Hi All, recently flogged a set of those nasty Mikuni carbs to a poor unsuspecting punter !!! (just joshing, Bruken).
Anyhow, treated myself to a 2620 Garmin.
Its a bit bulky isn't it?
Wondered if some of you real offroaders have any pics of how you mount yours, preferrably self made mounts, not Touratech.
Ive got the Garmin mount kit, and wondered if it would mount on handlebars, but open to suggestions. Thanks in advance. Phil
I got the better deal :D . Cant help you with the Garmin though, but these guys might. I've used them before and they are good.
http://www.mountguys.com/category_s/91.htm (http://www.mountguys.com/category_s/91.htm)
You can get a ball mount from RAM that replaces one of your handlebar clamp bolts. It's neat and unobtrusive and all you need is a short ram arm and mounting ball for your bracket
I got stuff from this lot........
https://www.buybits.com/Catalogue.aspx?cid=1894 (https://www.buybits.com/Catalogue.aspx?cid=1894)
Thanks for the input guys, I like the idea of mounting using the handlebar screws. Got some anti vibration parts on way from work. so i can test some options. If anyone has a pic of there GPS mounting, especially if its home made, I would be interested to see them. Regards Phil
I went up to the shop and confirmed the 1050i mount fits the 93-98.
https://www.buybits.com/product/sku_7304.aspx (https://www.buybits.com/product/sku_7304.aspx)