
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: rybes on April 04, 2011, 04:56:12 PM

Title: anyone tried to fix this before ?
Post by: rybes on April 04, 2011, 04:56:12 PM
took me carbs of earlier to fix the float bowl problem. turned out to be a bit of rubber stuck in the float valve. while there i noticed that somthin had come adrift on the choke circuit.(http://i995.photobucket.com/albums/af76/IM_Rybes/DSC01985.jpg) ive turned it a bit so it can be seen. it seems it has broke off previously and been stuck in with some kinda glue. its sheared off completely leavin a small piece of the brass tube inside the carb. i tried to fix it by blocking of the hole at  the bottom where the pipe goes into (http://i995.photobucket.com/albums/af76/IM_Rybes/DSC01987.jpg) you can see the top of where the tube goes in cos theres a small peice of brass still in there. it appears to run but now spits back throo that carb and dosnt run smooth. ive got another pipe i can replace it with but thats in england. anyone got any idea how i can get that bit of brass out ? i was thinkin of either pullin it out some how or drillin it out. anyone know the size of the hole it should be ? i cant measure it acuratly as theres a bit of brass still in the hole stoppin me from gettin my calipers in.

cheers all
Post by: BruKen on April 04, 2011, 09:20:50 PM
Oh bugger, are these your replacement carbs you just put in? I suspect you are going to encounter some difficulty getting the brass stubs out successfully  :cry:  :cry:
Post by: rybes on April 04, 2011, 10:30:24 PM
yeah they are bruken. bit gutted really, nevernoticed it until now. hopefully a bit of heat will loosen it up. it looks like its held in with thread lock. got another carb body i can use if i cant shift it but id rather use these ones. cant even make up a new tube cos its about 4mm pipe and one end has been stretched up.
Post by: NeilD on April 04, 2011, 11:46:24 PM
I may be about to say something stupid, but..  would it be possible as at least a shorterm measure to fit a bit of brass tube in the hole (find something thats a tight fit and assist it with a bit of araldite?), and link it to the main tube with a bit of plastic vaccum hose?
Post by: BruKen on April 05, 2011, 12:37:27 AM
Well heat will release threadlock. Brass pipe can be awkward to work with as it can be brittle to bend and shape. I'd suggest getting some Ali pipe from a radio control aircraft modelshop. Fill the pipe with fine sand and pinch the ends together. Bend to shape and cut off excess removing all sand. for the expanded diameter fitting drill a hole in some metal the same size as outer diameter the Ali pipe needs to be. Push the Ali pipe through the hole until slightly proud and heat the pipe and gently worry a tapered point punch until the pipe end is too large to pass back through. Calculate wall thickness and the using the appropriate sacrificial drill bit work the shank in with a few gentle hammer taps. Don't hammer the drill shank all in, remove after each tap or you won't get it out. Heat and oil is your friend.
Post by: rybes on April 05, 2011, 08:54:57 AM
cheers bruken.  8)  might go see if i can findm e a model shop here for some ally tubin. like ya idea of stretchin the end out  :wink:  however, the gently worry bit has got me concerned  :lol:
Post by: rybes on April 16, 2011, 02:14:39 PM
all fixed and sorted  :D  me old carbs turned up from england yesterday so i was able to swap over the good pipe for the broken one and all is well 8) managed to get the broken bit out by runnin a tap thro it, fittin a bolt and pullin it out :wink:
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