I learned, probably what some of you already know, that the clutch safety switch otherwise know by Triumph at the starter cut out switch WILL affect starting the bike in neutral. Triumph connects all of its safety switches together, so if one is at fault, it is your responsibiltiy to determine which one is open. Soooo don't make the mistake I did when the bike is in neutral (like most of the BMW's I have owned) the other swithcs and relays can effect starting. Start first with the starter solinoid, if you have power, tested with a static light when touching the starter switch you have a good contact at that point. Now look at the other contact on the starter solinoid (the ground side), touch it to the positive side of the battery, anything, if not start with the sidestand switch, then go to the clutch safety switch, aka the starter safety switch, then the neutral switch. Not sure about the neutral switch, haven't had to go there yet. So keep faith, the British (My grandparents came over to America in 1903, so I can comment with grace) will do things with electricsity that others will not attemp.