alright peoples :D
after bout 2 years of me tiger tank jus sat doin nuffin i appear to have got a problem. no matter how much petrol is in it the warning light still stays on. can it be fixed ? bloody hope so cos a newuns right dear, bout 80 quid :O
if its broke might try n rig summink up with a toilet cistern and some kinda switch :?:
I'd be checking electrics first - gauge senders tend to be erratic if they're failng. I'd describe what you need to do but I haven't my manual with me. I'll do it later if no-one else pitched up.
Thinking about it though, on all the time means you're either looking at no volts or a dead short depending on how it works - shouldn't be hard to find which :wink:
Why does one need an idiot light when there is a reserve on the petcock? Mine works just fine so I may be asking a dumb question here. Feel free to put me on the straight and narrow.
Quote from: "BruKen"Why does one need an idiot light when there is a reserve on the petcock? Mine works just fine so I may be asking a dumb question here. Feel free to put me on the straight and narrow.
its for entertainment on those long boring motorway journeys, trying to guess when its goign to come on... :D :D
Rybes - Haynes manual says disconnect wiring at sensor - if light doesnt go out then the blue/orange wire is grounded somewhere...
cheers for ya replys. :D
bruken, the reason i want it to work is cos its there. im a fussy git ;) :lol:
as for the switch, i was wonderin if it was praps some kinda float thingy thats got stuck in the no petrol postion leavin the light on. i was hopin it would be a case of jus unstickin it ? cant take it apart at the mo, to much petrol n no where to put it
have you tried pulling the wires off the bottom? you can do that with the tank in situ, that should prove whether its the switch or the wiring at fault... ?
Nothing wrong with being fussy mate. It's a good state. :D
to my knowlege it's not a float thingy. If it was we might be able to do something useful with it like have a petrol guage. It's a resistor afair, so I am told. I'd just unplug it tbh. It has absolutely no redeeming quality whatsoever imo.
looks like this..
( (
P1000448 ( by GUZZINEIL (, on Flickr
hmmmmmm, cheers neil. wonder if its fixable ? time will tell. gunna go f ride tmora n use up some of the petrol in it ;) then ill take it out n see if its fixable
If your warning light doesn't work, how will you know you have traveled exactly 172 miles since you last filled up from empty?
Quote from: "nickcalne"If your warning light doesn't work, how will you know you have traveled exactly 172 miles since you last filled up from empty?
ummmmm..............reset the trip meter ??????.reserve has over a gallon of gas left , here in new england USA you would be hard pressed to not find a fuel station within 40 miles .........I can't imagine UK is much different.
but I can relate to the "It needs to work cuz it's there syndrome "
Ah sorry Mustang I appear to have accidentally tripped you into the great transatlantic irony divide. Apologies...
Share your view though. Either it works and it's on the bike or it doesn't and it's on the shelf. No room for non-working stuff on a moving motorbike!
Quote from: "nickcalne"If your warning light doesn't work, how will you know you have traveled exactly 172 miles since you last filled up from empty?
i was gunna lakky band a lolly stick to the forks so it hit the spokes and count clicks per mile ;) :lol:
Quotelooks like this..
P1000448 by GUZZINEIL, on Flickr
the resistor thingy is cooled by the gas and slowly heats up when the gas runs out. more heat means more current and thus more light.
And I too agree with the fussy git bit :lol:
while stood lookin at my bike today, ive decided that the fuel warnin light has to get fixed. what ive not said was were i was standin lookin at my bike. can ya guess ? if you said side of the road, youd be right. guess whos petrol tap was on reserve since last ride out :oops:
fixin the warnin light has become a proirity :lol:
been there done that but my light was glowing :ImaPoser :ImaPoser ya can't have reserve if ya don't remember to switch the tap :oops:
gutted, theres loads on ebay but theyall got wires on em :( out of t959s. look the same jus got wires not spade connectors. unless itll fit, then ill go get a new 2 wire plug ? but will it fit ? same part number as a tiger, jus one number out. im guessin so ya know that one has a wire. ... 2c57dbaf1a (
so is it definately the sender? I'm not sure if the later ones fit, I think the threaded bit that goes in the tank is smaller on them... they're also taller, so if it does fit then your low fuel light will come on early anyway!
There is a chap breaking a tigger on eBay at the mo.
It's a 99 moddel I think.
cheers 8) i shall leave this forum n go to the drug den that is ebay.
:( wrong kind. gutted
thanks anyway
Apologies, it was under 885....... I thought the fuel injected version was a 955 in 1999 ... 4cf1fecbf8 (
Have you tried triumphant?
woohoo good ol ebay come up trumps. i got me a sender. finally my head can rest :lol: