Hi ,
Did a 250 Km drive last week in some slightly wet weather, came back put bike in the shed and locked it.
yesterday wanted to take it for a spin but got absolutely no response what so ever from ignition, horn and light work full power without dimming panel lights.
Any ideas? is there a ignition fuse ? I did check the fuse box near back light an all seems OK. I dont even get a weak turn over of the starter motor nothing, not even a dimming of the neutral light when I hit the button ? can anyone help?
is the kill switch on ?
try pulling the clutch lever a few times sometimes the clutch switch sticks .same with the sidestand switch
Tried with lights on lights off, wiggled the killswitch several times , clutch gripped and released ? It really feels like it wont go for a reason , exactly the same as when you are in gear and try to start without the clutch?
try jumper wire across the side stand switch and see if it starts .........also is there an alarm system on bike , the immobilizer of the alarm will keep it from starting , but only if it has alarm system .
If I understand you correctly the starter motor never turns no matter what ?
if thats the case , start with the obvious which is the clutch and sidestand safety switches , there is also a relay at work here between those switches and the neutral light circuit .
check for corrosion on the contacts at the kill switch and also the starter button itself
try jumping the starter relay and go with a jumper cable from the batt to the starter motor , if it spins then your problem is in the above scenarios if no spin the starter motor is bad
First of all thanks for your help, forgot to mention it last reply !
I will try your suggestions of shorting out the safety switches.
And no there is no alarm system .
Correct Starter motor does not emit even a sound , neither does the starter switch when i push it , so will try out the safety switches and will get back to you on that, will only be in a couple of hours though as I am not near the bike right now.
a multi meter set on dc volts is going to help alot here looking for the fault ...............and set to ohms to find open and closed circuits .
do you have one ? do you have the wiring diagram that came with the bike ?
Here is a labelled diagram of the ignition system.
As an after thought, you can use connector 48 as a theft deterrent. If you unplug the block connector (with the looped black wire) and take it with you, that bike is never going to start :)
Looked at the kill switch and the start switch they both look OK , short started the starter motor and it runs no problem, just does not fire up the engine (so there is something definitely turned off), but turns the motor , so that proves the battery is not the problem ! I'm having a friend come over today who is more of a bike mechanic than I am and will post back with the results later.
Thank you all for your undivided attention ;0) And TGIF
Hi JungleJo,
Did you short the solenoid or the starter?
If the solenoid, with one wire or two (ie. one to negative and one to positive)?
I am going to do a flow chart for diagnosing electrical starting issues on the Tiger (without a voltmeter) and possible reasons (and hopefully find the fault). For now, here is a quick flow chart for the solenoid:
Using one wire from the battery positive (+) to the solenoid positive (+):
Test one: With the bike in neutral and the clutch out, touch the wire from the battery to the solenoid.
Turned over: The wire from the start button to the solenoid should be investigated.
Didn't turn over 1: Could be sidestand relay or sidestand switch. Move to next test.
Test two: Fix a wire from the battery (-) to the solenoid negative (-) and then press the start button.
Turned over but won't fire: Likely to be sidestand switch or sidestand relay. Move to next test.
Turned over and fired: Likely to be the clutch switch or the wire running from the clutch.
Test three: Run a wire from the negative (-) side of the battery to the connector block (48 in the picture). Don't pull the connector out, but ensure the wire is touching both the battery and the terminals where the black wire is looped and then press the start button.
Turns over: Sidestand relay or sidestand switch. Next test.
Test four: Check the side stand relay. You can do this by taking off the seat and unplugging the relay whilst it is in neutral. If you feel the relay pulse when you disconnect/reconnect it - or better, you can hear it click, then the fault lies with the sidestand switch. You can also use the wire you have to test the relay on the battery - not sure of the conections off the top of my head.
This should help locate the issue. Forgive me for any errors or omissions :)
Quote from: "CoolHandLuke"Could be sidestand relay or sidestand switch.
I experienced a similar problem recently..
Cancelled the side stand switch and problem is over..
When i cancelled it (cut the wires of the switch) i had ignition, bike started on neutral but stopped when i put it at 1st gear, than i connected the brown cable to chassis (grounded it) ewerything back to normal..
I think side stand swich of steamers fails often..
That was the "Magnilla Gorilla" way..
CoolHandLuke's "test 4" looks like a better way..
Thanks very much ,
My bike is now with a mechanical friend who has all the tools and knowhow , however I have sent him all comment and will continue to do so , and as soon as we have the answer I will let you know
Gd Night all