hi to all tiger owners,i'v just got my first tiger but sadly a non runner tigs has been sat in a garage for around 4+years after the engine stoped at a roundabout and is locked solid,i have put some photos of tigs the day it arrived not to bad a condition,it's a 96 with 42.000 on the clock i'v checked the cam chain and its ok so im thinking con rod,tigs is now in the makeshift workshop (the shed at the bottom of the garden)but its dry and far enough away from the house to not hear her indoors calling lol,will start on engine removal tomorrow,
welcome aboard 8)
If you are stripping her down, and the problem is not terminal, do change the cam chain and guides. It is recommended to change these before 50,000 miles so you may as well do it whilst you have it in bits :)
Good luck.
thanks for the welcome Aeronca,and thanks coolhandluke for the heads up on the timing chain replacement milage,well got tigs stripped out and got the front sprocket off useing a 3ft snap on breaker bar and a foot on the rear footrest and pulled up pigin hard the engine was so tight it held fast and the nut came undone,got the engine out and took the sump off :shock: no sign of anything wrong checked the crank for end float and it moved easy checked the con rods for the same and 1 and 2 ok 3 however was solid so took the end cap off and found the bearing shells had spun,after removal the engine now turns free,however the crank is marked on no3 and i have no idea if these cranks can be re ground dose anyone know if this is posible,i will replace the con rod and might even give tigs some new rings,will try and put some photos on as last time found the size was to big,
I'm sorry to bear bad news, and I do hope I'm wrong, but the Girly manual says crank can't be reground, it has to be replaced. I don't know if that's true for Steamers but you may be searching Ebay.... :roll:
thanks bixxer bob thats what renault told me when the wifes scenic did the same thing with its crank a company in southampton re ground it and found new shells but i think you may well be right,i have just sent a message to a guy on e.bay theres a crank for a 99 on there and if im right the 99 used the same engine as the carb model from the head down, can anybody out there shed anymore light on the subject,
different partnumbers on the cranks..
http://www.worldoftriumph.com/section.p ... ts_locator (http://www.worldoftriumph.com/section.php/4276/1/parts_locator)
the 885i was closer to the t509 engine rather than a carb engine with fuel injection added, but should be ok with anything from the T300 range 900's (750's are different).
might be worth a call to Sandy at Triumphant as he 'recons' engines,
http://www.triumph-ant.co.uk/engines.html (http://www.triumph-ant.co.uk/engines.html)
or John Wilcox racing as they rebuilt (or used to) so should know what canor can't be done..
http://www.wilcoxengines.co.uk/triintro.htm (http://www.wilcoxengines.co.uk/triintro.htm)
oh, and welcome to the forum! :D
have you addressed or found the cause of the failure in the first instance?
thanks neilD for the info will ring triumph'ant and wilcox and get some info from them,hi bruken i only had time to get the shells out befour going to work back now till tuesday so will strip the engine down,but there was a lot of water in the oil when i drained it and the water in the cooling system was clean and had plenty of anti freeze in it,also the water level was low so i think it might have leeked past a liner and contaminated the oil,then overheated the bearings,the oil was milky and not just water with the oil but mixed like the head gasket had blown but the last owner said it was running ok until it stoped,altho she said it was making a rattaling noise a few days befour it gave up,and to be fair to the lady her son uesed it for a few days when it gave up,he should have cheked the noise out :oops:
hi all,well got the engine ripped down and the crank out, conrod is ok but the crank looks like its had it :( ,
that dont look good at all. can you have it welded and reground ? ive heard of this bein done on some cranks before but had no experience of it meself. might be cheaper than a new crank ?
I might be talking bollox here because I've not looked it up yet, but my recollection is that modern hardening techniques such as electronic induction and nitriding pretty much preclude any recovery process such as grinding being successful long term. I'll go into a bit more depth once I've had a chance to research it.
As I suspected, I was talking bollox. It seems from the article below that any competent crank specialist can regrind and re-harden as necessary as long as you can get oversize shells, although it might not be cost effective. Maybe better to look out for a replacement crank on ebay -they come up from time to time.
http://www.crankshaftco.com/steel-crank ... ening.html (http://www.crankshaftco.com/steel-crankshaft-hardening.html)
Thanks for the info bob,i have put out feelers for another crank but will call triumphant and others tomorrow see if theres any chance with the advances in technolagy these days someone might have someway of saveing this one :ImaPoser,so while im waiting for that i might as well start cleaning the rest of the bike,and start looking for some givi plx frames to convert to fit the tigs,
hi all,CAN ANYONE HELP ME PLEASE,my tigs is in need of a crankshaft so if anyone out there can help i would be very grateful,i will be out in the shed on sunday checking out the oil pump and getting everything else ready for cleaning and painting,i will have to put the engine in boxes till i can get another crank and then start on the frame ,i would also be interested to know if there are any tiger owners in the south east or west,bye for now,mack :)
give this bloke a ring..
http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Sportsbike-Spa ... 34.c0.m322 (http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Sportsbike-Spares-Tel-07770-788005/Used-Hinckley-Triumph-Spares-/_i.html?_fsub=176320219&_sid=89927309&_trksid=p4634.c0.m322)
he's broken quite a few 'T300' series bikes over the years so may be able to help.. seemed helpful and knowledgable when I spoke to him a few months back..
Sprint Manufacturing might also be worth a try as again they've been involved with the bikes for years..
http://www.triumphparts.gbr.cc/www.triu ... o.php?p=14 (http://www.triumphparts.gbr.cc/www.triumphparts.gbr.cc/info.php?p=14)
thanks nielD,i will give them a ring tomorrow,fingers crossed.
hi all well it looks like tigs will run again, thank you neilD got a crank and set of con rods from the guys at sportsbike spares,they have just split two tiger engines so more parts are available,progress is a bit slow on the tigs but should speed up soon,i have read both rybes and bruken's threads and if my old girl turns out half as good as theirs i will be pleased, stunning build guys,i will also be doing mustangs wheel convertion and yes mustang i will be putting a new chain and sprockets on tigs,one thing i'm not sure on is the clutch it has been sitting in water contaminated oil for at least 4 years it looks ok plenty of material left but im not sure how well the bonding will hold up to the water,i used to work on automatic gearboxes and if they got water in the tranmision fluid they would fall apart so a bit worried as to how well these will hold up, if i can get through this summer with them that would be great :D
clutch plates are cheap check ebay.............
thanks mack. makes it worth while when ya get comments like that :D jus take ya time and think it throo and itll be as good as you want it too be :wink:
as for your clutch, cheapest place i found sellin them was here http://www.triumph-online.co.uk/worksho ... -105-c.asp (http://www.triumph-online.co.uk/workshop-replacement-parts--service-items-105-c.asp) worth gettin a new spring kit too.
good luck wuith your build and any help you need im sure one of us here will knopw the answer. probly mustang :lol:
did ya find a crank ?
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TRIUMPH-885-TIGER ... 35acf4ba24 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TRIUMPH-885-TIGER-1999-CRANKSHAFT-CRANK-SHELLS-/230534986276?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item35acf4ba24)
Quote from: "mack53"hi all well it looks like tigs will run again, thank you neilD got a crank and set of con rods from the guys at sportsbike spares,
:thumbsup I've only used him the once, but seemed a decent bloke..