choose where to tighten the bolt up. (Hope this makes sense.)
Post by: Mustang on December 08, 2011, 05:47:26 PM
with the swingarm fully extended ( rear wheel off ground )
the distance between the top of a new rub block and the swingarm chain slider is  the width (thickness) of the chain
Post by: theclowncrusty on December 08, 2011, 07:28:42 PM
Thanks Mustang, that is about where I set it when i first welded my bracket on but it looked too tight and rub block showed a lot of wear for the miles that i put on the bike since fitting the block. So i loosened it up a bit.
 I will have a look at the weekend and adjust to your recomendations. How many miles should i expect to get out a block? So i can keep a spare in stock for when it needs replacing.
Post by: Mustang on December 08, 2011, 07:50:27 PM
Post by: Bob Tosi on December 11, 2011, 03:45:44 AM
QuoteThan removed the not working Triumph clock, installed a Voltmeter instead (12V when ignition on, 14V when running, i think this is good)

Good move, yes you're right 14v is very good.
Post by: theclowncrusty on December 12, 2011, 09:14:16 PM
Just before i set my chain then go to a bike rally this weeknd, can you confirm again what the tension should be on the rub block. The thickness of the chain, or the thickness of the chain plus the chain itself?

Picture "A" or "B" below?


Thanks in advance for the tec help.
Post by: Mustang on December 12, 2011, 09:47:33 PM
with the rear wheel off the ground and the swing arm hanging fully extended ...........picture A the width of the chain only
Post by: theclowncrusty on December 12, 2011, 10:32:24 PM
Thanks Mustang, i will have a look at it tomorrow night.
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