Is anyone familar with what it takes to remove/replace the clutch pushrod seal on a '95 Tiger? Mine may or may not be leaking - Thanks!
Yep, you have to take off the front sprocket cover, with all that entails. The seal is cheap enough, but there are a few options for leaking seals in that area. ... opsis.html (
Thx for this link...great write-up
Quote from: "R0B"Yep, you have to take off the front sprocket cover, with all that entails. The seal is cheap enough, but there are a few options for leaking seals in that area. ... opsis.html (
Excellent posting! Wish I'd seen that link a few months ago the first time I had the cover, to order a bunch of seals, etc.! :P
I think it would make a good sticky in the maintenance section.....................