I am so happy to be back on a tiger,i rode yesterday,it was only 50 degrees and i had a smile on my face like i was in a tooth paste comercial :D :D :D .love love love this bike cant wait for warmer weather!
Where are you based?
iowa live about 7 miles from baxter cycle
Hi KS and welcome!
Please fill in the bit of your profile that shows ruoghly where you are, no need for great detail unless you want to, just a State in your case.
This is a truely world-wide forum with Tiger owners everywhere using it to swap information. It helps to know where folks are, thanks!! :D
Quote from: "kingdomstyle"iowa live about 7 miles from baxter cycle
who's steamer did ya get ...............what color is it Jason's Green one
or could it be TigerTrax's old Red one . never mind just reread one of your posts and saw it was a 96, Jason's or Trax's bikes were 98's . Is it Caspian Blue ? Randy Baxter used to have a Blue one ................
red one it was originaly from baxter cycle,i also use to have the green 98,this red one has 20,000 miles and has brand new tires and battery,super clean paid 2,650 bucks.....im happy :D