Today felt like running on 2 clynders, pulled the very right spark plug cable, bingo at first shut..
Oil in the hole, below photos before i pulled the spark plug out..
As being a "new to steamers" any advice and comment desperetly needed.
Thank you..
Mine is very right one, where the "Triumph" sign is, i hope it is only because of seal..
yep you need a new valve cover gasket , or else the old one didn't get sealed properly the last time the valve clearances were checked .
You need to pull the valve cover off to verify . and while you have the lid off check your valve clearances .
But yes oil in the plug hole is a failed rubber valve cover gasket
Thank you Mustang,
I will check it tomarrow, another Sunday is ruined.. :evil:
Now i remember, when i was buying the bike, noticed oil on the left side of the bike, the owner said; the day before he replaced the spark plugs, he did not have the tool long enough to unscrew the plugs, so, he removed the valve cover and replaced the spark plugs, put the lid back, did not clean the oil on the engine since than...
This kind of person, of course has never seen a repair manuel, no idea to apply silicone sealant on some spots... İdiot..
O.K., here are couple of questions;
I will have to reuse old cam cover gasket and rubber o-ring seals.
It takes 10 days to receive them from England, plus, i am very tight with money these days because i just purchased a pair of new Continental Trail Attacks.
That's why, should i apply silicone sealant all over the gasket and rubber rings or only at certain spots as mentioned on the manuel ?
What is the best way to clean the oil from the spark plug and plug pipe ?
Now, i start reading this,;,34259 (,34259)
İ said couple of questions but... :oops:
This is the spot i will check the clearence;
Will look like this;
Just trying to be sure, after setting the valves of BMW boxers maybe 1000 times, this looks weird to me.. :(
yep thats where you slide the feeler gauge to check the clearances , just make sure the cam lobes are pointing 180 degrees away from the shim surface .
Just resealed mine the other day after a valve check, like you I thought a new gasket was overkill, wrong!
After getting a new gasket the difference between the two is amazing.
Just be careful with the sealant, don't go overboard, I bought a car from some one who over did the sealant, the cam went after 50 miles, some sealant got loose and blocked the oil feed. OOPPS
I have never seen something like this, what can couse this ?
Middle one also started to wear out...
I am glad to have this "Micro Steamer", i recommend to have one to all steamer owners.. :lol:
Blue Hylomar is the sealant of choice. Fuel and oil resistant. Silicone is not.
The damage to your old gasket happens when Magilla gorilla works on your bike. Careful reassembly is required if you wish the oil to stay inside of the engine.
Quote from: "JetdocX"The damage to your old gasket happens when Magilla gorilla works on your bike.
O.K., who is this "Magnilla Gorilla" ?..
Excuse my ignorance.. :oops: (
it's also american slang for someone who is stronger than they are smart
Checked the valve clearances, all within limits only except one of them.
The egsaust valve red marked below is 0.10mm - 0.15mm., more likely 0.15mm.
Did not do anything and closed the lid, will check them after 10000 km.
Will that single egsaust valve will couse me a problem within next 10000 km... ?
Quote from: "Basri..."Will that single egsaust valve will couse me a problem within next 10000 km... ?
probably not .................I am running one of my 98's with tight clearances on the intakes now for over a year they still have clearance
:) :) thanks...
Quote from: "Basri..."I have never seen something like this, what can couse this ?
Middle one also started to wear out...
I did a "Magnilla Gorilla" job.. :)
Put heat resistance black silicone on the worn out spots of the valve cover and a thin layer silicone all arond the rubber gasket, closed the lid carefully.
800 miles since than, my spark plug hole still dry... :hat10
well done mate :wink: