Yesterday I refitted my overhauled clutch slave unit. Of the three bolts the bottom one cannot be tightened anymore. Iguess the female thread in the aluminium casing has gone bad. :x :evil: :x :evil: :x :evil: :x :evil:
Any ideas how to fix this myself?
I'm thinking of these options:
1. longer bolt and hope that there still some flesh there
2. cutting thread in a different pitch
3. cutting thread for a larger bolt (don't know if there's any room for this though)
4. perhaps helicoil or liquid metal
5. another better solution?
Helicoil is your best bet, but slightly longer bolt might be your savior.
I would go with Helicoil or one of their competitors. If there are some extra threads at the bottom, it likely won't be too many so I would not trust the strength.
Another possible option is to cement a stud in the hole. I have not seen the slave cyl so maybe a stud just wont work for clearance reasons. But in general its another option for stripped blind holes.
Will do that...thx!
I have found these to be far superior to heli coils , especially in applications where the bolts are removed for dis assembly and reassembly
I get them from mcmaster carr here in the USA , there must be somewhere where you are that sells them (
yeah seen them inserts too on the interweb & in forums. They say that these inserts need more flesh around the existing hole to work because they are bigger/wider than the helicoil family. Don't know if I got the space for this though.....
For an insert for the M6 bolt that is used here the diameter of the hole that has to be drilled is 9,3mm!