I mounted a high fender. Lots of work to make brackets using only a hammer, small vise, jigsaw, hand drill and a grinder. But I managed. Attempt 1:
Looks good, but fender blocks air flow with resulting temp spikes at low speeds Attempt 2:
Better but not good enough: Attempt 3:
Still no good. Maybe a beak? Attempt 4:
Currently testing attempt 4. Looks...not so great. If this fails and I get bored, I may resort to trying to create an air scoop to redirect air under the fender to the radiator. Or I may just run without the top fender. Don't know if the short fender meets PA regs or not.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: classic!
Shortening the fender to a beak did not work. I really need a wind tunnel.
Maybe its the back of the fender blocking off the airflow. Cant see the back part of the fender in this pics
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :qgreenjumpers :ImaPoser :violent1 W T F !!!!!!!!!!!! dude pm me your address and i'll send you a fender bracket and spacer's that fit a acerbic's technik fender. IM SERIOUS! in fact i'll pm you :lol: :lol: :lol: although that thing you made - the beak :lol: is freakin awsome :lol:
Quote from: "Slowmow"Maybe its the back of the fender blocking off the airflow. Cant see the back part of the fender in this pics
There is no back. I hacked off the back of the fender. No photo available yet.
The beak failure told me where the air flow is.
I thought the air flow was coming from between the fender and the tire:
Turns out the critical air flow is coming from above the fender into the area just below the headlight. So, I moved the fender down and forward to create space between the fender and the plastic cowl:
In this photo you can just see the space between cowl and fender. And the front tip of the fender is lowered to allow air to come over it into the space between the cowl and the fender:
I need to wait for some really hot days to do complete testing, but I think I understand the air flow and with proper placement and brackets I will be able to run the high fender.
This is the current configuration:
Further testing will tell me if I have it right.
If you are going to take it all apart, you might try a different tact. I mounted a similar fender on a fork brace about 3" above the stock position, using the original fender locating holes. The brake line across the top of the old one was protected with 2 layers of heat shrink tubing & mounted inside. A mud flap was cut out of a truck wheel liner to keep the mud off the engine. 2 years like this with no problems yet. This will also fit the 21" wheel that will be mounted next week.
Quote from: "fishnbiker"If you are going to take it all apart, you might try a different tact. I mounted a similar fender on a fork brace about 3" above the stock position, using the original fender locating holes. The brake line across the top of the old one was protected with 2 layers of heat shrink tubing & mounted inside. A mud flap was cut out of a truck wheel liner to keep the mud off the engine. 2 years like this with no problems yet. This will also fit the 21" wheel that will be mounted next week.
Very, very nice. Wish I had seen this before I cut my original fender. If things continue to go wrong with my setup, I will do it your way.
If you do decide to follow my idea, PM me for details