(http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5207/5243349177_db6db93d12.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22730494@N06/5243349177/)
P1010794 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22730494@N06/5243349177/) by GUZZINEIL (http://www.flickr.com/people/22730494@N06/), on Flickr
oh well, at least the captive nut is out...!
so, what to do now... there are 3 other loose nuts, plus some gravel rash on the other side which I was goign to have repaired and repainted... I'm tempted to look for another tank, even if its the wrong colour...
If you go for another tank you can them have the whole lot resprayed to your specification. My friend up north had his sprayed to match his jacket (would've been cheaper to buy a new jacket methinks but hey ho...) It does look good tho'. Cost just goes up and up dosen't it? :lol:
When you would like some paint for that I can get you some which I had specially made to match my Caspian Blue Tigger. I sprayed my "new" Sprint wheels with it and I have a bit left over. Happy to send a bit over to you for a small fee + shipping cost.
I have a red tank that doesn't leak stuffed under my house........and I'm not too far away. Just remember to remove all those lurvelly tank nuts if you scrap it.....you never know when you'll need them!!. Rob
Why not try and see if JB Weld will hold? Cheap to find out.
[quote="NeilDI'm tempted to look for another tank, even if its the wrong colour...[/quote]
If you do, and want to respray > www.bikecolours.com (http://www.bikecolours.com)
I used them for touch-up paint for my 'Bird which is Honda's Candy Apple Red - a notoriously difficult colour to match. Due to the garage being too cold to try it out I can't comment on the match yet, but seeing as it comes in three parts (base, silver and candy top coat) I think the match is going to be largely down to me (or at least my highly skilled surface finisher mate to be accurate).
I had a similar issue with mine, although the hole wasn't quite as big and after 6000km and some rough road riding its still holding. :party
I had a picture but can't find it now. :icon_scratch
well I ended up getting the tank I got from R0B repainted and will use that.. I'll hang on to mine as a 'spare' as its fixable if needed..
from this
(http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5055/5488856598_292c748f67.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22730494@N06/5488856598/)
P1010849 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22730494@N06/5488856598/) by GUZZINEIL (http://www.flickr.com/people/22730494@N06/), on Flickr
picked this us today from the painters..
(http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5300/5488265935_46802a90f2.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22730494@N06/5488265935/)
P1010890 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22730494@N06/5488265935/) by GUZZINEIL (http://www.flickr.com/people/22730494@N06/), on Flickr
Who did the paint job Neil?
http://flashpaintscarbodyrepair.co.uk/w ... 20are.html (http://flashpaintscarbodyrepair.co.uk/where%20we%20are.html)
was £210, which I thought was good... the tank needed stripping as some of the paint was starting to come off, and one fairing panel had a minor scuff that needed a bit of filler and reshaping... they couldnt get an exact match for the decals, but you wouldnt know if you didnt know :D and these were £30 for the pair vs £120 for the originals!