
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: MtheTiger on October 17, 2010, 01:44:42 AM

Title: Bottom bolt on clutch slave unit cannot be tightened
Post by: MtheTiger on October 17, 2010, 01:44:42 AM
Yesterday I refitted my overhauled clutch slave unit. Of the three bolts the bottom one cannot be tightened anymore. Iguess the female thread in the aluminium casing has gone bad. :x  :evil:  :x  :evil:  :x  :evil:  :x  :evil:

Any ideas how to fix this myself?
I'm thinking of these options:
1. longer bolt and hope that there still some flesh there
2. cutting thread in a different pitch
3. cutting thread for a larger bolt (don't know if there's any room for this though)
4. perhaps helicoil or liquid metal
5. another better solution?
Post by: JetdocX on October 17, 2010, 08:19:55 AM
Helicoil is your best bet, but  slightly longer bolt might be your savior.
Post by: nightrunner on October 17, 2010, 08:43:41 PM
I would go with Helicoil or one of their competitors.  If there are some extra threads at the bottom, it likely won't be too many so I would not trust the strength.  

Another possible option is to cement a stud in the hole.  I have not seen the slave cyl so maybe a stud just wont work for clearance reasons.  But in general its another option for stripped blind holes.
Post by: MtheTiger on October 19, 2010, 03:25:54 PM
Will do that...thx!
Post by: Mustang on October 19, 2010, 04:25:19 PM
I have found these to be far superior to heli coils , especially in applications where the bolts are removed for dis assembly and reassembly


I get them from mcmaster carr here in the USA , there must be somewhere where you are that sells them

http://www.mcmaster.com/#threaded-inserts/=9cdfli (http://www.mcmaster.com/#threaded-inserts/=9cdfli)
Post by: MtheTiger on October 19, 2010, 05:24:00 PM
yeah seen them inserts too on the interweb & in forums. They say that these inserts need more flesh around the existing hole to work because they are bigger/wider than the helicoil family. Don't know if I got the space for this though.....
Post by: MtheTiger on October 19, 2010, 10:35:49 PM
For an insert for the M6 bolt that is used here the diameter of the hole that has to be drilled is 9,3mm!
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